Mr. Qulncg Hawkins County Auditor Henderson County Athena, Texas Dear Sir: ; .~ op~n~o&o. ‘o-&i 3. Re: Under the facts set forth,, '~ should the fllaeand costa be tUFn& iat0 th4 CoIXaty : treasurer for the benefit of thG Sa$arg FuRd? .Your request for astopiafolr'b~the above -&&Gd qusstioa has bGeP rGCGiV6d by this OfficG. YOUr letter rGad8 iP part a8 -fOllOWG: "In the case of a county that is on the Salary FundSystem a map Is ,triGd aad COlViCt.Gd in District Couzt of driving while intoxicated, aad is fitaed$59..00 aad costa. "Thisfire is pald,to th4 District Clerk of thin couatg. "Uider the Salary Fuad Law shouldn't thl4 fiae aad costs.ha turned iato. the County Treaa- urer for the benefit.of the S~alary.Fund?" Article ;803 of~tha PGnnl Code reads a4 follows: “Amy peraoa who driVGG or c&rates aa auto- mobile or any-other RIOtOr:VGhiClGupoa.aay street or all4y~or say other placp vithia th4 limit4 of aag iacorporatGd,city,:totin,or village,,or upoa sag public road:or highway ia this Stat4 while such pGraOn is iatOXiCatGd, or in aBy.dQgree under ~the iuflueace of ~Iatoxicat~iag 1iquor;shsll upoa conviction be confined in the penitentiary for not more thaa two (2) years, or be confined la the couatg jail for aot lea4 thaa five (5) day4 Mr. Quiacy Hawkins, Page 2 (O-681) aor more than airsty (90) da 8 aad filed aot leaa thaa Fifty Dollars (,$50 nor mors'thaa i Five Huadred Dollara ($50'0). Article 949, Code of Crimlaal Procedure, read8 aa follow8: "Mosey collected by aa officer upoa recogaleaaces, bail bonds aad other,obliga- tloas recovered upon in the namd of the State uader any provision of this code, and all flaes, forfeitures, judgmeata aad jury feea, cdll4ctad under sag provision of this Code, shall forthwith be paid over by the officers collecting the same to ths couatg treasurer of the proper CQUaty, after first daductipg therefrom the lsgal f4Gs sad com- mlssioas for collectlag the same.” Sectloa 3 of Article 3912s, R. C. S., reads as followsr "la all cases where ths aouunissioaar~s court ahall have dGtiGr#aSPedthat county offi- cer8 or preciact officers ia such couaty shall be cOmpcn8atGd for thGir services by the pay- meat of aa aaaual salary, aeither the $tate of Texas aor say county shall be charged with or pay to say of the officers 60 cOmp4a8atGd, sag fee orcommiasloa for the.pGrformaace of say or all of ths duties of their offices but such officer8 shall recG&va said salary ia lieu of all other fees, commissioas or compeasation which they would otherwise be authorized to re- tain; provided, however, that the assessor and collector of taxes shall coatiaua to collect aad retain for the benefit of the Officers1 Salary Fund or funds hereinafter provided for all fees aad commissions which ha is authorized uadsr law to coll4ct; and it shall bG hi8 duty to accouat for and to:.payall such moPI received by him iato the fund created aad provided for under the provisions of this Act; provided further, that the provlsioas of this Ssctlon ahall not affect the paym4at of costs la civil caae8 by the State but all puch costs so padd shall be accounted for by the officers collect- iag the same, aa thGy are rGqUir4d under the pro- visions of thla Act to accouat for fees,commlnsioas and cost8 collactad from prlvata parties." Mr. Quincy Hawkins, Page 3 (C-681) Section 5 of Article 3912e read8 in part asfol- 1OWS: "It shall be the duty of all officers to charge and collect . in _ the manner .. . authorized . by law -. all'fees ana comm1as1oas wnicn are permirtea oy law to be assessed and collected for all official service performed by them. As and when such fees are collected they shall be deposited in the Officers' Salary Fund, or funds provided in this Act..." Article 6700, R. C. S. of Texas, read8 a8 fol- lows : "Fines collected for violation8 of any highway law aa set forth in Chapter 1 of Title 13 of the Penal Coda, ahall be used by the municipality or the counties In which the same are a88eUSed and to which the same are payable, in the construction aad mainteaaace of road8, bridge8 aad culverts thereia, and for the en- forcemeat of the traffic laws regulatiag the use of the public highway8 by motor vehicles and motorcycles, and to help defray the expense of county traffic officera." Ia view Of the foregoing Statutes, you are respect- fully,adviaed that it is the opinion of thi4 department that the costs collectsd ia the CaSe mantloaed in your imqUir?J should be deposited la the Officers 1 SalaryFuad of the couaty ia which Such costs were collected and that since Article ooC cf the Peaal Code appears iu Title 13, Chapter I, you are fur- ther advised that the fiae should be deposited ia the Geaeral Fund of the coulity to be expended for the pUrpO8eS as eaumeratad ia Article 670O~.C;s. Trusting that the foregoing answer8 your ia- quirg, we ramala Yours very truly AW:AW:vb ATTORNRY GENERAL OF TEXAS By Ardell Williams .. Ardell William8 APPROVED JUL 12, 1939 ASSiStaRt k%A:iI%% ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVED Oplaloa Committee By--RUF Chairmaa
Document Info
Docket Number: O-681
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017