- January 20, 1939 Eon.GaorgevanFlemt Aatuary of the Board Boar&¶nofT~anw owmrl681one4ln 9 Dear Hr. VQn Fleet: 0plnlonHo. o-l.57 R6: Fxl.lngfoes applioablel to aRtLtty ii26 ins-~ rautrrai C-W. Ii your lettar of January 16, 1939, you asked this Departmsnt to m the correat tee applicable for a cotmty mutwl fire lll6urax#elxmilpanyto pay to the Board oi'limurtm~ Comaf8sionam for tilfng its annual B ta telmnt l ~rticls 4Wla-20, Seotion 3, providesfor the iea to ba pal``,,@r,f~ling an applloation$oora parrnit. to .Mlt6 lnwr~ue as well a8 the it93 r0r th rmeual of suah @t.. This artiole ia oloarly applicableto thaw lndbldualswho dwire toroma countymutual In- 6llranW e and rho m&o ap lluatlon to the Bcmrd of 8lon8rS of the 8tat0 of Texas for per- ml86106 to rollelt lnwranw on the ~xllut.W or coop%rEatlTe pm findthe row themin proddled ror are r-8 wvering the sarviwa thuoin enuwratsd beart, the ohartm of the uorporationl6 graltod. iirtlole4MOa-20, SeotLon 5c, provides for the rwtobepald totheEw& of Insuranne CommIsslonars 0f the state. 02 - r0r thb wting 0t the 0harter an8 provides that such roe &all be #30.00 and is to be paid only rhea the other Iuqnirppnts of seatIon, or suoh art- iale hem been fully rat and lied with; This artiole aontal~ no provlfslon "p rorthe ao le&I~n or fess for the riling or the annualstatmmlt. krtlole 486Oa-14 pmxldas that eve snoh mu- teal insuranoo company,whatheror~zedri L or wtth- out the state, shall be subjeot to, exeqpt as otherwise proridml by law, all ganeral provLslons of law applioable Hon. George Van Fleet, January 20, 1939, Page 2 to etook lnsuranoe companies ttinaacting the same kings of lneiaranoe,and shall make Its annual report and submit to moh examination as tight be re+uired by the Board. Article 4860a-17 provides that every suah oompany, whether organized within or without the state, shall be sub- ject to suoh fees 88 are now provided by law for ftook com- panies doing the same kind of business. It is apparent to the writer, therefore, Artiole 4860a'nor none of-its subdivisions provide for the fee due the Board 0r Inauranoe Commlasloners ror riling its annual statement. In view of the language of Articlfn34S60a-14 and 4860a-17, we must look to other statutes ibr the au- thority ror the oolleotion of this fee. Article 3920 provides:that a filing ree of $20.00 shall be paid to the Board of Insuranae Commissioners by an insurance company filing its annual statement. You are, therefore; respectfully advised that it is the opinion or this Department that a filing r00 or $20.00 should be"aharged a 6ounty'mntual fire insurance company for filing its annual statement. Very truly yours ATTORN'EYGENERALOFT~WLS By(Slgned) Lloyd Armstrong AsslstaIlt APPROVED: (Signed) Gerald G. Mann ATT- GENEERAL OF +lTXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-157
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017