Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN April 10, les9 Eonorable %.L‘, ii.~rimble FiT8t ;rs8$8tAAt Stat8 ihlpCriAt0AdeAt Cepartmentof Eduaation a8tlA, Texas i:on. '2.I;. iM.uhle, April 10, 1939,.Psge2 Xat3onal Bank in bandarn, the depository ct Bander8 Cotity, or whether the mme Ghould be deposited in the Ssblnal %%te Bank, the depository,ror the Independent School filstriot. ..eaGsuwe that under the statutes Utopia Independent Sohool ifi such h district 88 18 4ntitled t0 b4Ve it8 trUSlt44a designate a de~os$tory bank for the fUGd8 OS the district aad that such depository bank has.been properly saleated. Article 2806, Revlaed Civil Statutes,provides In part as follows: 0 i Cemmoa mhoolbimtrlot.8 map in like manner h. 4QA80&&8& With OO&i&lOtl# i&hQWihlt 6OhOQl di6triOt8~ aad the dlstrlot aa arut. aball ba knoun by the MY or the independentaahool dirtriot lnoluded therein,and the management of the aq* d3etrl:iot 8haU be under the existing board of trwtew or the lndopendeut-aahooltim- triet, and all the right* 8n4 Prlvil~ea (Irantad+ Me- pandax+ dlatrfota by the law8 of thf6 &ak, *hall be &VOX& to the aonrollQte& in(lape&mntfIi&rla$ o-ted un&r $im pro~lsions of this Jaw; . . ." ma010 eaw, swt80d crrii .%ktut+ pr0rid~ the it at. an wmaaption eleotlon l a a Jo r lty of the votera iota to U#UBO':& pay off the bonded iodebtedneu or any of the dietriots ocpoolr3ag the oon8olfdatedd&&riot, thsn #mid boa&g ln6ebtdmm 8hd.l bea? the obllgtion.oi tba aonaoU&at~ &i&riot. Artiole.ti, kb~isad Civil Statuteo,prwldea for the .aP$&.ntmentof a treaaurar by lndopaa4at lahool dirtriot kartag aoskthan one hundre&anQ ftfty soholaatiaa. Provision ia thenin meukror the treamrer to be bond& Arti e791, s&ND84 MVllEH&Ptss, provlber for @%.in- .depea&mt school dlstrlot~aes~wor-eo~&ator o? taxes. Aytltie 8798, &wised Civil Statthus, prorid that rb4n a mjorlty of ~a8 board or truth48 0s w ia40ptta44nt .aiattiot prerer to hqa th8 tam8 6f that distrlot aroesw4 and oelleutiedby the omnty atMfOmw=ed- leeteoror oolleotsdonly by the ooftatytax oolleator,s&uuealmllbe assowed alla aolleoted b* raid 44unty ~offiosn and turnetlov4r to the t~aeumr of the inde~sndsnt~lohooldlstriot.forwhfoh l-h taxes hwe been aolleutsd. 'Bon. T. hi. Trimble, i,pril 10, 1939, Page 3 The former bond obligation of the Taylor Fonimon :%hool iriatrict is non the obligation of Utopia Ind8pOAd8At School District. That dlstrlot ha8 a treasurer or depository bank of It8 own. It Is the duty 01 the tax collector of Bandera County to deliver to that depository all taxes which he colleots iu behalf of said Utopia Independent Sohool Di8triCt. Sot only 18 the depository bank of Utopla independent 2chool ~letrlct entltled to have the money de- po8lted with it for eafekeeping, but the Independent School ~lstrlat Itself Is entitled to have the fund8 there deposited to be proteated by the bond put up by that particular depository. Sabinal State Bank being the depository of the L'topia In~e@enUent Sahool Diatrlct,' all aueh runde belonging to the dla‘trlct which bar4 been thu4 d4- posited tn the ?irst FlatioaalBank OS Banden shotildbe trawfmrd toth~SabUal8tatoBaak. YQUM vary truly -.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-491

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017