Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • February3, 1939 HOROrebl~ L. h. v&od State Superintendentof tibllo Instruction .custln,Texas In reiplJrtberst0, we nish tu sdtiss. &rtlaloBQZEa or Rerl#d airil 5tatutea,lms, Me& ln pert aa follmar "Illeaoh 0rgmma OoLultytnthits stdataaad lnanyaounty mhiohrhall bereafterba organized, the aauntysahooltruJBtee8 nbellblawthe atathor- ltytofo.mone or-ore ruralh%ighsahwLdla- trleta, by groupiagaontlgprowaamon aohooldie- triot6having lose than iour huatlred8oholiu5tio ption and independw~tnohooldlmtrlotabav- 1~ less than two hundred and fifty saholastio pQpulat1onfor the purpose 0r wtablishing and opemting rural high aohoola.* iartiole 89eea,RevisedCivil StatulW; 19&S, reada in part a8 iolloaii "So rumilhhighsohoo1Q%striot,asproridti for herein,shall oontofaa greatu are0 than one handrsd equareml&s, or more than 8evwi criemnt- alrgsabaoldietrlots except that the oouaty8obeol boardof sohooltrua~eeepaytonurural hi@ a&ool Hon. I..A. Plood,P'ebrunry3, 1939, Pace 2 dlstriats,as nrovidsd in Artiale 2922a, oon- tainlng more than one hundred square miles, upon a vote of iimajority of the qualified eleotors in t3e said proposed zural high sohool district vot- ing at an election called for suoh purpose." 29``approv~,lof dfstriot trustees is not neoessarj* when a ruralhi?3 sohool distrlot is foxmed by wgroupingw districts. Bell vs. Kirkland, 41 S.K. (Zd) 443. Approval of trustees of.dlstrlotsarrected in annexing dls- tricts to r0m a NNl higbsohool,dlstriot is not neoessarywhere an eleotlon is requiredand held under provision of Article 29220. (2d) 883. Cox vs. Beard, 87 SiPi.. Tharefore,we hold that when, the dlstriat is loaatad whol- ly within one oountg and the area of tha proposed diatrlot is more than ona hundred square miles, and not more than seven sohool dia- trlots are involved,that the oounty sahool trustsea OS tha prtlau- lar county may aall an aleotlon for the purpoee o? fonnlng a rural high sohool distriot of more than one hundred square miles, and not to exceed aeven elementary distrlota wlthout the oozment or the trustees or the IIUO``~S distriots Involved; aid if a majority of’ all or tha ale&ore votin at the aleotion held ror that purpose, and the whole of the terrftory lnvokved,vote in favor OS such formatlon OS a rural high school Uistriot, it 1s tha duty or the oounty aahool tNStOeS to (I)Or&JaniZSthe 88mr). Yours very truly GSB:FG AlT.ORNEYGE3ERALOF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-268

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017