Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • January9th. 1239 Hon.weA.. stronlan DistrictAttorney 119th JudicialDistrictof Texas San Angelo,Texas Dear Mr. Strcman: opinionxc,O-30 .,~ Rer Exp&me cf District Attorney. _ Your requestfor au opinionregardingthe expenseof a DistrictAttorney has been receivedby th+a office. 1 _ Article 3886-f,Revised Civil Statutesof Ye=8 providesoompeaskt3.0~ for DistrictAttcrneysamd the qame atatute.further provides: eY?othing 5n thi8 Act shall be construedso as~to depriveMstrict Attorneysof the expenseall-cc allowedor which may hereafter be allowedby law.* Article 6820,Revised Civil Statutes,prcvidem "All DietrictJudge6and DiatriotAttorneys, when engagedin the dischargeof their official‘duties'in spy Ccuntyin.'theState other than the Countyof their residenceshall be allonsdtheir actual and necessaryexpensewhile actuallyengagedin the dischargeof such duties." not to exceed certainamountras stipulatedby said statute. Article~6823,RevSsadCivil Statutes,provides; "The travelbe;and other necessary expensesincurredby the var$ous officers,assistanta,deputies,clerksand &her employww in the variousdepartments,inatituticm, boards,ccmnissicnaor other nub divisionsof the State 6ovWnment, in the active dischargeof their duties shall be such as are specificallyfixed and appropriatedby the Legislatnreiu the generalappropriationbills providingfor the s-se* of the State Sovermucxtfrom year tc year. When approRri- ationa for travelingexpensesarc made any allowancesor pagmeats to offiaialsor employeoafor the use cf privatelyonned authcmobiles shall be 011a basis of actualmileage traveledfor ea-chtrip or all trips coveredby the expenseaccountssuhnittedfor paymentor HOn. W. A* Stroman,January9th. 1939, Page No. 2, O-30 allowancefrom such appropriations , and such paymentor allovauce shall be made at a rate not to exoeed five (66) cents for eaoh mile actuallytraveled,and no additionalexpenseincidentto the operation of such automobileshall be allowed." Texas Jurisprudence, Volume 34, Page 633, Section116, provides: "dn allowancefor expenseincurred,in additionto compensationfixed by the Constitution,may be valid and statutesprovidefor the necessaryexpenseincurredby variousState and Countyofficersin the performanceof their officialduties." In view of the foregoingauthorities,it is the opinionof this Department, that the DistrictAttorneymay collecthis actualand necessaryexpense while actuallyengagedin the disohargeof suoh dutiesnot to exoeedthe amount prescribedby law. Trustingthat the foregoingenswersyour inquiry,I remain. Yoursvery truly, ElT.ORNEY GiXNERAL OF T!?XAS s/ ArdellWilliams By ArdellWilliams Assistant AW:OMBILW APPROVgDs Gerald C. IAenn &lTOmEY GJixmRALOF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-30

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017