- :’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Anaror Yatton mt``'t*Abt&rn" # Doer Pira Attention: Mr. pL+sQ w lJmt8lll ,i\ haion or tr0 pu8 ~0dlng or d004. haA been poatcr 6tato were not shall bo ma40 by the iirat the rpee4y ml., wlthoubtha t in court, or a mri8imt as and other property rer thr eon, uta on erorymar thematter r0r llke nannu: ar all lands and oshor property upon whioh Oh. tax.8 hare not been midi and the dred of winroyan4oto the pawoh-or for allla~16sau6 othv property t&us #old ahall bo held to mat a good'8ndperiod tit10 Im th0 purahimm thereoi, rubjeot to bo lrapeauhwl only ror aotual fraudi prorid~4, that the rormm 0-F ahallwithin two ywkrr from &et.0or the r5.m tar reaord of the Purehailor”~ Deed hmve the rbt to redoUP the land on the r0ii0nia6 bad*: =(i) withinthe sir8t ye 0r the dmpti0n periodupon the paymentor the amouut or money 9alQ ior tholoaa, inoltilngOne (#LOO) Dollar hx DwI R800rdlngTOO ~6 all taxer, ponsltlo8, iatuoot an8 lost8 p8id plus notoxroodia~ twonty- sir. (8s$) peroolltor the oggrogato tot&la "(8) ~Within'tholast year Of the radamptlon period upon the paymentor the 60w or money paid iOr the land, ineludingOne ($1.00)Dollsr Tax Deed Yooordlng Foe and all taxes, penaltlos, intu08t 0a 008t0 paia pbu8 not ~000alOg rifty (so$) pexyont or the aggregate tot&l.- &tlolo 'Iam,Rorlo.4ClTll statuto8, as apondoa* road0 00 row: vh0 owner 0r the rosl estate sold ror uto payment of tome, or his heir8 or aulgu or legal ropruontatlroo amy, tithln two (a) pars after the date of riling #or roeora of the puohoooro dead, havothorlgbt to rodoomtho land onthofollowlnu baolq =(l) Within the flret you of the ro4oaptIon or mh0y pau the pp0nt 0r the m03tt.e d, lnolualngon. Dolmr ($1.00) tax boa rooomilng r00 0a4 0u tax08, p0nOltlo8, inter- at awl 8osts thsroaftarpaid tltoroon pLu8 ton par oont .(+0$) or the ag8rogto total. '$2) Withinthe lost ye&w of the rehmption period upon the payment 0r the emouut 0r money pal13 ror the land, includingOne Dollar ($1.00)tu (Loo& rooordlngroe and all tuos, pe~altios,intorootmb uste thoroaftu paid thoroonplus twenty pu Out (80$)of the aggregatetotal. Vrorido&, that eubjoetto the ownox% right to re&oom as aforoea i 6, any lioa holderor party iatorosbl may within the Wne abore opoaifl?dro- them raid property under the ow prorislons. lso o .8.Thlo Act is intendedt4 apply to and aorern tha amuut nooossaryto be paid ror rodamptlon froa all mete, carmty,~nlolpol . - and/of dlstrlot _a*_- --I_ Veo .8.Inlddltlor, to rodeoalna diroot from tho purohasor,robqtlon MY alsa be-made k8 groridod in Artlolu t&34 ai t?ioR wlo o dCiiil '.\' 8~tUtO8 Or TOFU Or 108b.* btiti. r+O, ~OViOOd Ciril.8tatUt.8, a8 UOJId@d, rude a0 r0Zlarr: Whenever load i8 0014 under a doeroo8nd f\pdguntor Court tar tuoo lotiodby ar for any aOtI?iOt Ug81dSOd OadU th0 iW8 Or th0 Sati Oi ``UUdthO~thOdtJ tO1O~Wdoo``t tUO8, the o wnero tluoh geoperty,or oapno haviiyan IntoroOt lhll ‘tb o r o ln, hate .tho right to rodoea the sue at _: et mash ml.." titlolom94b,PwioodP&vil statutoo,&8 aaendod, ~0 0 r0oll0tr.t rlhmovor lams! 18 0016 uador a dooroo urd Judmnt of oourt for tOroe loriodby or ior the State, or by ‘or for auy copaty ulthln ,$ho 8kto, the'ewnu or oueh property,u anyone hmiga UL ~intoroot thoroln,&all have-theright to rodoa thmMIm~tulytlwwlthintwo US frOB th. ht. tirlu0h ~10 up o np a y m e0r ntLOUF 10 th0 -t p a id by the porOhaOOr at lU8h 8010; provldodthat Ui8 purohaou at ouoh tor#OlOSurw Oslo, and hl8 asolgu, &all not be ontltlodto the poo8us1on of the property 00ld ror twoa until th e lrgdr~ti~n of two 708rS rroppthe date or'0u0h 0al.o.. 8inOO &tiOlO '1=, ~0riS.dairi 8tatUt.8,vOWfdO8 that ii any land oold to the Stats pador tu ?oroolosurosale is not rodoomodwithin the time prooarlbodby law, the shuiti Ohti.;l 801l th. OiLO at plbllo Orptarjr,it bOOOPb8,liOOO88~ %O dotorslao what periodor time lo allwod t&o londownordthla whloh to ro&oomtholond thus 8oldundor tomolo8~o sale. fr Artlolo7883 governs,thon2ho landownerwould hate tm YO~B Rro!B - ._ th?.dptp 0r iilia6 ror roooya_ ?r.“! p\trclhMU*S --- ._ Bon. Amlrww Pattoa, June 12, 1939, Pago 4. Mlolo VIII Se&Ion W, 'hniMtutlon ai Texas, Ia the only pnmldon Lathe Con8tltutloatouohfnglapon the right 0r a h4d0UtlO~to HaOOlR ma Sold r0r aolln~uant t6XM. huwer, the Leglolaturomey make provlsfonsror mmh rdozzptlon In sltuatlononot oororedby tho Constltu- tl.on.Hinksonv. Lmenxo Inaopna~t schoolDistrict,109 a. ‘a’,1008i a08 *oDallas Countymy IzqnwopabntDiot- dot v. Ihgoq 2% b. w. ox) ,tBB. In the oaso of Elnkacnvr ba Indo~ondant &boo1 Diotdot, aupre, the Sob001dlstrlct8usG Hin ror duinquent taue aa obtained a judgrcont0f roro- UoOWO. said foaepent al80protidedthat the owner 8hmldhe~othorlghtto rwdownaaldlow3 atonytlaotith- in tU0 #@~a fZWSth0 hkt0 0fOu0, W- pY.WaOr Qub& the amunt pad by the pOrahCI8U at the wil.. The land- 4moroomplalnode+ftholattorpart ofraid jpdgment,eon- tona1ngthnthoSlmuldh8Te tbo rightt43rodoaL3tholand Pldu ktioio mt3s, u ~oodso, upon pqtit0ttt 8r thbramttnt8 thorol.nprovided. no quote r- me oourt*s0pinLona0 iollmrr -0 oomot aooodoto this 00ntQLtion. The Old art:010 ‘Pi?83 IntO a plrt Of SOOtiOa 19 of the hot or 3.806,o. 152, p. 259, whioh dealt rithuluof lad ibrtaxesbythstaxoollw&vrr uador sumtuy prooea, and had ao roforenooto go2 maa8 under fntgaente or ioretrlom at tu . Z&xeowr, that act, llko all others pdac to the owiotnient ai ar:;lole 7B4a in 19.OE?, had roforenooto #al08for taxeo duo the atate, maa- tloa, am? bitlea. Hone 0r th03thaa any w0rcm00, &usafara8 the matter 0r red66ptlon18 00noOmmd, to mhti 0r roU 08tate wrier roratolom 0r tu 3.iien8OUin~ to SOhO and OthSrdtstrlatsmt0d under the lare of tAe state. no oonst.ltutloMl provlolon for ouoh rodomptlon,artiolea, section 13, &ppiiOd Onw t0 SU243RI7 8tiO6 IMaO bp tar W~eCtOII3 tiORtho tar muUs ard Rot to 8aiO8 smae unaer fOrOt3iO8UPB 0r tax uons by 00uxt juag- nonts. city or San 4ltonlo v. Berry, 92 'pa. 319, 48 S. b".496; C~ll.iDe et al T. Porgueonet al, 22 Tax. Clr. App. 652, 56 9. 2, 225. There is nothing in th. 1StO ~OndmeIlt8 Or 0ith.T the COMit~tUtion or the otatuto, art10109283,rhlohuould lndleato on intention to lxtond tholr applloation.* I .’ Artl0l.e?n34a md 9%ub, hrlimd Cirilst8tutu, uere enaot4bU h 1927, end Artioio9LB3, aa emaM&., ma8 ulaotedin 19x5. me llmgpage0s.d In seotionEimf Artiolo 92SS la ray broad aad,:to ly the 1-t' mm.00 rory alom to making #at etatutoapply to 8ohooldistriattax 8al.s and to nlu aade aftor mart foxwolo8ur~a, as roll 8a oluauwyshl.8. Zba Legtsiatu~ ha6 not obeyed LLrsmandato Of IlttiOiO m1, 6OOtiOn is, Of the %IStitUtiOn Snd hMJ ma&s ~3 prmisloa for the 8ale of land Sor dallnquunttaxea ulthoutthe neo r 88ity o fluita in oourt. The 03nrrtnOotlon plaesd0a iet20ie 7283 by th0 hrariu COW 0r cidi Ap ~8 in th0 -AI 0a8e,tbw0x-o. ~08 aaid kti0i0 f&3, at i8a8t ror the prumnt, bqwatlve. teollag&peii8dto mllu thecourtof Ciril Ap- *a18inthoEhkmntoLorenzo I&epndontSohoolDiotrloti 8aae,~tla0ur0plsloathatArtlole 9@34b,Ravtr~Cldl Stetutaa would govern the prioa ot rod4baptton in the oaao tit& uhbh ue are &we 8onurml. It follouathat the parfod of ndaaptlon allowedthelandarm haa lrglred ondtheland p~rsntionmaynoube aoldumiartho prorlslona of &t&01@ t888, Rwlred Clril Statutea. Yours vary truly ATTOR?4EYQBfi5RALC@TJ!ZAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-817
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017