Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .I . ..V true despite the fact thrt eufiiolentrevenue la expected to flow Into the M,?eolalFund before the end of the flsoal year to t&e oere of salariesrvr the interveningmonths between the depletion ot the fund end Its augPlentatlon b7 new revenuocr. 0x1the other hand, In the eve&the stota employee oontlmes to oaoupy hlr posltlon and dl8oharge tha duties thereoi with the approval of his departmenthead, he would bs entitled to oozqpensatlonprovided under authority or law by the legislaturewhen monlns appropriatedfor euoh purpose boosme 8tailable. whbn mollh8 ur?iloieat to aeot wm q?prqwlcrtd rmlwy have Nowed lnte tha @oolrl~Ybnd,the aonOfcolla would bo logallyobligateduudoitiha nu%horitJ of ro-axi&- la~l.a, i.a.,tho~e~Dspl``~4~rogri~ !onBill, to &ma a warrant for baok pay of the ,mploym a&a+t thr fUd. Utho 8peolallhrndout ofwbloh Wm aa.Wr7ol: a stat0 l!a p LO y pay&de i8 eo ha8 boon temporuil7 dep&8ed and th elxp&ptm 16 able and dxllng to iis.l.thopo8iOl0a w&k tlul0a0tm 0r hi8 abpaTtasnt h00a onfit 0aioip8t04 m0- a nwa m lval.lab& in the fun& ‘I, ffdl ao lo@ pPoUbltlon mgaln#% au arraog~nt or apoemontbetween #~-head of the ~a0paat aad thm omplm whnbr ~muoher8 ror aul&o~l`` salary8ad ntthoriwd 'oxge~mo,inoludingwo r trams expowom* would be -a0 up md~pnsinkd fo tr0 oo4gtrollbr when therm wo1*,sufrlalentaonlea lm the fun& to Olmb`` the ousptrollor to dmw wawantl on it. Wa mimh thla oonolwlon wlth full kaoulallg~.oith~ hot amlary fortho that-the aaployoo Mow omo 18 being mun#ldorbdwm 8pproprlated on 8n ensW8Abaei.8 at ,800.00 aM&hatta. 6ea~xal+dar to bdi. Is? oonteliarah? 8 pro*i- *All anmel alario shall be pai6 in twelTa'(U) unlera othurwho Prorid- tBam.l.L;hly lJutRllaent*, ." Whew the aalar 1s to be pai out Or a E&MOi01 Aupd aad that fund la exhauatod for an btrrin at rrevsral ammu durfag the flroal gsar, w ommat ooastruo t&o above paw%- alon u an absolute bar to the pajaeat of (UI ullloaf rclr on a dlfferontbaslr,where maier rabwguwN7 bmouamam "L- able. ml. is espsolall7 trua of 8 situa4ioa Uko * apartment of Agrioulture, pmge 4 present where the care end preservation of valuable atate- owned Livertook are involved. A dltferent result would ripe out the Jack-Stallion Divielon or the Department of Agriculture and be tantamount to turning 858 state-owned 0aimEll.s out to snirt tar ttlemse1rea. Consequently, we wish to advise you that in view or the present depleted stetulrof the Jaok+telllon Arid the Commleaioner of Agriculture has the authority to enter Into an agreement with the Jeok-Stallion lnspeator to oarry on suoh inapeotion wwk and supervision as ooaprise the duties or hi8 position, with the detlalte undaratandlngthet no fuxthar obligation in behalf 0r the atate than now *fiata Ifilamsrod, and that the payxtmt or salary uid l~puuem till k subjeot to the availabillt~ of fundq aM thr. e miaoloaor having eatarad into au& a ooatmet for th8 h lp eo tio lorvloe, n will be authOriS8dto zgka 93 u&d prosoat to tba Comptrollera vouohu forbaok salary and akpaqao8, lnol~ Qraveliag experlsba , and pnront it a0 the ,45amp- 'tlMlar whm end ix mai. mm WaUabl*:fn tha .s#aa$aJ. ~aok-t-stelUaa Fund to take oare of a 1-m ~&yu*e of boqk nlari.0.. uo haYdh0~ t&b& Od iind any rob, .a&hor$8rcr. or&tho matter at hand, but h&To beea guided bsf. the ,MtUn o fth e o mer g e sanodth y epm0tlOal l~tiitla#,O f ``tbr~dWiati&On ~5x1orrivw at's le& #olution OS tho I)robl;a*ato a-f.. of the Comptrolletta~Offloeha8 bean taltoa~&SO o``ald``t.~ and m are 1nform.d that pnoodant-in that.dopqtmmt 8u~port~ saah ui agreeaont u is ooatmplated qnd that .tbmq am SW objaotioaa to Jaauing a warrapt ior, a*- ia a I- & .a leo a prohl~ltlonlxlata. legal Xt la to be noted that f.nthis OpMOa m We a@ ~pi37s~ th0 piti Or m&irPg Up 81&d~p``OOnti~8%3 -'(I- .Brouor post-dated monthly vouohe.ra00~eda8 t&a DO&d when .t&h are LIOmonlea ln the Gp~oi&I PUS&. %hir ia not n-08- lr y,a 0 th e Coqptrollorwilllu a e a warhat for th e total baok wlary dae whon the aone~ ia avallabl.6. ?urthermoro,nothin@ In th%a opia$on ir to be o0nEtlW.d aa reoolylitioa of a larger sslary then i& ap zoprir$ed by the le~ialaturafee t&o current blonnium, 1.0.. g1,800+04 per ttr,or am-e aoney ror treveUn8 expenwa than proridod tar ci the Qeneral Depmtmentel Appropriation ,Blll. we refer you to previous opinioaa rtm&raQ by thi.8 de artment on the Jaok-Etallioa Au&, and al.&0to,Oonfannoo OQ% ion No. 3089 of this department by Hon. Biohexd W. MS?= ahild, arsiotant attorney general, to Hon. &SW&~ HI EBw?perd, COmptrOller of'2ublio Xaoount6, Latin, T**Xcs,On tho @II- erel subject of *traveiing expnaes." WO Yours very truly OF TZXAS A‘lTOBNEY(ZENERAL BY DSaob ATTORPJMGliBUWAL OF !cEx&j

Document Info

Docket Number: O-688

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017