Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . AUSTIN . b4ln~th*porto?tho8tatutorhlohwuquotoa lnywr18ttu: . 6oetlm 6 of utio1:8 or tlm Qamtittr- tiamoi t&48tato of T4u _. jtrovla4st : -. - wo ame 0hl.l be ybaoELtt Weamwy but L‘=‘wa lp p r o p r lam&m tlm by &qciorahall My wQroprlnt1aIof mmry bs mds rw a Iongerparioathan fm year., aoept by the Plrat Legiolaturo to aarrslbla under thlo Omstltutlm vhioh w mkm the neoassary.pprQprl&m to oury m the Ooienuaentuatllths umNaga or thb 82xtedh J6610htt,tr0.* T h elb o To lsa tir lo nia e lllo two lr p r eo s blliiaoe. It raobldothe drawingot Uumey izz tim Troaovryoxoeptby 0p8iri0 lp ro@a- timl000d~g to mg 8pd it a0 0~0 P ri00 that no ~ppropri4tloa 0r way d+ll be and@ iorr l lo ng c p to ma th a ntwo y e a r ‘* c a 8trl ~ulc o tlo I6 u 0ri artlo& b ea 0 in tb u& 0rhthst r t0ntia 00tmftuti0m in- Ubltlcao, it lo our oplnlm that it0 lrr80tlo . to lppro~lato mnleo e ur g ;p ty fa tlm o i~ ll& z~ fuoaizontortbr steaJnBolhr L So etlm I6 o o nta ln8l va lla 8p p r o p r lw t1 a l. , Sf3TEX.JUR.644 - Y •>~grri8tIca ablcnll8lteadrrmtIoQ. ,I.rltmo tb, btemon 0r the 4&lolatlzo that 1t @xLwld ,~yoIldtuI ywrs lt uould- t0.ariol&t1on of tb l caotltutfamlgMdbltl=e tt 1s t&m that a llaar appropriation tor 8 l.on@rtermrdgbt br movertholooo 8006 am anapproprlat1oafbrtuoyoarm~ nutin t!Aegou- aentlastanoait lo not lbaolutcrly btiite that t& &ghlaturo lntenaoa to mka an appawprir- tion 0ra lorigupbrlodthaatwoyaaro3antlda- tloa &the ocxistltutlmal ob)eotlca,We lan- ltr uth a e la a g wogt olo stlm1 8 u r sr mln8 that t&apjuQpriatIarrnoforatlKByolLrparloa4 Itwcdbtollwthat t&aIagIslatummust him- ClalIy 8pproprlato tba mon1.0 for the mroroo- -wt 0r tb m $ 0th ~ elu b 8eq wti two yeam w.m meabro or thi xaglolatlwo as. 8uornto8u~,portthoDonrtltut1~; an6 the oounrrVIII not proouzmthat ~. they haTO iatodaa to +Iotto it vhu tb m5itbp 0r.a trrrvium0`` .. ably dI?dt Or Mot&U OO~Ot~iO4 600th 6 0r etioi0 8 0t tb thi8tb tutim (pr8TIouoly quotoa) not cKl1y requlrmoan 8pproprl~tIm boforoany . mxmyoaabo ia out ot the Traoury, but aloo llmlPo every lpproprlmtlai t0 8 tOX% Ot t-0 J@UOe xr am018 sol8 ot the R*YIooa oLItut.0 of l698 mk eo & n lpproprIatIal ior the w ' Or Ih0 0dtiOO Ot th0 8t43````~8 0r th 0l0e 0r o i+ii 0l1'0UllritOd8p~ 'f Qpo 'L&W?@.10 no t l Wo r d to indhat8 thSt it *8Stb p ur p o r to q rootrlot it00vua dc Qto th e‘tur n o t tuo y o a r o rThuaforo, to proouw th a twe LOglOhttln lntmdd r I: s- ---.-- bytbatpxuvloiunMtmIytorlxthe 8d,uy 0r the orfloe, hut ai* to make. mn r~pm*IatIorrfor lts mt, io to pTao\EYthat tholr vurpoaowas to lo thatvhIoh thoConstltutIm forbldo. Tht omnot bo gno’umd katl.m.6the &a- ~obo~olmaruteadzlltofnot The rMpeotIalorst8m&IlarAot i, a, utiob 82eu ba lrraiv0 -0 s, x437. suotlm 28~Oa lls r +Jr a nlp p o tim o ut o r tb Gamrel Revarw ?a14 the iUP la to.bo rc;loeb an8 raiund.6z::: %iat- ed aa&r th6 tcr5s of tha Aot 'aurl.n& ths tlrot JO= ci th0 0p0mi0a 0rttb bt,-~ sb0 0.t30td . us14 bo ropayabloby fqzm S lQ3fL -~&a ZwaalIl~ la ths IUIQ from & Goneral frmdattho ad althe flooalyear oa4lngAugust 31, 1937, am mppropriatmd for use sq to June s, 1998 9mmuubly, dnoo 1t 10 thr 4m uato rar th0 Y~OY 0ta or tb -1 ih~w~mtu. mb- lcfquentto Juno 3, 1933, ~4 priorto Juru S, 1939, It ms lppuently the lnhiitfm af the 4 iolaturo that tbo mnlu rrw;rtho fstatr Eollmr mpmit0i ma- -0 th0 0phiab 0r tb b8t .‘&lem "any unaxyundod hnlmoo or runao rumin in the *Stat0 Boll- In8paotI~ hmd* lt tb m 9 ortb flmal yearendIn AugWt~Sl~ Z93f3aW a+ owdlllgTen mKaIuaa Doduo ($10,ooo.00)m I' rpproprhtOa r0r tit0w 0f tb, cawaiua. It is aar oplnlm that tla 8~gavprIatlm dfeotlro u of Jum s, 1937 will tudmta 80 of Juu 3, 1939 by oonstltutlmal -tatlOU, r*ellaiiifuthalataltIulorthofsg1ol8tn to~ppropriatemnfuiora~t~ Tbw i -. :4!lSl . . . ~prlalrn booam ofre4stlYo lmealate~ upal pi8m 0r th0 h0t. xt -0 88a0r0r tro rc~n amderboththo~anemilur48pecrleltuads. The lppropri4ltIon lo inopsratlvraafter two -0. It rouldterm¶aat~even l~the&ntswupwaa @&y&lwnd~takable totha urfa.that it -it10 thovoraIngofthe statutoloJtot;learuldlC lBnott0 bepro- mElad that the LsgI~tlw ‘ought co vlolsta the omotltuticmal prorioiaaualeoothe m o$3olmeouIlMh~uowtomdmltor00PwF . %hO OTMtim Of th0 8pid - - %B?O i‘ 8p&U'O&U?itLtd ti th. fWd@ oacila&frw outnln ornuwoo,vhloh, u oolleoted are &pooItod vlth the 6tato %bWU8Wy &I tbn Or&t Oi 8 SpOOiti iuna QolgtaJted a‘ tba 'stat0 I2lghoy 80 other roaoy la the stnto atatadintbs Aoto heroSnqwst1~. Ho&rutu aummtt~tbat~poalWd in ode tuudoem be we6 for mal&'gurc -‘*,.Ao8wh8llooat1ao~ thln.kSt had tho MalfoBt purpow ‘at ruao~mwtifiW,bqonAdlQarOt or t#raUvexturo,trctmtha gonoral rue nuo aab- OS -t!m.st&o..8?adOS 407ot5ng l8tlag It to th8 rt lurod tb daublo purpo~ooi 8 &br8tiao of pollar 886 8 dlraotial tomthe oat. troaour~ thatthorunam8aottobo&78ba- *'or poser, other um8 those mwd . & tr art1olo.* .; ., ‘_ 1 ., . ,... ..I, I”,~: ,.:. .I ,~ ; . ,.’ ,. .~. i ,~ :.. .; i .,

Document Info

Docket Number: O-320

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017