Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Hon. Red ``cDanle1,
    Page 2
    emolument, exoept that or justioe or the
    peaoe, oounty oommissloner,notery public,
    and po&naeter, airher 0r the Xatiqnal
    Guards, the National Guard Reserve, and the
    OrrIcers* Reeerve Corps or the United States,
    and enlisted men or the YiatlonalGuard, the
    Eatlonal Guard Reserve and the organized re-
    serves or the United States, unless other-
    wise spec5.nllyprovided herein. Frovldsd,
    that nothing ia this Constitutionsh@l be
    oonstrued to pmhlblt~an offtow, or onlint-
    edxanoithe~I?atlonal Guard,andtheLkfloiYl
    cuard RtJllme, or 6a ofriaer la the effioera~'
    Bssens Co+    afth0 Wtad..States frca hold-
    ingin eo~$motioa.with suoh offloe~anyother
    otiioe 'orposit~aa.xtfhaaar, trust er profit,
    under this..rtaMa$ the United 8tates.m.'~
    “A@fs the rule at aomloala,   th0 maxa
    person oarmot hold two inoompatibXe.oftidu.
    Aooep$anae of aad qmU.?Soatfoa for:- aWie@
    inotmipt$bWwlth.oao'~IraadJ~held~isc-a‘r~s``   .,
    natian *~vqeatiQIL:of -the'~i4m ~WMd,:*egard-
    less of.Wh&ther both ~rwafflees'~$UOo%xmat
    wlth.l.i``tbe~maalngof the'Co~stfitutlon.
    arelaaiiapatibleuhm~thelr dutlee me or My
    be lneoariisteatar~at@lioC, but aoCwhora their
    duties arewhollf uarelatea,.or la'xiomquier
    inoanalstratanCare never in eonfliothaadwhere
    neither oitioer is'aaoountobleor undC the'do&n-
    ion or, or eubordlaate~to,the otJser',.orhw3 any
    right Or power to interior8dthMmwthor      Ln
    the per+mnoe    of any duty . . ."
    On April 27, 19Sl thfs department hsld coinan
    optiion.byHon. Everett B. fohn8on, Assistant Att&ns~
    ckmal, that the 0rri00 cb 60tmty alw.% is kmmpatlble
    with the OrriOe or notary publlo and that a .personhold-
    ing the oitioe or aaunty olerlcoould not at the~eame time
    hold%he orrice 0r notary ptlt&M. +m enoloae herewith a
    t30pyor t;hieopinion.
    The da8e of Qongea 7L).Beall et ul, 41 8. F. fi3)
    551, holds that a deputy oounty alerltie a pUbli0 otrioer.
    Hon.   Ned IWkmlel, Page 3
    Article 1938, Revised Civil Statutes or Texas,
    provides that county clerks may in writing, appoint one
    or more deputies under hie hand end the seal of hia
    court, whfoh ehnll be reoorded in the otflae or suah
    oleik; shall be depoeited In the ortloe or the dlstriot
    clerk, and thst deputles shall take the orrlalal oath,
    shall sot in the name of their principal,and may do and
    perform all euoh orflolalsots a8 may be lawfully done
    and perrormed by such clerk in peawon.
    In anumr to your rfrst tpea~lon, you are reqmot-
    fully a4rise4 that lt la the opinion~of this departmat
    that.th4 offi    of deputy omanty ale* and nom     p&l&a
    are imompktible. TJiereiore; ,ow aould aat wrte a# aeputy
    county olerk an¬ary pubria at the same Wm.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-814

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017