Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Thlr departaent I8 i w letter or ?eb:uarT 24, 1939, rque8tiag an opinio on of whether the lelaetion ot a bank an oount 08@ prerldent ir 8 camber ot the County YeD ) 19%. 8pp.?arlng in Volwam 1133at p8ge uwuarlng 8 r*l*tod (Iarc llblOhwao 60. oh, two of WhlOb ooa- J .BObO&StiO8, Wa8 IlOt d18- County Borrd Oi YOhooL 'h&888 outlon uadsr krtiols 373, Pam1 Lncluciw, a8 amenbed by E. 8. r 3¶88iOlb, 45th L8g., p. leP&1318, pro- 88iOll4t8’ Court Or 08Oh OOWIt~ #hall Artleh t963 proVia Ch8t in th0 08S* Oi’i8aOXpOr~t8d ‘%rht8 baring 188s ttaa one huadrd fifty 8rhOl88tia8, l811 frill68 lt 8uoh alrtrictr 8hall br kept in th. eOtUdyd8~Si9Ort.r and pciid .~ ** on order of tna LrU8te48 spprorbd by the Oarnty 8~p4riZltOZMhat.' &a. Park8 ::.~oXlohar1, iiaroh 9, 1939, Page t . Under ttl4prOYi8iOll8of &t+lcle l%i?8,Rev1404 %4tUto8 1926, and Artioh 2829, 88 8E4lldOd kOt8 iQS1, uZbd Lee., p. 43, Ch. 34, the oounty dspo4ltorr 14 ma0 the d8pO41tO~ ror tbo fUlld8 Of oommon 8ObOOl d14triotr. Under tho prOvlliOn8 of tit1010 2838, triad btatUtO8, 1926, the fund8 of lnde~endont rohool dirtrlotr, barlq man than On0 hUndrOd 8nd fiftY 8OhOh8tiO8 , are kept in depo8ltorier releoted ~4 8pprored by the bo8rd of tAl8t888 of 4uoh independent rohool dlcltriot. A8 ehown by fomgoin(l t&o 8t8tute8, the rohool had4 kept by the county deporltory are there belonging to 00-n rohool di8triotr and indsQond@nt 4Oh001 dl8trlOt8 h8tfng 1488 then On0 hundred end rift+ roholartlor. The County Board of Cohool Tru8tsor 18 not Ofilclall~ oonoexned wlth the management &nd dirburrrment of 8uoh sohool fund8 and he8 nothing whatever to bo with makind the Oon- tmot rlth ths depository bank. Thl8 department 18 of the oplnlon that the County Com- mi48ionor8* Court nay &ogally de8ignate a4 the oounty deporitory, 4 bank who80 prsrldeat 18 a member of the County bard of Zchool %wtaaa. YOW8 vary truly ATTORNXY CFSERAL OP TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-269

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017