Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    April 28, 1939
    Hon. Porrester Hancock
    Criminal Distriat Attorney.
    Wexahachie, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    lQS9, in wbioh you ask
    for the erao-
    . Among other
    is a etete-
    sllla county, Texas
    $7!KLoo 4tl%riuel
    tion of $750.00,rhlch library a&L whiah Boar&
    of Trustees are not under the supertision,6011-~
    trol, or jurisdictionof the looti Comzuisaioner@.
    Hon. Forrester Hancock,April 28, 1939, Page 2
    Your attentionis directed to aertain provisions
    of the Constltu$ionof Texas which appear to have a bear-
    ing upon this question. Article 16, Section 6, reads aa
    "No appropriationfor private or dndivl-
    dual purposes shall be made. A regular etete-
    ment, tindewoeth;end en eooopnt or the reoelpta
    and exptmdlturea   of all publlo money shell be
    publfahedannually,    in suoh mmner es shell be
    presaribed   br.law.*
    Artiole 5, Seotion                         road8
    50 o? the Con6tltiktlon
    es tollowsr
    The Legis3aturash~lhavo no.pmw to-.' ,'
    &lve or to lend, or to authorise'%h~.gIvIa&~ ~: .;:        _
    or landLug,a? the oredit of'the~stateln &i(L
    or; or to any parson, esaooietlti~ or oorpora~
    tloa, wheth-armanlolpel or other, or to ple&a
    the.,oredltof the State in any manner khattm-
    ever, ror the payment bf the U.ab3.lttia8, pro-
    pent or ~pospe&ive;   of any lndlvlduel..M aoge- ...
    tion ot Liie.fiduela, munloipel or'othar oow
    poretion'.a:tso dvt3r
    Artiole S, Seotion 51 oi'the 4aonetitutioa   reed8
    ee followzt,            .
    9fhe'Legisietureshall have no.power to
    zuikeany grant'or eittborlzethe making of any
    grant qC pub&lo money to any iadirtdnal,as-
    sociatkonor lndivldnals,mtmiolpal oreother
    Artic$S,     Seotlon 52 of the Cdnsti&ion    reed81
    as follows:
    *The Legislatureshall have no power to
    authorize any ccmnty, oltp, tom or other
    polit&~celoorporatlonor sabdiviaioaOZ the
    State to lend its oredit or to grant pub110
    Hon. Forrester Hancock, April 28, 1939, Page 3
    money or thing of v&LLuein aid of, or to
    any individual, association or corporation
    whatsoever, or to become a stookholder In
    such c?rporation, essocletion or ooa?pany;
    Article 11, Section 4 of the Constitution reeds
    as follow%:
    *No oountp, city, or other smnloIp&l
    corporationshell hereafter'beoomoa sub-
    SerIber to the oepltal o? any private uor-
    poratlon or assoolatlon,or make any eppro-
    prietion'ordonetton tqthe same, or in
    anytilesloan Its &edIt$ ‘but t&s shall not
    be oonstrue&to.in any way e??eot any obli-
    gation heretoioreundertaken pursuant to
    Artiole 8, S&,Ion S of the C&tItutlon4rsads
    e ``ipo18?
    Vaxes~ ehsll be levied and oolleoted
    tiygeneral lairsand ?or publta purposes
    on4. St
    The Commissioners*Court Is meeted by the Con-
    stltutlon.and1s.a body exeroIsIngdelegated powers. It
    hda no authority exoept that oongorrod upon It by the aon-
    atltutionand laws of th5.ssteto. (Bland vs. Orr, 89 sll
    558;lU.l~ C0untJr``.L8mpe8es 00~1ty, 40 SW401;Beldrln
    va. Travis County, 
    88 S.W. 484
    and Art. 5, Sec..18 o?.the
    Gonstitutlonor the State o? Texas).
    The questiones to ubat extent oan publio f’unds
    be used by governmentalbodies for charitablepnZIQose5
    has aaused aonsidsrableconiliat in the deoisloni3o? the
    dirrerent courts, and the courts have made the ?urthsr
    distinotionas to the authorityo? the partfcularbody
    to esjtpend
    public mone~&¶   as to the purpose tar whhicrh
    the money was appropri&ed ?or e public purpose.
    In Rulfng Case Law, MO. 7, page 936, we rind the
    Hon. Forrester Hancock, April 28, 1939, Page 4
    following statement:
    "Counties being created for purposes
    of government, and authorized to exeroise
    to a limited extent a portion of the power
    of the state gooverument,have always been
    held to aot strictly within the powers
    granted by the legislative aot establishing
    them. hccordlngly, the statute is to them
    their fundamental law, and their power is
    only coextensive with the power thsreby
    expressly granted,or ne~essarllyor reasan-
    ably Implied tram Its granted powers. Al2
    the powsss with whiah the sountr Is intrustsd.: .
    are the pswsks a? the state, a@ all tho
    dutIes,wIthwhIoh they are ohargod sro the
    duties o? the state, and honoo these pmsrs,.
    and pririlegesma7, In general, be ohan@," I
    Bodi$ied or taken away. Perauent to mxoh, ~1
    gsnerel purposdaa? govorapmt a rc.oovAatf ia+  :,:,.
    power to reoslresad hold prope~,'~?&iaour '
    debts and lIebIlifie8wIthid statutory Umits,
    tq make sontractsthrough its lew?ully oon-
    .   stltutsd 0KI~\ers,~an4,   generally,to manage
    all the'businessaffairs of the oounty;:'  Xa
    general, the pow& to inour obligetSoons,  ita& '
    to lcmy taxes onthe peaplo of the ~wmnt~.and
    on their property, is given ts poun~ie~ br ~.
    s$etutq but this Is a power that must be ,'
    exerolsed  onlJ.111 the rtu-theranoe
    of OOwty
    or pub110 purpo~."         '~
    The publId purpoee.?orwhiuh money may be reined
    oomes up in a vsrlety of ways; and will be bristly rotiew-
    ad. Uesury w. City af Laredo, 66 Tes. 406, the City a?
    Laredo passsd an ordinsnoegiting exolusire 0cmtroL otdr
    sohools wIthIn its limits. ~ssury signed a contreofwith
    the trustees that were appointed by the County Judge, and
    on request for psyment'aadrefusal brought 8uIt for amis.
    The Supreme Court deslsd his claim and held that the.method
    by whloh publia schools are oreated was not followed, and
    thatthe public sohool ?uad aould be used only for the
    publio sohools of Texas.
    Hon. Forrester Eancock, April 28, 1939, Page 3
    Attorney Genersl Looney on Map 19, 1913, gave
    an opinion to the county judge o? Shelby County, Texas,
    that an appropriation by the Commissioners' Court to aid
    a county fair or to make an exhibit at the State yai.r
    was unauthorized in Texas.
    In Bennett vs. City of Lafmange, 112 S? 482,
    the Supreme Court of Georgia held that au appropriation
    of $75.00 per month to the Salvation Army to be ased in
    the public oharlty of the oity and.eooounted ?cs mcmth4
    wss a vIolatIonof the Constitutionalprovision that
    *no money shall ever be taken from the publI% *eastmy,
    direatly or Indlreotly,In the aid of any charah, seat
    or denominationor my s%otarisn Institution.
    The osse of St, Yary*8 Soh001 vs. Brora et al,
    45 Md. ?ilO, was e ault   by a tayp&yeir to res~rbt   the
    mey%rand oItycounsslo?~t~%fiosagr~tibgappro-
    psiatlonsto serre~ohsrltsbleInstitutions. Thenoou?t‘
    said:    .~
    *It Is oertsin,we suppose, that the'
    oity~oounselshmld bate %o power to mske
    eppreprIetionsto these institutioassimply
    es suoh, not baoause memAy of the very
    humane end leudlbleobj%ots and purposes
    for which they are or%at%d by .th%Irfounders
    and propoters;it is beoausg of the a&v31
    serrloe as benofI.8 render the olty that
    any alaim oould.beurged ior their support
    from the city treasury.'And If this be so,
    what guaranteehas tha'eity that s~errices
    are benefits will aoarue, aosmensoratedth
    the appPo$rIationsthat sre g!id%? The same
    principal that n%uld sustain appropriations
    of every private ah3001 and -ohsrityIn the
    Taking oognizanceof the prohibitionsOf o~3T
    Constitution,aad recognizingthe raot that the C%xaission-
    em* Court has only suoh~powersas the statutes pe?'uIt,
    It is our opinion that the CoamIssioners~Court is without
    Hon. Forrester Hancock, April 26, 1939, Page 6
    authority to make appropriations of publia money to any
    library controlled end operated by private individuals
    however worthy the cause might be.
    Very   truly pours
    BY      ,@&&‘=
    P. watts

Document Info

Docket Number: O-690

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017