OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GmAWc. MANN A-” .*I- nay ls, lOSO Trealncft offlosn ln XaxTlroncounty a r eeo mp en8a t.d o n l iea b a 8l8*lw8S offloers tib a th e ira nnua l report8 for alo .par 1937 ant¶it roIlId mean that 8OHm of tam mm to lliatsay fee8 a8 having Eon. CharlesB. Mcrtln,May 15, 1959, Page 2 boonoarnedasdnoteollectodfortba year m. mlelrreportsUNld indloatsthat non0 of then maruedlmd oousoteu¶the smd- mum for the yearl937. *In &eoklng overtblr asnualroporta for theyear1938, Ifind that so- ofthem oollected&ringe year1938 few that had been aotuallyoarned'ln1997, but, as stated above,theywers not listed inthoir asnual reportfor the year1937 as ha* bosnoarned and not oolleoted.,G of these Ql.+qUttnt fsw .emmU in 1937 and oolloate6in 1938. war0 esIsda& triizlross,where llull~ts bad bosn returnetl ona filea hlrlngem year &gg. -wtxsm`` tf0tilb th880 pb0in0t 0m- oers bo entitledtc ccllectasdrotaln thoso Qsllnqusntf 808 whleh ha& not bsen roporteil ad dsllnquentfor the ~aar 1937, some of *hfch huvo alreadybeon paid to them Qurlse tho year 1928, and u)p11) of fho fees,arostl&l Quo and unao~eb, or do theuefoes bol6ngfo ths 'oouutyby reasonof t&o offher* falluP to roport fhom as ha- been oarnod and eoollocted ior the y&r &gg1* n ls lutsrest~ to.notsthat the filwJ of this , department have disclosed au opinion rendsroQ to Ron. Moore Qnu,StakAubitor, on January2S,lQ32,writtonbfHonor- able Ev’emtt P. Johuson,Asslstaut Attorney C!emral, contra to the riou held by B. Alsup in the above oplulonroforred to, to the offeetthat the retontianof Qolinquontfoes uudor art10105892 ln additionto other roqulroments therein wntalued,ras oonditionedugonthoirbaing,rsparted.Arti- ala 3897, Bob 1925, Forty-fourthrSgtilat!tro, 8e8ad Called Session,Chaptsr 467, roads as f+.msa~ 'Raoh Qlstrlot,county and preduct offlosr,at the close of eeoh fiscalyear (December Slst) shall make tp.tho Qirtrlst . Hon. CharlssR.&Wtln,May l$Ss, 1939, Page S court of. the . ..m in whioh . uouuty -_ . ht residesa sworn statsmentm trlpuoate ton ronus QesignedanQ approveday the &ate Auditor) a 00py of *Iah stataznont shall be forwarded to the State Auditorby the clerk of the dtstrictoourt of said oomtyrithin thirty (30) days after i&e same has been filed in his offlae,and one bopy to be f&lstl with the countyauditor,If any; otberwlsosaid ~&opyshall be fllsd tith,tbeCo~&ssionsrs~ ourt. Said report sU.1 show the anyant or all fees, oonmiss~ ma oomp``~ons whateverwarnedby said offioerQurf& the flsml yearg and sooondly,shall show thm amountof fees, eokmdssioas and otxupensatlons solleotsdb him dtnlng t&o fisaal ymar; thirdly,8 s dreport shslloontalnmltsml- ted utatementof all fsos, oomlssions and gompsssations eari~odduringth~firoaf.year vhiohrerm - .. not ?ollefted, ~g+h~rri.tb~th~ name or tae party ovmg seua tees, 8omauss~oas ma 0ompMsations. Saldroportshallbeflle4 not later than Pebruarylst folhwing the 81086 of th e fiso ayl e aa ru6 for laahday.aftsrsa%Q date t+atsaldreport awsainsnotfilsd, said offioershall be liableto a psnaltyof Ts8nty Five ($25.00)Dollars whloh nay be raooverad by the aounty in a suit broughtfor suoh pur- posos,and in additionsaid officershall bo subjbotto removal from offloe.* The above statutoroad8 the sam as the smsn6sd AOtSof 1930,forty-first &&slature, fourth CdJ.@d SOS- slon, ohapterEO, at #ioh sessionbr the Iagisfatureour pnsont srtiole3892 was enaotsd,and *hioh reads ss follows! 'Any offlow mention06in this ohaptor who does not coUsdt the msxinwasmountof his fess for anyfisoal ysar and who rouorts dellnqusntfees for that year, shall be en- - titledto retain,uhsn eolleoted,such part of such Qelinquantfatas as is suffiolsnt.to aompletathe maxlmumoontpensatlon authorised by artloles3683, S8S3-A,arid 25586 for fh0 Hoti.CharlesR. Martin,Yay l3, 1939, Page 4 y&r S.nLnIch Qoll.n@ent~csrsrecbrrged, and also retain tho mcunt of lxocss fees authorIzcdby law, and the rcmalnaorof tho aellnqucntfees for that fIsoalyear shall be paldas hcrcin pzvvidcdfarwhcn collcctc~;prorided,the pr~r~lons of thls art1018shall nOatapplyto any offiocraftor cne year frcmthe date he ccascsto boldtho offioeto whioh sny delloqnentfee ls due, and In tha wtat the offlearearn&g the fses that ~0 d8aquti hsrrnot 00ueea th8 samedtMatnlvmm3alaI#arterbcoaaesto bold the OffbS, the ankNUt Of fee8 cOilOctb6 shall bs pnlQ Into tho aouutytreasury. Pro- vlQcQ,lwwvsr, that aothlngla this Aat prc- elud138 the p6p9f.eof'= 0frIcI0.fm in ~ocordanoowith TItlc 61 of t;heRevised Civil statutesofTcxas, 1925,~ partofthcmsxl- mtsneomp``tIon, Provldcd,that ma0 in this +tti010by this Act 8iilxl%F apply to fee8 heretoforeearne6.' .``Stat&s providin~fccsfor publicoffIccrs aro striotly.~nstruoa. Under fhe pro~IsSoiu~ of ths dove statutes,the offloerls rsqulrcdto asakqa smrn riport at the cl~sc of caoh flsoalyear and 8uah roport +mng othsr thlrup, 8hell eont8In uL ih1Q2ti 8tatemrmt of all fees, 8onmis~ionsauQ eanpensaf‘loaqoarneddurS8g the flioal year whioh rsrc not oOlleOtcQ,tog&sir rith ,thcaaawOftho id fee43 bolllmi88ionsana c0mpcnsatSims.r ibtyrZ3iSat founi
Salfwtlole~j897 supra, scnt~hs the report rcqti.mQ to bc aWe by meh* offioarsto &iohtha pr``M.~nimntalncQ In artI 3292 undoubtedlyrofcrs. We quote from the opiaion of ths court of CIvIl Appealsrcndcrcdin BitterY. Bcxar County, 266 5.1. 224; “‘sh4 oadymennsr provldodby .lefor giving notlae to the properauthoritiesof the cOllcctIonof,fees,and the purp~scfor vhioh they w ore sollooted,is for the offli cers collectfng6uchfecsto m&c swrn re- ports thereof. Upon suoh reports,settle- ments ars lmaa ulnua~rlth the sountyaad r fmmsuchrcpOrtsthe mount,drrSthe OoMty~ as cxoessfees ls asoertaIneQ. It Was f0aQ . BOIL Charlee R, &Utfn, &y l.3, 1939, Pago 5 bytho trial courtthatthe appellant -68 annualroportspurportingto cover . all fees oollcoted and receivedby him duringthe fIrcal. ycsx In questionthese reportswere swoxn to as bcIng oomplste and oomct, but none of the fees sued for wore inoludcdin suoh ropcrts. Tho failureto dfscldscin his rsports at some periodof time before the &ration of his term 0s offioe, thp'essentlal raotrr, was a~plaInvlolatlonof the law; aad whethsr Intentionalor othcxwlschd was wIthholdIngmatcrlalintcrrmatlon from the oounty;-6 It dots not lie In.appellant*o mouth to ,saythe sot&y had oral not108 cr had approvedhis contontlon.~ 5%eLcglslaturc~bsing~authorIzedt.oflxand ~dct&m&c the fees allcwcdto publicoffloersspayimpose noaessary -aiti0-, lS.mitatIons and restriotIa6 eon- slnbnt with their oolleotlon and diisposltlon. Suoh pr0visi0nm affordproteotionto the cotintyasmcll as to the offlocrs thcmselvcsand provideBKHWS of readily chcckingupandfollovdngthcsourocc oft&l fun@ bc- long- ta the countyor to the officer r;lltirmately.Such emnddng fees in question becams Lblcand payableaftsr. lnaletamntof the Qefendar&fcr the offbasefor tioh he was char@dInthe examInIngcourt, (soeartIclclO2O, c. c. P., 1925, as amended). Suoh fees oome withinthe prorislon~ of drtlales 5892 and
5897,. supra, and src py- quiredto be report&Qby the offloor. It Is our rieu that the reqtiremant that.swh fees bs IaoluQeQin tho offioerssworn report,bclng mandatory,Ss a conditioner preoedentto allowlaghim to retain suoh foes as allowed by article5892 and fallingto do sol,such offlccrhas not met the rtwiSrsmsat8of said statute; we q~errulc the opinionof Bon. Jot J. Alsup, above rcferrcdto. It lstitbcrefaro,tho opinionof this depart- meat that the provisions of artiolc 5297, beln& manda- tory,must k compliedwith bofors the Justiceof the Peace oan demand or bc ontitledto retain uudar the prooisIonsof,&Icle 9892, as a mattsr of right,such aelinqud - trial fees payable,and qualify underthe provisionsthereof. ./.’ . Bon. CharlesR.lWti.n,Lgy15,1939,Page 6
Document Info
Docket Number: O-703
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017