Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • %= . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUmN Jaae 2, 1929 Eonorabk t. 1. Trkblo wrt A8slrtant 2tate Bsperlatedent liuutia, Tew Doer sir: T&10& pU 1% qrwrtlon: Mar ohilLdrsawho la oae 8ehool di8- trlot and Qo nom moh dlatrlot befor. Atvgff.fl? AFtlO 1998, pmt~de ror p~:;o``re their . . Statute8, 1922, prori&er 18t bay of Muoh urd t&o tendent, be tramfmrre4 to the amllmU%t Of mv other dirtriot or lmdopendantdirtriot in the 8mse eouut~ won 8 wrltkn qpplloatioaOS the parent or &uarUian or per8on having lmi'al eoatrol of moh ohild, tiled with t&o @O&U&T 8UQOtitMdent; ~rOrid@d that any di8triOt Or indrpoabent dlrrtrlotbeti dl88ati8fie8 with any tramafw made Or the oounty ntperintardoatmsj appeal from maoh lotLon x7 .T Eon. T. Y. Trlablo, Juno 2, 1929, pa@ 2 i to thr COQBty bO~z’d Of trWtO.8 Of raid Wtk?it~Who 8haL1 harm the right to maul ual oanool the tmn8tu allow4 by thr rouaty 8uporioteadmt. l?bO lppliocat 8bC11 8tCtO ia Ui& mU@atiaa that it b18 bona ilec intention to Wrd Uie child to thm 18 rcbool to *tioh the trCn8fCr I8 C8k.d. Ylpot the omtlfloatloa or thr tmn8far of any child, from one 4latrIct to lno th udistrict, by the county wperlntondcat or the comity la rhlah tbc ch1l.d rcsles8 8t the tl80 0r the trw8fu. the Ltctb Jkpcrtuient of iduoatloa 8hall cutborisc the Sat0 Trururu to pay over direotl~ the par oaplta c portionaent, In ineopcldcnt 6i8triCt8 Or ri+B hundred (MK)P Or DO- 8OhOhBtiO pOpUb- tlon, to the dlstrlot Lo which mob child 18 tnn8tur.d; an4 in all othbr dlstrict8, to county rupuInteaQent8, to be pcI6 by bin to the rscpcotfr8 elstrlotc to which 8uCb OhildlWa lfC tl’W8fbmd~ PNBTidOd, n0 tlXIl8f.r 8hau bo ~40 dtai Aujwt lat.. Artiolb t699, icrlccd CIrll Utetutcc, 1925, regdr aa fol-- &*8 t - '&zy ohlld 8peCifhd in the pr~oBdfng~Utiole, and it8 portion 0.rthe coho:l fund, cg bc tranrtorrcd to cn la - JoIaIw dirtrlct In another couuty, In the mmner prorldad In raid crtlole. It auat h 8hom to the county 8?QcrIn- toadant ttmt the rohool in the dirtriot ln which cuch lhlld rc814.8. on looount or dI8tCllOC or coat anoontrollablocd dUl@l-OU8 obstarlc, 18 IllCCCO88Ibh to 8UCb lblld.- Artlclc 2699, tWIrC6 Clrll StatUtC8, 1926, loatalnc the iollalng prorlclonr - lIsoept cr.bcrcIn prorldcd, no pert of tha 8chool $A apportioned to uny dirtriot or oounty Shall bc tnn8tCrrCd to cry otter dlctrict or 8ountyg . . .a The only rcqulrcmnta or tha gcnenl trW8fbr 8tatUte8 arc that the ah116 bo lawfully enrolled la ona district; Urlttcn appli- oation for transfu rhall be mea by Lhc parent or guardlaa or por- 8Oa having kmrul control or the ohild, and 8hBU bc rmd ulth the Oounty 8UperintCndCnt; tha applIoatIon 8ha11 ltatc that it I8 tbc bona fld4 Intention ot tha appUocnt to 8cnd tha lhlld to 8ohool In the dlstrlot to x-hlch t&c tran8far la l8k8d. Artlola t69d only cuthorI+ss tran8fcr8 bctucan distrlcta within the 8m CotInty. . 5011.T. L. rrlmble, June 2,1939,pa@o J .' ktlolo tbw ptrait8 the tranoror 0r 8 rohomtir Iros; 021000Pnty to an l4jolnlng dI8trlct la lno tb u oounty unbr oertala olroum- rtacrea. The trmrfor mm be ~48 b&or8 iu@st first. Fha 9lW1@1-8 of tha8a ltatute8 8~‘. oloar1.t brad l lioryb t0 f~iud0 tm.ri8rtr8 0r 0hifer`` *ho80 rwif00 ~0 160thg ;U~C another dlatrlct. The rtatute rcqulror no roamoa to be glean cx- *apt teat the lpplloant ha8 a bona rid0 intmntlon to 8ond the 0bfie to rchool ln another dl6trlct. lttbatlon to tl?bprOviSiOU8 a eoaU o fh tic lb tb9b rkloh civo tho right oi lp.oal bT I wmol dI8Lrlot to the cO&mty board, which board my oancol and lipul tha lo tlo nof the county 8uporIatondqat In ecrlug the tnrufer. A8 wa rlow tho QUe8tiOU prtaontod it is by and large an ldxlnlstrotlrr ntttr. It im our oplnlon that the oounty rupsrlnLen6oat uy tnwror scholastIcr upon proper lppl1oatloa. from one eirtrict to another dtatrlct within Lha 8azC cdutty. o r to an l ejolnlng dl8trlct In another oounty under cortala cIro104tanoo8, prior to Amet flrrt, althou@ woh aatol~8tIca mora into the eI~trIot and establlrh l r er ldo ~o e. w Your8 rar~ytruly ATTXREY IUL OF TI XAS G:-.Sf Aa8Irtant .

Document Info

Docket Number: O-808

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017