Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    County Traaeurar to
    oifiaor for allegad
    asfars of certain
    P you are quits Lengthy, and,for
    opinion wo take the liberty to wuinariz8
    rlor to 1931 the v0te.m of.Sha&fsl-
    horieed a oouuty wide bsnd ieeue. of
    c~ about the   ma8   tba    the   voter8   0r
    Road DistiriotNo.:.?oi.sald oounty authorlmd a baad
    issue of &3OO,OOQ.-Thla iaaneyVW rot& ior tha pur-
    pose of building rosds, apparentlyunder the provi-
    sions ai Artiole 3, Sec. 52 of the Constitutionof
    Texas. It appear8 agreed that    a?,terthe roads wars
    oompleted,thers~were several thousand dollars bal-
    anoa In aaoh oi suoh bond iunda.    Part o? this mons~
    was by order o? the oourt, on July 25, 1935, trdasfer-
    red from ShaaokelfordCounty Bond Fund to tha General
    Fund of the county and part from Road District Ro. 2
    Fund to thr:Road and Bridge Pund. An amount equal to
    Hon. Thomas L. Bfantoa, Jr., Feb. 4, 1939, Pa@              2
    .., :'              .
    tha latter funds was on Augmt 7, 1957, ordered
    transrarradto'th&..Cansral PuI1?'fiaimthe $Qad.end
    Bridge FuudIL 4t-l-, ti#.af saahof those:trena-
    Thera.reenn,mme 4lte     on tha .faatabsfwem your
    stat&nta.,* yooor..l~it~r;Md,t``,teottals   0r ``farbrs ot
    .        the Commisaitjaar8t’
    Ceiiii$``quo~.bj~pibuas to :rhetherthe bonds
    and laterest, and obll&ions Sor whloh the bonds were ori&
    nzlly issued had been fully paid off .aad eatlafied atthe  tiw
    of said transfers.                          we are no+ln posi-
    the puqoae of this
    ,   I..         1   _   -.-   !
    -(lj 'gas'tho;tisdsieE‘
    of July 2g,.iQSa,'&& &h&k-
    _:        elrord Coanty B~uX~.`` to..the.*oe~r,rtl
    Fund* a legsl
    trapeber``' .:     . ..    ; _
    "'(3).Z's8the.~&&a;bi       Aqzust 7, 19&:&a       'Road
    and Bridge aund* to'.* *GeneraJ Fund' a legal.tramfer?
    V'.._                     .
    "(4)' If. abbd’tr&fk8     .+.. heli i.U.egel, would,
    'th~,CbuntyTraaaorgi~.ha~i.~thority    to ttisfer;~wlthout
    'edorder of..the'G~js$.otim!, C&t, an:a#l&.e)-etiaal       to l
    that hbretoibrs  transfirridby the ordgr:Oz.the oourt
    rrom *Road Dlstriof..I?b;.8XII&*.to the 'Geimral Fund'
    from saW?Gbneral hind“ to 'Slnkibp IkId'No.2; Road
    Distrlot Wo.2")
    ot the Commissionoia~.Court'hsio the autheritf.tetreia- I?
    iar.irom the *GeneralRud! to 'Sluk3ng Pupd @6.Sc.~
    amout equsl to.thr~amount'~eratoion transfarrsdby the
    order of the Coart rrom tha lShaokeltordCoanty Bond
    Fund' to the 'CeaeralW$!?..                        .~
    "(6) Is there &y ha!i.&al-llebiliy for-t&m trans-
    fers: (a) eonthe part of'the'count.Judge, (b) on the part
    of the Cougty Cqnmissipner~.qnd:(cr on,ths part QS ,th@
    County Treasuhir? "                                 .,
    Hon. &onms*L. Blanton, Jr., Feb. 4, 193e, Page 3
    "(7) Ia
    IS thue..in
    thue..Fn yaur~oplnlon,01~11 liability for these       ..:J
    transfers: (a) on                         Jud e, (b) on
    on the part of the County Judge.
    the part ~of
    ths County
    ahd (o
    k on the c
    part .orthe County~Troesurer?                          ,*-.
    :          ..                         I. ~.
    ,."(8)'In the evsnt.tqe Oolamissioaars* Oour``does not pass
    ti ordeP transferilngthd .,?uads,baok to.ths pmpcir funda,
    ~. what;ef$ionwould.you advise trlisorriot to taka?"
    Wlt&rsferimoe to the first three questions we hold all
    transrsre of 'suchfunds tu have b&m an Illegal dive&Ion thereor.
    Wecarefully studied the opinion heretofore rendered on Felhsry
    7, 1938, by Jamee M..Wo~; then Assistant XttOrney General to
    Eon; -Si C. Coffec,;~and ~agrse'thireirlth.  Other authoritiesthan
    the ~oaae'ot~Carrol1T; ?iil?liqsi,%!Ob   S.Ua 5C4, olted-by Hr. Neff,
    whlaH ~6 think in line thsrewlth: If Ter. Jur. 609, Sea. 78;         I
    Robblns vs..LQnestone County, 260 SW. 915, p. 919; Comnl3alonerP~
    Court v. Burk, 262 S.Wi 94 '(CIT.App., writ rsZused);~Sandero
    Y. Looney, 225.S.W. 28O;~%illaso'vlOomnle3lonera~Courtof Madi-
    .    son County, 281 S;Wi‘~.503 -(Qlv.App. reversed on other grounds),
    From these iuthorities'weoolicltidr    the oorreot statementof the
    law tb be that(constltut$oii~l   l'udd~smeiy-notbe tiansferredfrom
    one !'undto enother; may,not be diverted; and Commlsslonerel
    Courts have no power      expend for one'purposetax modey raised
    ostensibly   ror           In thls oonneotlon,w point out that
    the.oplnlonof July 8      1935, written by Aasls~tant  Attorney
    General Vlotor'W. Bouliln tio~Hodorable    9. C. Ooffee, 8oema to
    overrule the opinion 0: former Assistant Attorney.GensralDavis,
    dated 2daroh.lS;1935.~ ,Weti@!ttlon  thego opinions beeaueo'they are
    set out In--y&rbrlejfand-]sbemto~hs?r been the+iiis.'otthe
    Coml3a~oner3~'order9~al3a``3~t~im~     In your btilef. Uopfes'of
    all three-op$nlonsarb'a@pefitted~hetisto.    We alti append a copy
    or an bpl~loh:~tten~b¶aro~ 17;~.1937,by Asalatant Attorney
    General Vlotor VI.Boqldlq;to,Bo~orable.S,
    ‘..       C. ,S"ith,~
    Countq Attorney,
    Meridian, Texas.                                   '.
    '.     ..:'.,       I
    Answering your f+rb& qudbtlon'%'%ve oire?ully,not     ed
    the pmvlalona of Title 36, R.C.S;;,rslatlngto,tee County
    Treasurer. Artlole 1709 dire&s the Treasurer to 'pay~aniapply. 1
    'lEOd8~3"es requlred'byliri"but.further "in suoh m&nieraa %hs- L
    oommlssloners~court of    his7,county
    .'y;"    ;.,,. may,~,
    ..I    rewire ard dlreetm,
    .., ~;.
    Artlole 1713 %a'# iollawet'.qae County~Trsasurer *
    shall not pay any money'6utor ~the county treehry emiept In pur-
    auanoe.or a aertlflcatd``or  warrant from 80s~ of~loer aathorized
    by law ta issue the sam(,;and if suoh treasurer shall have any
    a,--*-of_-the legality oriproprlety
    ``....~._        . . . . of'any
    a      order, deoree,
    _- oertl-
    Hon. Thomas& Elanton, Jr., Feb. 4, 1939, Pnge 4
    , "._' :._     7 : ..I
    the same. but shall make report thereof to the aommlssloners~
    Court for their cona,Ideratlonand direotlon."
    ._. - -:; ?J.      _:. 'in
    The County Treasurer la a oonstltutlonalofficer, and
    the Legislaturehae.+he $ouierto prescribe his dutlas. (Const. ,
    Art. 16, Seo, ~444);..
    G:e.i;ttiRo authorityYe *raaaUer of funds
    by. the'ttia+er'on-Me   Wu:lMlinstl~n, but the statutes  qbbove
    quQt@ ?a.pn,``~cZ?a,~ff-``diosts~ri:d~ty.``.tbbpmm$eea. !&are-
    ``;:``e'hol&tke~anMM&       ~t%ens    Xo%.'4'?8@ e:e    bo.In
    ~estg~-``;~:.~h~.~i:an``rsa'thsm       is.ao erlxlnal
    lle~ll$~ cnithe pa& oi~eEthor``t,theorilalrsmaattoned. No
    officer, any'more than a private Individual,may be punished for
    any aof or omIialon es a penal offense, unles? the aame Is ex-
    pressly defined ilnd%SieY#tuialt$
    afflxed.by the wrlttmn law. 9ee
    P. C. (1925y~.Pxt.3; Stota Ti -abury,    37 Tex, ,159. In the
    Xtngsbury case iihew'w6e.n~‘8tatutu making.tha:aat.ofthe County
    Court In unlawful19 appmrSng an .aaoouutapainstcthsooun%g a
    penal orrense.  See‘34~Ter; 'Jur:'479. See also opintorbonrpotlon
    for rehearing in oase"ef..&op8r:v.State, 279 9. W. 449.
    The oorreat iGs& to:your questi&    Ho. fl h& @en
    mnoh conokn.    'F&m a'~d~ti,~‘axealnation  oi.your sntira.brlef,
    however, snd the wo&!Uati fast situation of t&e-matter.Mfore
    us, ws,havs conoluded-ther+eheuldbe no-olvl.LUabilitp of qny
    of tha offlaers mentioned by You.
    iYeare of opinion the odunty jud@ amX.~ommlasIonera,
    In passing the orders mentioneda$ove, and set out fully In your
    Inquiry,were aotlng In a tldla$al.oapaoi%y  oKu%‘lWUt In a
    quasi-judicialoapaolty. 3i 80, the respootlvu member8 of the
    oourt ace not reaponslblefor olvll bamap?ta. In thlw:oonnectlon,
    your attention Is called to the.oaae ot.Coma?@e.:Co~ty.v,.Burks,
    166 3. ';:.
    470 (CIv. App. writ r&fused). @ that ease tEfCoz-
    mlsaloners court sold oertaln aohool lti%&s*m
    vest!ng the proceeds of tb? male In seau~ltlesmxU&ed       by
    the Constltutlon,from the    to tlme,dlvertedportions thereof
    and appropriatedthe snme to the general purpoees of the oounty.
    The court, ln a well written opinion, held the .offloersacted
    In pood faith In a judlclal or quasi-judicialaapaolty, and were
    therefore not personally: liable. The oounty, aa such, was held
    ._     :
    Hon. Themes L. Blenton, Jr., Feb. 4, 1939, Page 6
    liable to the school fund and judgment entered accordingly.
    Lee in addition to the Commahe County Case, eupra,-22 R. C. I.
    p. 478, Seo. 152; p. 484, Sec. 162; 46 C. J. 1042; 34 Tex. Jur.
    p. 466, et seq.; Callaway V. Sheppard, 89 S. :7.(2) 417 (Clv.
    APP. writ dismissed);MoDonald t. Farmer, 56 S. 'a.555 (Clv.
    App.); Creswell Ranoh & Cattle Co. v. Roberts County, 278 S. Y.
    737 (~civ.f4pp.writ rerused).
    Under authority of the oase of McDonald v. 
    Famer, supra
    , we think your question is.apeolfioallyanswered as to
    the County Treasurer. The reoetitease of Hoffman Y. Davis,          .
    100 S. W. (2d) 94, (Corm. App.) f’ull``disqmsei   the rlehts and
    duties or oounty tresstiersand i8LrsspectfUllyrefe,yredto
    therefor.                         .r-.. :              '!
    .. -
    w vlrtub oi'the-dutdbrltlee.oited,    question'&. 7
    should be answemed In the negative ae to all offiodrs there
    .jnqulredabout.            .- '
    As to your duty-in the premises, as refloated by
    your question-No.8, we suggest;youpefer the matter to the
    County Treasurer with the advfoe.that   ho formally request the
    OomnissionerslCourt to pass an order transferring the eqds
    in controversyto.the prop.er8fnkln``fundo. If tha‘Cina-
    missioners Court ehotild thsn refuse to do so, underthe   BU-
    thoritp of Eoffimn v..Davls,:+~pka,there appears no doubt of.
    the right and dutfof the treqsqr to bring en aotion. The
    Court In that.oaae did not 'tiadW,upon.the question .&fwhether
    the County Attorney rould‘have``.aancU5rlngrlgh$:but the pro-
    visIona or ~rt.339, R. 0. s;.would sesai%cibestow ib:           4
    *.     .~\.      ...-f( ,_._ s
    YourB.ver$ truly
    '.                 :.     ::
    ..'                             .o;.I%&is

Document Info

Docket Number: O-66

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017