Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    HonorableJohn C. Marburger
    County Attorney
    Feyrtte county
    LaGrange, Texes
    Dear Sir1
    quseting the opinion
    of thir departPlarrf                           oatian -da 'as;tol-
    ltatutas,we faU.to find
    Texas have repeatedly hqld thst tha powers
    Court are 15.mltedto those sxp7~sly grant-
    natitutlon and statute.6and suoh powers as
    ose exprassly glxlllted.Shoe our marsh tails
    to reveal the existence of a statute that &res exprass author-
    ity to the Cammissioners*Court to expend fts funds in the rim-
    aer stated,we must saa ii auoh authority is istpliedby oonalder-
    lag other statutes that do aLthoriee the rfomlssioners'Court
    to provide ald t0'aertal.nFederal Governmeat a6enoiee operating
    within this State.
    Saatlon 17 or Artiole $331, R. C. S., extends the
    * Court to include the making of
    authorityof ths Ocaunisslonars
    appropriationsto aid and assist the United States Department of
    Ran. John C. Idarburger- p. 2
    AgriaultureIn the distributionof aommadltiesto pereona In
    need of assistanoe under the Food and/or Cotton Stamp plan.
    The plain lantyuape of the statute clearly sets out the
    lddltionalpowers ertlntedto the Commissioners1Court and
    #uoh addltansl powers are limited to aid 2lven to thin par-
    tiaulsrbranah of the United State6 Oorernment. iSefail to
    find any langua@ implyin& that this authority oould be ex-
    tended to permit tha rendering of aid to another branch of
    the 2orerIumHIt  ldentifledas the Farm Seourity Administration.
    Artlole 23728-2, R. C. S., relates to the authority
    aP the CoPlmisslonere*Court to provide offloe apaoe and to
    pey regular monthly utility bills, eta,, for the purpose oi
    aldingand aooperatingwith the agenaiee of the Federal Oar-
    lrar?nt engaged In the administration of relief ta the unem-
    played or needy people of the Stata.
    The Farm Seourity Administration,formally the Re-
    mettleme& Admlnietration,prinolpallyoaoupiee    Itself with
    rehabllltatlonproblems aonoerning tarma and housing and though
    rush oifioe ma9 render a valuable rertios to the aonmunlty,we
    08nnotoonstrue ita aotlrltlee to lnalude the ~adminlstrstlon
    of relief to tlm unemployed or needy people of tbs State OS
    Twos." Froa a study OS tba Aote ol Oongrem    and enoutin
    orders oresting suoh Farm Seourlty Administrationand/or its
    predeoesaor,ResettlementAdministration,we fail to flad any-
    thing to imply that the dutlea of tha said Farm Seaurity AdmU-
    irtratlonshould kt oo-extenslvs  with those of the rariouo
    agenolee areeted under the National Emsrgenoy Relief Abt.   The
    numerousegunolaa of the Federal Government have their dutle8
    and rerponeiblJ.ltlesexpressly enumerated,esoh in a separate
    ?leldof endeavor.
    Therefore, 5.n the absenoe of any statute   either BX-
    Qreselpar by lmpliaatiansuthorizir@ the Conmiiseionere*       Court
    to expend oounty funds far the above mentioned PurpoBe, it 5.8
    our opinion that the aounty oennot legally pay office IF)ntE,
    lightbills,   water bille,  eta., for th0 Farm Seaurity   Mx!~iniS-
    Yours very tNly
    Rarrie Tole

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5931

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017