Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable U. 0. ylowers
    Seoretary of State
    tinatin, Texas
    Dear Sir:                 Attention:       iir. i?nais C, Favors
    Opinton 30. o-72
    He: Calculation of revi&       fees
    for corporatie who3e\rlght
    to do business h.ls\bpeeh.
    forfeited for r3ilury to'
    py frs&shlse tax.      .I'
    'XIare in receipt.df your la&t@ of Xovember 14,
    1939, in which you submit the,icrllowinrj~/question  to this De-
    partment ror a5 opinion:       I,
    Wmul&   iha. 3ecrebar+     ~of State,
    the SIX months
    he figure   and
    for the entire
    Artlole 7089, pro-
    f Maroh of eaoh year, and imposes a
    anwunt of the framhise tax for failure
    Thereafter, on the let day of Xang the
    e and payable to the Seoratarg of State
    if the tax is not aaid :-rhendue, the tax-
    payer then beooaes liable for an additional penalty of ZS$
    of the amount of the tsx for late paDent    (mt. 7091). The
    Secretary of State is required, during the mnth of zay, fo
    notify eaoh corporation which ha3 failed to pay its franchise
    tnx on or before  the 1st day of Ay, that unless such tax is
    paid, together with penalties thereon, before the 1st day of
    Honorable 3. C. Flowers, Page 2
    July next following, the right of suoh corporation to do busi-
    ness in this State will be forfeited without judicial   ascertaia-
    ;nent (Art. 7092). suoh rorreiture  being accomplished by noting
    upon the records of the Offiae of the Secretary of State the
    words **right to do bUSiUeS8 forfeited."   (Art. 7091).
    The method of reviving the right of such corporation
    to do business is provided in Article 7092, which reads, in
    part, a8 rOliOWS:
    "Any corporation whose right to do
    business say have been forfeited, 9s pro-
    vided in this chaoter. shall be relieved
    be less than five dollars. When 8UCh tax
    and all penalties shall be fully  paid to
    the Secretary of State, he shall revive
    the right of the corporation to do business
    within this State by canoelling the words,
    'right to do business forfeited,' upon his
    records and endorsing thereon the word,
    'revived,' and the date of such revival.
    If any domestio corporation whose right to
    do business within this State shall  here-
    after be forfeited under the provisions of
    this chapter shall fail to pay to the
    Secretary of State, on or before the first
    day of January next following the revival,
    (forfeiture) the amounts neoessary to en-
    title it to have its right to do business
    revived under the provision6 of this chap-
    ter, such failnre shall constitute sufficient
    ground for the forfeiture, by judgment of
    any oourt of cospetent jurisdiction, of the
    charter of such do:aestic corporation."
    Article 7095, ;ievised Civil Statutes, i.925, provides,
    in part, 3s follows:
    :-Ionorable:ii.0. Flowers, Page 3
    "The Attorney General shall bring
    2ui.t therefor against any corporation
    which may be or beoome subject to or
    liable for any franchise tax or penalty
    under this law; and, in ease there may
    now be or shall hereafter exist valid
    grounds for the forfeiture of the charter
    of any domestic private corporation, or
    failure    to gay any franchise tax or
    franchise taxes or penalty or penalties
    to whioh it may have become or shall
    hereafter be or become subject or liable
    under this or former law, he shall bring
    suit    for a forfeiture of such charter;
    * * *o
    It was held in Federal Crude Oil Com~ny vs. Pount-
    Lee Oil Company (Supreme Court, 1930), 52 S. 1:. (2d) 36, that    t/
    the language contained in Article 7092 quoted shove, providing
    that the frsnchisq tar,and penalties due might be paid at any
    time within six mnths after the'forfeiture, is directory, and
    that the corporation may be relieved of the forfeiture by gay-
    ing the franchise tax with accumulated penalties after the six
    months period if at %he time payment is made the State hIa.not
    availed itself of its right to bring suit against the corpora-
    tion for the purpose of forfeiting its charter.
    As we construe this statute, the six msntha aroviaion
    does not refer to or fix a liait upon the time for calculating
    the five ger cent per month revival fee, but is a limitation upon
    the right of the State to forfeit the charter. It was intended
    to allow the delinquent corporation six months from the date of
    the forfeiture within which to revive its right to do business
    and during such six months period, the Attorney Genera1 is with-
    out authority to institute a suit to forfeit the cor_;roratechar-
    ter and dissolve the corporation by reason of its failure to
    pay the franchise tdx.
    This oonstruotion is in accord with the conatruotion
    and application of the statute made by the Secretsry of State
    over a long period of time and we would not be justified in
    departing therefrom unless good reason existed for such lotion.
    I+* is our opinion that the Secretary of Ztsts should
    collect a revival fee from a corporation whose right to do
    business has been forfeited for failure to >a:r its r’r,mchise
    tax, at the rate of 5;J per month, or frzatiocal ,art of 1
    month for the entire period Prom the date of forfeiture until
    Honorable X. 0. Flowers, Tage 4
    the accrued tax and penalties are aaid, rlthoua sapent :nay
    be aade lore than six sonths after the date of forfeiture.
    Yours very truly
    ccc   :RS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-72

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017