Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN son. ?obort J. Xleu County Attorney Lubbock, Texas Opinion ;;a.O-40 Rc: E!sfiooition of i%ma an 430d&yaanor Cases Ycur requedt far nn o&ion on the quee- tion: “Is the 2ustiad of the Peace lichle to >ay to tke cc2:nt.y 105 of fines oo leoted on ocnplaints setting cut 4 4.03 qtion t< .W+iole 1593b, Fcnal Cc&e?” has been recePved by this offloe. Ar%dolb 911b. .Seotion 17, para:raph C of ciic iiehtaed ~Civ11 Staf.dtes of Texas, provides: “all feca exoept the lee provided z? Seotion 5 of tfrieAot aoorued under tM term of t’::is Aot an.3 all fines an? peusltles oolleotad under the pro- vksicns or t:lls hat shall be lmyable “y,;;;,ih”te Treaourer at huotia, and , P. . Our intcrlwetation of t?lis Ctntute is that all fines CCL!penalties an& all other fees except the foe prorPded in Seotlon 5 of this Act oollcoted under the pro\&ions of tilis Aot shall be paid to the State . Yroasuror. 1!owevor, this does riot prohibit ths Xs- trlct or Comt:.; At:orncy fro3 the oollootion or ten parcent of all fines, forroituree or xoneys colleoted for the State or County upon judgment rccovored by hkn r lion. Robert J. Allen, January 9, 1939, &!a 2 as authorized by Artiole 950, Code of Criminal Prooe- dure. Art 1010 a912e, Section 3, Revised Civil Sta- tutes, Frovides: “In all oases where the Commlsaionera~ Ccurt shall have determined that oouatp of?icers or preolact ofrioers In suoh oounty ohell be oompensated for their servloss by the payment of an annual salary, aaither t kc? Stute of Texas nor any county shall be ohur~cd :dth or pn:: to any of the offioors so compensated, any fee or oommission for the performance of any or all of the duties of their offices but suoh offiocrs shall re- ceive said salary In lieu of all other fees, commissions or oompensation which they w ulC otherwise be authorized to retain....* Seotlon 4 of Artiole 39128 provides: “In all counties of this State oon- talninS a population of less than one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000) inhabitants aocordinp, to tho last pre- oedin2 Federal Census wherein the county or preolnot officers are compensated on a aalarg basis under the provloions of thin Act, there shall be oreatod a fund to be knot= asC``ntOffioers’ Salary Fund of , Texas. @ Suoh fund shan kept separate and apart from all other oounty funds, and shall be held and disbursed for tho purpose of paying the salaries of ofiioers and t’;e salaries of deputies, assistants and clerks of officers who nre draAn.r?: a salary from sold fund under the provi- sions cf this Act, and to pny the author- ized o:

Document Info

Docket Number: O-48

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017