- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN IIon.Joseph XoarOen, Chairnan Taxm3 Erison Board Viatoria,Text Daar sir: al oath criOrCiO8. The kI?Z!LOf OfSiO6 or 6aoh 8tsxidmr shall ba six yeara, except t&a& fn maklag the Plrst appolnntarents the Covernor Hon. Joseph Gxwlen, Febrwry 14, 1939, Page 2 shellappolntthree members Dora tarn of txo yeara each, three mem- here for term0 0r four years aah, and three member8 for tews or 85.x yesra'eaoh,so that the terms of three numbers ~hal.1expire every two years. Yacanoies occurring in the Dozd shall be filled by ap- polntmeat0r the covernor ror tha unexpiredterKLLw Ycuwlll note that, ln effeat, the above quoted &&Qe states that the Govern& shallalaks8ppokrtmmtiIoftbreememb~'of theTqasPrleonBoardevarytm years .wlth these appo5ntmentsto be made 01)or b&e - Februai?y15, and the terplof oSfIo8 of eaah to be rar a pqrlod or E&Z yemar ~5erpb6s ?urthkr,undortheabweart&l~ aoslber ofthePrlaonBoardlu5ldsaoaue& tuticml oiiiae, and though an eppointlr~ 0rfl00, the ~600 nilea or tenure will apply as to an &.tnotlreoriioe. Ti+merore, ii a new appointee to the Texas.Prlscn Board falls to qwillfy for severalmonths af'terFebruary ~,~tpp-w serves aeveral mmtha . miol6 16, fkotloa 17 oi tiu3ma- etltutianorTeXas pr0~M66 as lW.l0~8: “All om.oorswlthln thlrr State shall aantinueto psrtonn the duties or their 0fri068 until their mmoessor shalL be duly qualified." The term of oftioe to be for a per- iod of six year8 doersnot man that eauh men+ bar shallserve slxyeare fromthe dateof Eon. Joseph Wearden, February 14, 1939, Page 3 his @%fZoation, but means that ha shall eerve rrlxyearn or until the qtdirimd0n of his mm- o6wor.. The appoIntmentaare not -de for elr yeara but th6y are made to rill a term oi six years, rrhieh expkea on ?ebraary INIt, Eden though the appofnteo may not have served but Sire and a half yaaru or even 8 less period of time. It icronr oplnlon, and you are so advised, that new appointma to the Texes Prison Board le- q,allytake offioa asiaoon aa they shall be duly qual- ified arter February 13. Bellering thls to anewer your lnqulzy,we are Yours very ?mly :1 ATTOlZKltY~ALW Asaistent POtob ATl'ORWY CiiNERAL'-
Document Info
Docket Number: O-258
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017