Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    nonar&ble Jo&n T . tlutohioon
    l&Ear COulaf
    Plbri8, Eexns
    and wthority Of
    refund suoh t-sea COl-
    to   original payers.
    cominicatioti, which
    we quote from
    Description OS Property
    Thlr i8 to cortlfy that  i hove uam.lnecl the Tax
    llecordo of &MP   CWnty, f(lxas, ra8 oo fw no I
    con ascertain  all Couatf,’State 81~3 School Taxes
    othi Aesamswmt8 bole been paid on the *bore de+
    &r&bed property to and including the year 1949
    lnd 811 County and state Tax?8 and A~~e~~cmts
    hare been paid to and inaludlng the year      with
    the t0110w1ng exceptiona,
    ..   GC?4
    uonorable John T. uutchlaon - page 2
    T     ColleOtor, Laam   County, T-am.
    i5;                           Deputy.
    Such ltatementa are signed '0. w. Ieodard, Tax
    Aaaeaaor4olle&or  of Lamar County’ or ‘0. 1.
    Ioodard, TM Aareaaor-Colltotor of Lamar County
    w                                      m?puty.
    *The Tax Aaaeaaor-Colleetor of L8mnarCounty
    haa lurniahod such Tax Statementa to meatbermot
    ,the general pub116 requesting ame* without
    charge, however, 8 tee of fifty     oenta (aof!), For
    eaoh auoh statement laaued, haa been aollected
    by the Tax Aaaeaaor-ColleCtOr ot taarr County
    from iadiriduala engaged in the 8batraot bud-
    nesa*   The lbatraat  aompaniea,   rpproxirutel~ l/3
    of the tI&e, charged their euotomera one (ti.00)
    dollar for ,meh certificate. Uowevc, z/3 of the
    abatrwta to which such certiflaatea mere rttacb-
    ed no ohbrge uaa wde by the abatrrat yaopany      for
    attaching such certificate,    the abatraetlng COB-
    pauy loring or obaorbing the amount paid for nueh
    ‘On or about Jagaary 1, 1944 the Tax Aaaeaaor-
    CollectorOS Lawr County tiled, with the County
    Auditor of Lomar County, hia raaaunt ahorlng that
    he had oollected, for the 18uUtOe ot ueh atatc-
    menta, the urn of aeven hundred few ($?tM,f~o)dal-
    lara, from April 1, 1941 to Deeember I, loI?, which
    mum or money raa,ruxd+ed by the Auditor and was
    deposited to the ~8ecount ot Lamnr County.
    *The abatroot aompanlea enga@d in the buai-
    neas OS Eaklng abetracts in Lamar County hare
    riled aith tbe Comiaalonerga Court t alrim lor
    the refund of much Toes, aIlszing th8f meh fees
    rere illegally collected wlthout authOrit. of law
    mtxi requesting repaysent of' such fee8 to th@m by
    the Coraiaaioner* a hurt.
    *The Coaiiaaloner~a Court baa requested my
    opinion &a County Attorney rith retcrcnoe to the
    following qucationa,   aubatanti811~~
    Honorable John T. hutohlson - page 3
    '1. Is the Tax Assessor-Collector at Lamar
    County, Texas, authorized to charge and collect
    a tee of fifty aents (no{) from persona engaged
    in the abstract business for the issuance of such
    Tax Statements am hereinbefore met out?
    s2. Is the Tax Assessor-Colleotor of Lamar
    County required by law to account for and pay
    over to Lamar County the fees Collated by him
    for the Issuance of such Tax Statements?
    l3.Is the Commissloner~a Court of Lamar
    County authorized to refund, to the persons or
    firms originally paying euch fees, the fees col-
    leoted.by the Tax Assessor-Collector of Lamar
    County from abstractors for the issuance of such
    Tax Statements upon their presenting a olrlm  to
    the Coxnuiasioner~sCourt for the refund of such
    According to the 1940 Federal oenaua, Lamar County
    has a population of 50,426.
    In the case of Nueoea County v. Currington et al,
    (Sup. Ct.) I62 S. Yr. (2) 687, wherein Nueoea County sought
    a money judgment against its tax assessor and collector for
    the amount of certain fees or charges collected by such as-
    sessor and collector for the issuance of tax certificates,
    aubstantlally the same (Lathe *tax statementas about which
    you inquire, It was held that the tax assessor and collector
    acted in her official capacity In issuing the tax oertifl-
    catea and reoeivlng therefor the fees sued for by the oounty;
    also, that it was her duty to aocount for and pay same into
    the county treasury for the benefit of the Offioer Salary
    Fund, and that having failed to do so, and having breached
    her official duty in that respect, both she andher surety
    became liable to the county therefor. However, said opin-
    ion held further that unless a tee is provided by law for
    an ottlcial service required to be performed and the amount
    thereof fixed by law, none can lawfully be charged therefor.
    Artiole 72460, V.A.C.S., was amended In 1941 to pro-
    vide for certain tees to be charged for the Issuance of such
    tax certifioate in countiee containing a population of fire
    hundred thousand (M)O,Ooo) or more, aocording to the last pre-
    ceding or any future Federal census , but re have found no fee
    gonorable John T. gutchison - page 4
    fixed by law for such acrvioea as provided in Article 1224,
    'g&.8., 1925, in counties ot a population of leas than tire
    hundred thousand.
    Therefore, in view of the above, we answer your
    first two questions as follovs:
    Quoatlon No. 11   lo.
    Question No. 28   Yes.
    In the case of Stegall, sheriff, T. McLennan
    County, (civ. Apps. -- wit dims., opinion oorrect) 144
    5. Y. (2) 1111, wherein the sheriff sued the county for
    excess fees paid the county , the following rule of lax
    ram announoed;
    "@Ien money 18 paid under a ItutU sdS-
    take of law, the mistake of law, in and ot
    itself, is no ground for recovering it back.
    All persona are equslly presumed to liiro+,the
    law, and In such case both parties are equal-
    ly at fault, and equally innocent of wrong
    done. l'oadmit ignorance of law to be legal-
    ly recognized as a fact sufficient In itself
    to pervert the will of the parties doing the
    Lot, so that it should be said and held that
    the will d.id not concur with the ect done,
    thereby relieving him from the responsibility
    for and the oonaequences of the act, would
    render the edministrations of the law imprao-
    tiaable; and hence the rule is founded upon a
    political necessity, as reli as upon public
    policy. l * +. &rely, this record discloses
    that each of the acts done by Sheriff Leslie
    Stegall and kcLcanan County in connection xith
    the Eatter in question was done voluntarily,
    without compulsion or duress under a mutual
    mistake of law. cil l.fl
    It is the opinion of this department that under
    the facts submItted by you the payment of the fees to the
    Tax Aaaeaaor-Collector ram done voluntarily and without oom-
    pulslon or duress under a mutual mlatake of law, and re
    answer your Qeatlon No. 3 in the negative.
    b’   ’
    nonorable John 1. ilutchlson- page 6
    Trusting the foregoing     satisfactorily answers
    your questions, re are
    Very truly yours
    Robert   L. Lattlmore, Jr.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5932

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017