Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                                                           64.2
    Honorable      Charles        A. Tosch
    County    Auditor
    Dallaa County
    Dallas 2, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    Your letter  of Ma
    of this department on the a
    text of the letter  as
    uthority  is aubjeat
    ure at its next
    dvlse ms whether or not
    e County Treasurer to
    ure enacts a law allocating
    Ion, or can the CommissIonera*
    us Countles pass an order allo-
    received by them to the Ganeral
    ty, or will it be neaessary to make
    P all funds of the County?
    *In your opinion above referred  to, you treat
    this money as a gift and not as taxes, SO therefore
    it mj,ght not be neoessary for the Housing Authority
    to make this payment directly   to the Tax Collector's
    *Our Opinion No. O-5270.
    Eon. Charles       A. Tosoh,   Page 2
    Title 40, Chapter 8, U. S. C. A., “Emergenoy Publlo
    Works and Construction        Frojeots ,* enaoted by Congress in 1933,
    an4 Title 42, Chapter 8, U. S. C. A., entitled         -LOW Rent Hous-
    lnf4.H enacted by Congress In 1937 areated agenoies o$ the United
    States COVerMierit to assist        the several statee an4 politioal
    subdivisions     to alleviate    present an4 recurring unemployment,
    and t0 r4Qedy the unsafe and unsanitary oonditions         an4 an acute
    ehortage Or deoent, safe and sanitary dwellfng of families           of
    low ~inoome in rural or urban communltles.
    From time to time the various agenoiee,       their duties
    alld   fUnOtiOn4have  been transferred   or oonsolldated    with other
    authoritlea   by Eseoutlve Order.     W4 will not attempt here to
    &ire the history OS the numerous changes that have been made
    in the adminiatratioa    of the various housing    Imit4,   but for  th4
    urposea of the question herein submitted, ~4 will rs$er to *The
    %deral Housing Authority” only.
    Yellowing the program designed for the various agenolaa,
    the United States GOveZRutentaoquired real property throughout the
    reveral  atatea, taking title  to tM Psderal  Gov4mmnt,   ttiu4  remov-
    ing from the tax rolla of the state an4 Its political   subdivisions
    thousands OS aorem of heretofore   taxable laand.
    We 40 not think    it neoesaary here to disouee the tax
    exempt    naturs   of property   owned by the United States Covernmant,
    By virtue of this program the states and their, sub-
    divisions   wera deprivsd of the revenue ordinarily     assessed and
    colleotea  on the property,  and realizing   that suoh exempt pro-
    perty would not bear its proportionate      share of the expense of
    looal government the Congress provided that the various Projeots
    Oouia, by agreement with the local     authorities,   oontract for a
    .4~m to b4 pal4 by the unitsa   Stat44   to the reapeotlv4   states,
    and political    eubdiviaions in lieu of taxes.
    Section   422, Chaptsr 8, Title   40, U. S. C. A.,   Pro-
    vi1¶44 at3 follows:
    *Upon request or any stata or politiaal    sub-
    diylsi&    in which any suoh projeot has been or will
    be construoted,    the Federal ESnsrgenoy Administrator
    Eon. Charles   A. Tosoh,   Page 3
    of Public Works Is authorized to enter into an
    agreement, and to oonsent to the renewal or
    alteration   thereof,  with such state or subdlvi-
    sion for the payment by the United States of sums
    in lieu 0s taxes.     Such sums shall be fixed    in
    euoh agreement and shall ti base4 upon the ooet
    Of the public or municipal eeprloetl to be supplied
    for the benefit    of such projeot  or the parsons
    residing   on or oocupylng suoh pretiaea,    but
    taking into consideration    the benefits  to be de-
    rived by such state or subdivision     from such pro-
    A similar provision    for the payment to the atate and
    its    subdivisiona     Of sums in lisu of taxes, phrase4 in eubstantial-
    i;,tI$    lam;   lpguage,     is round in se&Ion 14l3, Chapter 8, Tit14
    ) . . .        .,  paragraph  (0) of suoh reading as follows:
    "(0) . . . the amount 80 paid for any year
    upon any euch property shall not asceed the taxes
    that WoUld be pal4 to the State or subdivision,  as
    the ease may be, upon this property it It wer4 not
    exempt from taxation  thereby.*
    From.the above w4 find that the United States Govern-
    ment, though dsnying any llablllty    for taxes, has submitted to
    contraot binding Itself    to bear the proportlonats share of leoal
    governmental erpenss whfoh Its propssty represents    in a oounty
    or sub4lv5elon,   en4 Is to receive theretor the eervloes of ths
    loaal government that taxable property woul4 receive.
    Pursuant to the numeroue Congressional  Aote and
    Exeoutlve Orders a~lsouassa above, the Leglelatmre of Texas,
    reoognized the need of cooperative  steps and enaotsd two measures
    deslgnea to effeot the purpose.
    Artiole  1269k, Vernon's Annotate4 Civil Statutes,
    Amendatory Act of 1941, 47th Legislature,    *Housing Authorities
    LFIW,” authorize4  the promotion of projeats  In cooperation  with
    the Federal Government an4 providea in Section 22 thereof payment
    Eon. Charles A. ToeOh, Fag4 4
    In 114u 0s tax48,     th4 ag4noy to agrse to Bake papmnte         to th4
    OitY or th4 county or eny such political          eub4lvieiOn for   im-
    provemsnt 8, 84rvlo48    aad faollities     furnished by such city,
    oounty or political subalvieion         for the ben4rit 0s tb4 h0u8iug
    Art1014   235lb, -3, V4rl1on*e Aunotatsd Civil Statutes,
    pertaining to *R4eettl4emnt or Rural R4shabilltatlon      Projeote,"
    though r4leting    to anothsr *AuthOrlty* Of t&e F4d4ral Gov4rnm4nt,
    authorlz48 th4 Oo6&8eion4re*     court   to enter intO agreemanta    with
    th4 Unlt4d Stmt48 providing for th4 p6yaPant or funds in lieu or
    '3 taxes aab r4quirss ths 84414 a4nioes to b4 psrfornmd by the poll-
    , tical eubdlvieioa as is 4nuei4ret44ebove.
    The two statutes   last ebove olted,   thOugh aoknowl44glng
    the Oounty or otbar lubdivieion*~     authority  to r4oeiv4 th4 pey-
    #rants in 114~ of tax48, did not alrsot the oomnlsslon4re*      oourt
    in the application   or auras r4o4ivaa.   In other roraa, it did not
    4xpr4eely dlreot that tha monise b4 pi404a to the oraait or any
    pertloular furid of th4 oowity or att4mptto     assert   for what pur-
    poesa  the naon4y should be used.                               :
    W4 h4v4 pr4vic~uely held fn Opinion Ho. O-5270, that
    mu6e psi4 wth4       stat4 in lieu or tar46 war4 girt8 to th4 stats.
    Such F4d4rel own44 propsrty is eubj4Ot to tha eem4 sx4mptfoae
    from oounty    t4xee  sad as tlm various    projeote  hats no 14gal obll-
    gation to pay funds har4 uad4r ooneld4ratlon,         M must oonetru4
    thee8 payments     in 114~ Of taxes   to tiw rsepeotlos   oountl48 to be
    Siao4 th4 L4gislatur4  has authorizea the OOunti48 to
    raosivcl gifts from tbs United Stetae Qw4rnm4nt, in the nature
    0s monies pla In lieu 0s taxas, but ha,4 not air40t8a ths m4thod
    in whioh said moniaa shall be allooatad     to th4 resP4OtiV4    county
    runaa, w4 ar4 of tba opinion that tti ooannissionsre'       court by th4
    exeroiee or Its dleoretion     may m6k4 4teposltlon of th4 funds in
    any   legal manner for legal purposes.    ~ha d4tsrmlnation    as to the
    fund OX funds of the oounty to which thle monsy shall bs~1OOat4d
    16 14ftt0     th4 0oPlmi86ionsr6* aourt.  Th4 county Treaeur4r, uPon
    receipt    of such monies, shall hold thaa in suspense Or In an SO-
    count for moniss, tha status of whloh is not kno6fne until BuOh
    Eon. Charles       A.   TOaeh, Fags 5
    yap         th6   oomm.lsslon6rs   * oourt   orders   the tlnril    ait3podtion
    There c~eemato be no neoeaelty that suoh funds shall
    pas8 through the offloe  or the County Tax Collsutor alme the
    mnlee are not reodted    as taxable inoomr.
    Youre very       truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5937

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017