Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERAL OF-I-TEXAS AUSTIN ?al1tt3r %x3. c. ‘ .. V:oodward ChQ2rxnan 2onrd of c\ Insuroltco AU8tAl, Teras C0mi8:sicners ‘.~ Dear Sir: Xon. Kalter C. V:ooCtmrd, EEoy.~18, 1939, rage 2 of the stcckholdornITouldcur,lifyin pny- zl.ont or tk? cqital atock. "In order to coz,$ctc our file on 1 Attorney Conoral opinionzz, will you pleaoe rovim tho opinion of AgAl LE.,1938, snd iI you find thatIt~rsci.toaon izgroper oonstructionof 'thti:Lzui,~.``~leese, 0fri0i5iiy 8dViti;c IX!." 7he 0pinion:or tt&".hopEtrtxent written by VI-. ElcliirdBroola, X,-r 7 il~:22,~.:1930, to your l%ym%mmt upon the mm quostion,ua8..,to the effect that notes se- owed by roul ostatc where thoholders thereof wore :poyora oould not be used:inJwQ?mnt of capitol stock .of m inswanoe aonpmy,' ~' Artiolo 4717~,:f&&x&Civil Statutas of Coxan, 1923, cot& forth the roquirments of~o charter for a life, ho<h and occident insurance compeny end providen in pxragmph (5) thereof thiat~tha.chn;-ter shall sot forth "the iz:ountof .its capital stock, not less than one hun- droa t.l;ousmddollars, cl1 of which cepital steak must be suSscribed'a;lil rully pnid up anU in the hands of the in- coqorntors before soid articles of incorporationaro. PilUd." Article 4752, TiavisGdGivil Statutco of TCXCS ~192.3, provides for the cxation of 8 limited stock cm- pcy in accordancenith the provisions ol Article Z&717, A o snd privileges and provides cu:)rn,with limitad rig?t for a.:?iniuun"actual pnid up czipitalof twenty-five tlsxmancidol15r3." non. Walter C..Y?oadmixdr ticy10, 1933, ToGo 3 htscla 4705, Xevlsed Civil ZX;t;tutoa of Texas 1923, enmerates certoln items of xhich the capital stook of en Incuronce coqmny nay consist and Section 3 thereof roods: "in first aosL~tr~,cs upon mimwberod ma1 eotnto IE this nttrta,the title to which Is valid, end tbo zort~it~o%aluo of which is `` 'double the mount lomsd thereon, exclusive of buildings, uzlesn~suchbuildings ere insur- ed in nom reSp0nsihlo co32pnilyend the poliay or policias.transfe;rred:~othe.aorzpanyteking suah mort@~gc.*,:~,.,j.' ': : It Gas hold bF the Supike Court of Tn&s in the oase'oi ConorfilE?arklrw~ (1: C-nsueltg 'Ensurunco Conpimy et 01 vo.'?-'noaley ot al, 222 S!TQiIl~thztn note of a subccriboc? to ccpital~stockin er.izmurmcc company secixrcb by e uelid fLrsC.r.ic,Yqsc,e on reel estate to v:b.ich tha subscriber has title, ~tccc$e$.by t!:ecorpor&tion in >aynant for the,stook;~4-c _..'*poyxqf ~&AKLlly rcX?oived" tiithinthe mmnlng of``Lrtic&~ 22, &XtiOE a of the Con- stitution and thnrefo:e UaJ.+ ...m: .. ~.~ Chief 47ustS.&k$&.s~ spo?ci~g~in the above case soid: : ',:~ 'i,: :'~ "1%subsc@b&s note~&curcd by tlvalid. first I!?oxt:~alp? real U~;OIl tiststo,occqknd by the corporation In Fnyneiltof o'took,cmnot 1X3held as other IA-m praA70rtyin tha full nenoe or the Ccm3titutio:i. T>.ecorporation thorehy bbtaina somthing X?Gx@t&m tf1ez~ere +~roxise of the oubncrlberto i;oy. it obtoi;ls the right to hove bhe lnnd r@?,ro:jr,riatcdto the peylcont. of t.henote. ?'bisis 0 vdu~hle right, a property rIg?.t,9~ fully so cs cny contract right, end, in gc-norrtl, ~13voluubla ns my such right. The coxporst;ion rocoived it rind' cwns it. 1% ccx5ti.tut.c: e d.istisct ascot in its hondr;;rccognizod, :;cnrmlly, ~,s..q~o of tht,nest ``t,eble, dcsiroblo and e~nlly '&r&rtible fdrrin of property.“ ‘--. .‘I,.. - . ‘2, Ken. r;nltorC. VJoodww.1, j'li:r 10, 1939, rage 4 of the CoevxisslonIn tf:i.t Ou!;eof i'rudantialLiie Insur- anaa Cozrpny of Taxctnvs. f'elcxon,222 P.7967. Fe cioh to rx~rticularly call your attention tc the fact.that In the cane3 of 'Lashervs. .Smyor(Tex. Sup, Ct.) 25i 3-g905 en?.Sxipcion vs. Tlrnt State Fank of &arlllo (Tax.'Sup. Ct.) 211 SiY977;aitcd by ?.Yr. .~,, Brook8 In hia oplnion'or&!ril.'Z?;1938,.thc notoe in " questionwxe unsecured~cin d tix couz$ rightfullyhold .~ ~ them to be %ere promlsos,to spay"and not property with- '~. in the msaninn of the:Coxstitution,Article 12, Section 6, The oase of General Eonding & Cnnusltg Insuranca : coIqmly vs. Ko5clay (Tt?x.~.civ..Ap~i)174 sr:1031, 'also 'I: cited by F!riBrooks,.wassrproaslgoverruled by the Supreme'Court 'in222 3%'901,:above referred to. ,' It la, the&ore;'th;c oninion of this Dc~art- ', mentand you are so edvj.r.cr!~that the pngncnt or capital stock.of an Insurance eorcI,nny w1thzotcr secured by first mort&ages on unincumhcix~real estate in Texas in valid, aonditlonedupon wstri~t cxnn~lianco v:ithall the provi- sio'nocontained in'Artj.cle Vieemressly 45X3, ,ceuj?ra. ovcrrule~theopinion.of tlZs l:o~artncnt, dated .April 22; 19W by,,Xr.*o&s,. to ye- contrary. ~*ustlng,that tki&:aotisfactorilyanswers your inquiry, we'are 'v IA:A!i

Document Info

Docket Number: O-809

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017