Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OFTHEATTORNFY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN June 5, 1939 / WT. !3avfdE. Kuloahy county ,'.ttorney El %a0 County Ll Paso, Teuls mar sir1 Court pay for esd under authority or 6, ar tbo ~RwflssdCivil Q PubUo Building end Im- owned Qythe oounty? ‘!'(b] when said booke areito be housed in the present library Wildin& amed by the city 0r El Papaso, or gladotbsr pubU0 building not owned by Mm Ctwnty~" ixticle 3677, !!evisedCivil S-stutsm, reads as 'fal'mu: The ccxxilsclonerocourt or any cnunty may estol:liah,n:aintuln,and operate within t!if+fF res;r‘eotlVo COLUltfeS, COUntg irec li- hrc\ritsin th+ mn:Ier and with thn functlcns rrttmrlbcd in tiis title. The sold court shall also have the power and authority to establish in ao-oporatlonwltb aaother oounty or oountles a Joint free oouaty library for the benefit of tI& oo-operatlve?ountlerr,w Artlole 1679, Retised Clril Statutes, reader *After a aout& free library ha6 been e,stabllahed, the oca``lasionera oourt shall annually eet aaide from the -al tax fund .-or the oounty, a mm suffloiat.for the maIn- temnoe of said library, but not to axoeed five oents on the hundred dollars valuation or all property 2.nauoh oounty Outalde of all lnoorporatedoitieo and km818 already S~PPOX%- in6 a free $Lblia library, ard upon allpropar- ty within all inaorporatedoitias and towna already supportinga free puUa library, and upon all property within aLl fncorpo~ted oitiss end towns already supporting a free pub110 library whioh have eleotsd ii&become a part of such free library ayvttemaprovided in thS.8title forth0 purpose Or maintaining oounty free 1lbrarLaa and for purohasing ~ropertythorafor~* The first legislativeact authimlz libraries tc be establishedwas passed by the lqture, Aotn af 1915, oh, 117, ard found on p the General l&Ys of Texae. This wae entitled an;': e- "to establish, maf.ntaln,operate, equip and Uise$.abX@& oountp free libraries and county oimulating llbrariea. ror the us6 of the oitlzens or this state;....", auu wbioh aot underwent subsequent revisions w&t@ the last revision, iiotsof 1919,~36th :e&slature, found incor- porated under Title 35, Article3 16774690, Revised civil Statutes, 1925. It is unnecessary to set forth horein all of the above articles under Title 35, per talning to the subject. Our attention is directed to that provision of Artiole 1678, *ioh provideo that the library shall -- ~utoeertaSnterritorl.alllmitsdeflrm¶there~ 0th.r prodeicals under pit4 s5 are glfts and beqneds for the bow Artiole 1696 provides that the be diMstabllshed at aqtime ujmn a petition ot a 4ority of the toter6 of oounty free library, etwlng mm& .Th6:Leglslaturebds provided ftk the mainten- anoe of suah oounty free library under Artlole 1679, aupra, ame to be paid out of the general fund. Youwill note that Artiole 1689 providss that all funds rret aside for.~Intdnlng auoh oountf free library shall aon&WftJte aeeparato fundto beltnownaathe oounty free librsm fund and shall not be wed for any other purposes except those Or the aouatS free library. iiaving,authorised thle method, it appears that the rule of sxpreselo unlW eat exolwio alteriua would apply and the county would be unauthorizedto divert oonsttiutlondlfundB raised by taxution, an atihoribd ~@a<.l$mUmited, Article 8, SeOtLon 9 of the Conetltutlonof Tezoo, and use suoh funUs to @IX'- ohase books for and maintain suoh county rree library aa authvviztxl in odd statntes. *Where legislation points out speciri- callg how an aot is to be done, althou& without it, the court or officials, under their general powers, roulilhave been able to perTorn the act, pet, es the Le+yislat``ro i&poeeU a epmial llmltation, it must be striatly purmle&” Lewis* Sutherland Statu- tory con0truotian - s00ond Edition, vol. II, p. a&9. 'wher0 a power ia gl3mt.a nnd the m0th0a of.it8 exeroi8a I.6~reaarihsd, the prttacrlbed methodsraludalr e&l othen llrdmtnstbofol- ama.* = Lewls'f3uthda&3tatutoryGoamtmm- tion, Vol. a, para* s9t, 689, 688, 651. It is thorafora the opinion of thie dapartmnt ;h$Gha ocmidwioners' 0tma-tis not authorbad to.ply books pumha8oUundmrthe proviufonfi of Arti- 9 oletrlw9- 96, ill01usi~, R8ma Civil statutra or Texm, l9ss, 0utoi~thopubliobuil~andinpfarcrrPsnfefunds; Trustingtheabovo -6 your qu0stions, *ld ~-b Your0 ?‘alytruly AlTuBrn (JJw!mALm/m

Document Info

Docket Number: O-696

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017