O-693 This document has been reduced from legal size to letter NO. 5088 Thir o``iniorr holds: 1. iiwarrant of arrest is not nsoreecry ti- Sors e party oan plead guilty to tha 0rrenr0 ep00aiw 183ti ju+ioe or the or peaoe oou?t sftsr w ocsplaint haa born tiled end the party is in ths owtodp of a nif$lwy Patrolmaa. 8. A OQplaint filed by a Ilighweylatroti 18 8urri0ifbnt to martsin iii plea of guilty without the lrsuanos of Surthor pFOOW8 by a jU8tiOr Or .thr,mroa; 5. d oonrtable is not 8Utitle~. to a r80 or two dollar8 ror routing a wsrrant or arrest to a motorlrt when the notorlst 18 in th8 OU8tCdy 8nd UndW atnet by 8 HfghTsay'Yatrolman. 5. A ahrrrgeOS OM dollar l’orreloan ‘i8 8 &WOp8r Oh8rge t0 b0 taxed a8 008t8 egaioet the deSrndent when a plea or guilty i8 8atored and a tine paid iamb- diatoly 8rtOr the deimdant ir natirlrd or the amount and ~0 a@iuitmentIr.mab~,, and the ofiioer.who di8oharger or rrloaoer a defend&at km thi foroeiand orf8Ot or a judpmnt restrainin& him 18 sntitlod to .8 rw or $1.00 ror a re&mee. Honorable Homer Gari,ison,Jr. Dapertment or Publio ‘%rsty AulltIIl, Tlxa8 bar sir: cp1n105 NO. 0-09s Am: Ferr to whioh a oonstablo ,i8 entitled In a, 8Q8adLng C*M) wh6)raarrest I8 par- formed by 1iIghw8yP8trol- man. w UC* in nocript of your letter of npr5.1 es, 1939, wherein you outline the r0ii0dg ra0t8i wh Hlghwoy i'otro&aan arneted a motorirt Honorable Hcwr aclrrI8on,Jr., May 8, 1989, P8ge 8 tor 8 sdlng and upon, the 8U``8tIO5 or the motorr 8t h8 and the Nighway Patro-5 weat to the Ju8tIoo or the Paaao osrioe, in order,that 'thr motorlrt might enter e plea ot gukltr 856 WY hi8 tin@. 'Upon their arriral at th8 &8- tiOS OS the Pf3aCOOSfio), th8 &8tiOS'Or tha Peaoo and a 0058tabl8~Were sitting in thr of- ri0ei The P8trolmen riha a ocmplainVagal58t the motorict for rpmdlng, and th8rcRlponthe Jurtioe or 'the Mace in the pnaeaor OS the motorlrrt,Fatrolm85 and Con8tablr i88uod 8 sarrrrntfor the orrost OS the motorirtf handing thir warr8nt to the Conratable,who in turn read it to the motorist, plaolinghim u5dar arre8t while th8 aotorirt was rtlll in the aU8tOdy Or thkHiC;hray PatrOk8+ The 3U8liW Or tb PS@OO, Il180, f86ued two BubPOWl88, iOr Witns88a8, to wits tho Eli&way Patrolman, who W88 &WO885t, and the CO58tabh. Theo* 8ub- poenae wore handad totha Constable but ho mad. 50 8ttOJI&Jt to 8tIVO them.. c *Th8 motorist plead guilty to the oharga and wa8 aa808E.d 6 fins of $lS.?iOItemized aI) ~'rOiiOR8: Fine . . . . . . . . . . e 8100 LttO&g;8’Fie . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Trial Fee . . . . . 4.00 OsfiOer8 CO&i' ' ' ' ' Making Arro8t. . . . . . $Z.OO t%Rla~;~ 8 Vit5e8aO# . . . . . . . . x. 4.50 Total' mm- *The motoriet wa8 not oormnittodto Jell, but m~.ly plead guilty and paid hi8 tine a8' herelnabovr m8ntionod." YOU thereupon rsf#mut our opinion ln~nrponsm t0 the fOmn+hg riVS ``UeStiM8: R1. Is 6 warrent Of arrpst neoe88ary be- rbre a party oen plead guilty to the orrena Or SpO8dltlgin 6 JuritlosOf the PallObCOWt . attar Q oomplalnt has been riled and the perty is in the OU8tOdy ar 11XI:ighweyPatrolman? "8. Is 8 OWplaint tilad by 6 Righnay' r;atrolman8Ur:‘iOfm to susteln a 01*8 Of guilty wltbout the issuance'of further pro- 0e88 br 8 JlletioeOf th0 PsaOe? "3. 18 a oonatabls entitled to a tee Of $e.oo ror reading 6 warrent 0r arrort to a motorirt when th8 motoriet is in the Ourtody and under arrest by a Highway Patrolman? "4. X8 0 Ohar&e Or aubpoanalag iWit50888S Honorable HCUUT Garrison, Jr., .Ltay 8, 1939, page 3 valid when a motorist La taken before.a SW- tics of the Fsaoa intending to plead guilty thereby sllninotlng tiny testiatonytr%a auy wltlmr8as7 “II. In ,a char@ 02 41.00 for release e proper oharb% to be trtredsu,ooet a&nst the der’ondsntwhen a plea oi guilty is entsrrd and a line paid i.mnudistelyaitor the delon- dent is notltied of the amouut and no acanilt- mrnt la maceV xn the ease or Soott va. Stats, 114, a3.C.(ad) . 564, it ~(15held that xrtiols 803, P%aal Godo, glvus a rherlrr the authority to arrest a psrsoa witbout a war- rant who operates irnautomobile upon ths publio h&gbway in 8x0888 or 45 1~11~s pur hour, and to dcrl with hiisas provided by Artiol% 793, Penal Code. Art1018 aEVa, Uoo- tion 16, oi t ho Fonal code v%sts Stste Nighway Pattolnuin With all tne rightr and powers of peaoo .orfiOW8 to pur- sue and arrest any pmson for any oMmee whrn said per- son 18 round00 the highway. Banor,the Highway Patrolmen hevs tbe right to aske arrests ln speedlug oasaa, and to deal wltb the persons arrarted 8s provided in nrtlale 793 0r tto Penal cod*. The peraon arrortod 14 the 0668 which you submit to us hnd the right to demnnd that he should be takon torthwith before the Justlo% Cqurt Zor an immediate hearing, and he was t:lerOfore,,ln the proper oustcdy or tha l&i$~ay ~atrolmon. Under such oircumstances the 16euanoe or a war- rant was wholly unneoe8sary, and your first qub8tion is tberefcre 6xI8wWOd in tho ne;ativ%. EJIalrirWiv0 anBw8r rollown to your lrooondqusstlon. Artiole 1065, code of Crtilnal Frocwdure, Pro- vides a&ifollow: *‘Thefollowing .felas shall be ellmd the sheriff, or other peeoe ofricer perroming the some ssrvioos in aisd%n%anor @as%8 to ‘be taxed against th% deiondant on OOnVietiOns ‘1. For ex%outin& eaoh #%rrant ot arr%st or ospias, or rmkln!:: arrest without v.srrant, tco dollars. “2. Qor rummoning slrohwktnoss, saveaty- rive oentu. v3. For serving any writ not othemlss prwldrd for, one dollar. “4. For taking sad approving each *Bond, and r%turninE ths mm to the oourthaise, when necmssary, on? dollar and rirty o%~@ts. “5. par each omaitntsnt o~.iel%as%, one dollar ,* Honorable Hcamr Oarrlamn, Jr., May 7, 1939, Page 4 Th%ra ia uo statuto which r%quiree that.aa 8rreet to% ba ohargad in every oas%. Thor% is no sta- tutr under whiah a oonatablrrmay r%o%ive arrest ioar in auoh oa8.I oraopt the above quot%d~Artlola 1063, Codr of Criminal Proamdure. Fran the above 6t6tuto it ap- pears that ha is %ntitl%d to r%o%iti%a ree oi #a.00 only wbare ho ox%outes the warrant of arrest or aaplas, or wh%n he ekes an arreot without a warrant. ‘In thr inrtanam to wkiah ou iWer he did not maka the arrest, but thr Highway Pat rolman peMrformodthat servlco. The motorirt Hill being in the oustody’and under arreat by the Niukway Patrolman; the niore.r8ading oi thi wer- raat br tha oonstable to the motorist would not aonatl- tute an euaution or the warr8nt 0r arro’ot. Our awwer to your third quertion is in the negative. In the tact8 submitted to ycu, tha abetable med. no lttmpt to sarvo the two eub&W0n68 r0r ldtn88808 whiob had barn laood la his hands. Artiale LfM6 pro- vida8 a roe or 1 .78 to ba paid for'summoning l8ah ritaose. Th0 constable would not ba antitlod to euoh iaa of CL.75 per wltaaee ualase ha 8umsonod~8uoh wita08s. Rat8zTing to your rourth question, hoH;ovor,no would obeorvo that a UotoriIst,or any other dafandant, would have tho’prlvi- logo of plesdiog not e;uilty if' ha should doeire et the tima when ha should be cellid upon to pl0ad to the am- plaint. Thie would bo truo notwithstaadlhg tha faot that ho had tharetotora advised thet ha uxpootod to plird guilty. Thantoro~, the mro faot tbat ho might 8tatr that he lxpaoted to plea3 Guilty would not deprive tho proper 0rfiO0r8 or tho authority to 00~00 eubposneu to ieqo ror witna8sa8 who mighb be nooasesry in the ovoat the motorist should ohahga hie mind and aat0r a plaa of not guilty. Undor euoh oiroumatahoae, tharofo:r, a ahergo for eub- poanainr?witaaeeas would ba velid if auoh eUb&WWae should be areoutad. On Fobruaay 13, ‘1966, this dopartmant hold’ ,ia a oonfareaoa opinion written by b’on.EL Grady Chandler and Eon. Qileway Calhoun, rreietsate AttOrMy Oenoral, that a mr81aeeow for rk1ab.a psuaa otfloar in allowad a roe or ODI dollar is iOr ralaueing or disoharging a dofondant iron tha ior and 0rr0ct or b Judguont au0 tha rue'18 allowad in all oaeae wbara a dofondant.i 6 ooavioted and dieohargad hle fin0 and costs, whether undar a plaa ot yuf;y or not guilty. ,:oquota frcm this opialon as hi- The term ~raloaeo~ must ba ooaetrukd aaoording to its ordinary moaning, xab8tar~e Clationary defined reluaee as t'ollower *'To lot loose eata; to sat Woo l’rom roetraint; to give libarty to or to oat at liberty! to lat go.' *The diotioaary aleo gives tha word fdieoharc:o*6s a synonym ror 'roleaeo'. HonOrablO Homer OarriWn, Jr., YTap 8, 1939 ) P66. 6 -Arti 917 or the ccide.0r CrMnal,Yro- oedure, ae heretOfore stat*d, pravid8r that th6 Judgment or the juatloe oourt @hall reoltr 'that the derendant 18 to remain in ourtody Of the rhrrir$ until the rim and ooatr lr 8 p a
id. Artlolerr 785,787 and 793 provide ror enrobing a Judgnmnt in all misd0meenor~,0880s and ark0 provloionlrror dlaoharglng the dstandant. The term *rel,eass~ , thmwrore, ae wad in the foe bill and aa doffnod la thr diotionary, se bo- liovr , the aama aa *disoharger and .tho offiosr who dlsOharg08 or r010aar0 a &rendant iromthv roror an& otrgot ot a Judtpent'rerrtralnlng hlm 18 entitled to 00110ot the r00 of $1.00 for a nl0aar. I\* th@ jUd@nrant ie tb MUM in 811 0~18 qf OonvidtiOn, whothor U&do??a plra Of. guilty 0r.a ploo or not guilty, it roiiowr tlirroforr,in every O(IW 8~ oftioer lr'antltlad to l roe of $1.00 ror a rrleam. mat a io0.ir not allowed ror 0 omtunitnontin every oa00 un- lone the oourt 10 regulnl to oarnarlt the doton- dent to jail in Uorsult 02 payment Of tha tills and ooato or in the o~uut~ oourt tha dotmndant might be Oomltted to 110rvea Jitllau&m00 0~00 though the rim 0nd ooots are)paid.” It appttara that this oonrersnor op1~011 has bren iOllOwod by this departmAt for mea-0 than ller0n Parr; we are unable to rind any authority to the aon- tI%ryl the o p iniolppsars n to be baaed upon 6ound reason- ing; ~0.thererore, approve and r0u0w thl8 opfnio+ You ar0 theroiOr0 reepotfully advised that it ia tha opinion or thir department that 0 oh&r&e OS on6 dollar ror r0leese ia Y proper ohargs to bo tared a8 co&r against the dmmdaat when a pleu ot guilty ia 0x+ tend and thO fiar paid lumdlately artor th0 dutendant 18 notitird or tlm amount.and no oomaitment lr mado, and that the oitiomr who dlsoharg8s or relaaser 0 do- rrndant rrcm the roroo and erreot or 0 judeplunt raetrain- lag him 18 entitled to oozloot the itbe0r.an0 dollar ror a release. This opinion,haa bean conrfdend la ooafareac8, approved, nnd ordered reoorded. CmtirLo0. thlw P.TTCR?VSiY l%2?itRAL W T%XAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-693
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017