Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • -,   -
    THEATTORNEY                  GENERAL
    OF    TEXAS
    AUS-MN.   1% TESTAS
    GROVER S.r.l,L.ERS
    Honorable Heaver H. Baksr
    Chairman, Board of Control
    capitol Building
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sirs                             Opinion Ho, O-6927
    Ret Does the State Board of Control
    have authority to lease the
    Galveston State Psychopathlo
    Hospital to the Federal Gcv-
    ernment for a venereal disease
    He acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 9, 1944, wherein
    you request cur opinion on the following questiona
    "Does the State Board of Control have the legal right to enter
    into a oontraot nith an agency 02 the Federal Gcvernment for the
    use of the Galveston State Psychopathic Hospital for the care and
    treatment of venereal patients?"
    Your letter further advises that this institution has been temporarily
    closed because of storm damages sustained July 27, 1943, and for the
    further reason that the State Board of Control has been able to afford
    hoapitaliration to mental pa$ienta in other existing haspitals,
    The Galveston State Psychopathic Bcspital, a State eleemosynary
    institution, was established pursuant to Article 3192, Revised Civil
    Statutes, which reads, in part, a8 follows
    "There shall be established and maintained a Psyohopathio
    Hospital,at Galveston to be known as the Gal.veston State psy-
    chopathic Hospital 0 o . o The Galveston State Psychopathic
    Hospital ahall be a hospital for the treatment of nervous and
    mental diseases both in the hospital and out patient clinic,
    and shall be available as a part of the teaahing facilities
    in mental medicine for the State Medical College."
    Article 3174, Revised Civil Statutes, ccnoermiag the management
    and control of State eleemosynary institutions prcvides as follewan
    "Each eleemosynary institution established by law shall be
    managed and controlled in aocordanae with the provisions of
    this title. The general control, management and direction of
    -1   -
    Honorable Weaver H. Baker, Page 2             o-5927
    the affairs, properties and business of such institution is
    vested in the State Board of Control.m
    Title 20 of thatRevised Civil Statutes relating to ths creation and
    duties of the State Board of Control provides under Article 665, Revised
    Civil Statutes, in part, as follows:
    'The State Board of Control shall have charge and control of
    all public buildings, grounds and property of the State, and is
    the Custodian of all public personal propsrty, and is charged
    with the responsibility to properly care for and protect such
    property frcm dsmage, intrusion or improper usage, and the Board
    is expressly directed to talcsany steps necessary to protect any
    public  building against any existing or threatened fire hasards
    . 0 . ."
    By virtue of the above quoted statutes the State Psychopathic Rcs-
    pita1 at Galveston is a Stats sleemosynary institution under the manage-
    ment and control of the State Board of Control, which Board has also
    been deeignated the Custodian of the public buildings and grounds cone
    stituting such institution and is "charged with the responsibility to
    properly care for and protect such property from damage, intrusion or
    improper usage".
    As stated in the 3,etterand brief attached to your request for this
    opinion the institution in question has been temporarily closed since
    July 27, 1945, because of storm damage and beoause the Board of Control
    has bees able to afford hospitalisation to mental patients In other
    existing hospitals. Furthermore, it is stated, and justifiably tiethink,
    that the purpose for mbich the Gcvsrnment desires to lease the premises
    is closely connected to the purposes for which the Galveston Psychopathic
    Hospital was established. Statistics are available which will show that
    1% to 20% of those treated 'fornervous and mental diseases at a psychc-
    pathic institution are possessed of a condition traceable to syphilis.
    Presently then, said building now idle is not now being used as a hospital
    for the treatment of nervous and mental diseases as initially created by
    statute. It is at present only a vacant public building and is not
    serving a public function,
    Further information furnished this department discloses that in the
    event authority can be found in the State Board of Ccntrol to lease the
    said building to the Federal Government for the purposes expressed here-
    in, the Government in consideration thereof will repair said property
    at its expense and at the oost of approximately Fifteen Thousand Dollars
    (tl5,000)* and will thereafter keep said property in good repair whils
    it is being used for the purposes expressed3 that when the Government
    has equipped the building for the use intsnded, the 8me sufficiently
    equipped and in good repair sill be turned over by the Government to
    the Tsxas State Board of Health, which Board till thereafter manage and
    Honorable VIeeverIi.Baker, Page 3            o-5927
    supervise the proposed Rapid Treatment Center; that the said proposed
    venereal station or center nil1 be used primarily 8s a station for ths
    treatment of civilian venereal cases and will be used only incidentally,
    if indeed at all, to treat soldiers and other members of the armed
    If in the wisdom of the Board of Control as Custodian of public
    property and grounds comprising the Galveston Psychopathic Hospital, the
    lease of'this property.to the Federal Government for the purpose stated
    is necessary in order "to properly care for and protect suoh property
    from damage, intrusion, or improper usage", said Board would, in our
    opinion, have authority under Article 665 and X74,? above quoted, to
    execute the lease. Such authority, us believe, would bs incidental to
    its p-r   to manage, control and protect public property in such a man-
    mer as mill be to the best interest of the State.
    It should be pointed out, however, that authority in respect of
    State property rights is vested in the Legislature. and the Legislature
    alone may exercise the poser necsasary to the proteotion of those
    rights by the enactment of statutes for that purpose. That is, the
    Legislature and not the Custodian of the State buildings has the poser
    to determine whether the State has a present need for a building set
    apart, or created for psychopathic hospital purposes. Ccnley vs
    Daughters of the Republic, 
    106 Tex. 80
    , 156 S, K, 197, 200, 157 8.X*
    937, reversing (Civ. App.) 157 S, W. 8779 38 Tex, JUP, page 836.
    It is, therefore, the opinion of this department that the State
    Board of Control, as Custodian of public buildings end grounds. may
    execute a lease contract with an agency of the Federal Government for
    the use of Galveston State Psychopathic Hospita? for the care and treat-
    ment of venereal patients, if under the facts submitted the Board deems
    the contract advantageous to the interests of the Stats snd necessary
    to protect the public property from further damage and deterioration,
    subject, however, to the will of the Legislature when expressed with
    respect to the future usage of such property,
    Very truly yours
    By s/Chester E, Ollison
    Chester E0 Ollison
    This Opinion Considered And Approved In Limited Conference

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5927

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017