Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    February         U,   1@30
    Hon. Edgar 3. Payne
    County Attorney
    Hookley County
    Levelland,  Texar
    3ear Sir:
    etter   of    January
    dlaoretlon, suoh
    r county buainear?m
    norable J. J. Striokland,        dated April
    t oplaloa Mr. Looasy 8aidt
    no one should be allowad, or petitted,              to
    oacupy It eroept the publlo offlolala           named
    ia the mtatute..
    Thea the oplnloa altes the va r io wltatute8,
    rhloh    hare been retained  In the same anbstantlal  tO?m
    Hon. Mgar     E.. Payno, T6bnury     las, 1939, Page &
    lnun;;$la6t    oodlfioation.   and   states   hi6 oonol~6````
    Ve do not think, therefore,    that aa
    authority   sxl6ts in the oou6ty o~i66ioner6
    6ourt to oontraot for the rental of any of-
    tlo66,   or offloe   6psoe. In the oourt houso,
    and no p er so n,  lxuept the offloer8 named 1s
    the rtatute, oaa alair the right to o6oupr
    any room6 or spa06 therein free of rest, or
    The sheriff     of the oounty would hare
    the right to instltut6     a suit lo the MM
    o f the oounty to lr io ta nyOo o up entfr a
    the oourthoxse not authorlred to Oooup7 the
    66me, sinoe he 16 the legal outstodlan of
    the oourt house a8 provided in Art1016 8393
    (nor Art. 
    6872 Rawle C
    . 3. 19251, subjeot to
    6u6h regulations     as the cOm!dssiOnOr6 Court
    nay proaoribo......"      arport and Opinions,
    Attorney General, 1914-1916, p. !M8.
    Se do not find that the exaot qu66tlXarehall,   supra
    oould b6 relied upon to ohange the general rule, sup-
    ported by tha great wel&ht of authority     a6 statsd In
    the follorl~   1ancuciFe of Zorpiis Jurle 115 C. J. 537):
    *In aooordanoe    with the general rule
    heretofore   stated that oounty boarde or
    oounty oourte have ao powers other than
    those oonfsrred expressly or by nQOQ66Up
    lmpllOatlon,   ruoh oourtr or board6 havo
    no pawer to rent or to lease property       or
    tranohiees   owed   by the oounty in the
    6b66nO6 ot statutory authority      60 to dOen
    (S6e luthoritIe6    olted   under this text)
    We find no OOZlStitUt~Ona~ or statutory authorl-
    ty la Texas for tha renting of odloe6 in 6ourthou6e6.
    In our opinion the only spaos the ~omxIssIoner6~   Court
    would be luthorl6ed to rent or laa6a would b that olear-
    17 not needed for oounty bu6ine68, and then only for
    purrpor66 senlng       pub110 oonrenlenoe     or n60666It7.
    Hon. Zdgar 6. Fayne,      February 25,   1939, Page 4
    You   are therefore raspeotrully   advlaea      that
    your question      io answered in the negative.
    ;.e wiaf; to thank you ror the splendid brlef
    submitted,  and to expres8 our regret at the unatoilable
    delay in ana*ierLg you boosuse of the press of mob
    bualnssa or thio Depart&sent.
    Very   truly   your8
    Jamln modal1

Document Info

Docket Number: O-178

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017