OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonoaableWaylor Rurrell Dirtr$otAttorney 76th JudloialDfrtriot It. t1eamant,toxa* Dew sir: gulltt to a oh8rge rlloo la a-murder wnt, and after hear- smaa the punlshmellt. rtnent*soplnlonon rd by lndlatavmtof h lndlotmentaoatslnr vas ooamlttodvlth trial o? the mm e aourt to plead @its the Interventionof a or vlthoutmallae. endnnt to waive 8 jury and at’8 plea of guilty to a oharge It la ruggestedthat b&ore trial of the oases you state in open oourt, alao by vrlttenmotion, thnt the svldencre vi11 not suatalnmurder with mallow aforethoughtend tbat the State vlshee to abnndon that part of the lndlctment Centr State (1913) 152 9. w 635 Cle v State (1913) id’ %‘The oourt should;oi i0-k order grMit& the ~0otion.fn thi aonneationve direot your attentionto Sville V* State, (1929$ 25 3. w. (26) 1098, whereinthe aourt 88 -xa+ HonOrUble'BaylorRussell,page 2 'The indictmentcharged that lpmllant did vol- untarilykill B. J. Rendrlxby shootinghim with a For the ffrst time sinoe the passage of chap- !%274, Act8 RegularSession 1927, redefiningthe offeasoof nurder~ the point 18 mde thnt vhlle it lo su??lolentunder snid act for an ladlotmentfor ;Fez,o ohurge that the lcouseddid voluutarlly thnt in cases vherelnthe state proposrs to aik II &lshmsat greaterthaa f5ve JOUS for the o??on#e,the lndlotmentshouldallego that the klll- lng was upon ulloe afore thought. . ., II . . .* "Whileour presort rtatute raker murder of every voluntarykilling,it 18 also speol?ledf.n the statute that in every murder case the oourt shall tell the jury that, unless the killingvas::up- on malice aforethought,they cannot assess the pun- lsbasntns a psrlod longer than flvo years hence It 18 plain thnt murder vlthoutmalice aforethought 18 punlrrhableby imprisonmentfor not less than two nor 8or@ than five years, vhile murder upon malice aforo- thoughtmy be punishedby death or any period o? Imprisonmentnot less than tvo yews. In other vords, l? the state vlshes to seek a grsaterpenal- ty than ?lUe years.beoauseo? the 088a06 0r 8ui00 aforethought-- aa IndispensableeE meat o? the eahancedpenaltyunder the aev statute-- the In- dictmentshouldallege that the killingvas upon such ma1100 aforethought," The statutedefinesmurder,V.A.P.C.,Artiole 1256, 481 “Uhoevar shall voluntarilykill aay person vlth- In this State shall be guilty of murder. Rurder ahall be dI8tlnguIshed?ron every other 8peolsso? homloldeby the abswce of oloumstanoes vhioh rs- duae the offenseto nsgllgsnthorioldbor vhiob ex- ouse or juatitythe killing.." SSIJalso Homicide, 22 TAX., P. 572, 4 97, aad P* 628, 1 125, note 16. . . 410 BonorableTnylor Rassell,psgs 3 Your identicalquestionvss before the o;~t~;l~ pnrte Wagnoa (193@, _125 8. Y. (26) 572, and Bx pa : 7z9mrT57-B. Y. (la) 892‘. In those oases the oourt per&ted the skte to lbaadoa- t&t mrt of the l~otment vhloh vould olassi?y the felony casm ai a capital offense, the defendants 11 than waived a Jury aad entered pleas of guilty before the trial court vlthout a jury. The court of e?ltinalAppeals sustaiaod the trial eoarts, ra Turks v. Stste (W?), 165 3. WO (24) 460, a* 00 864, the OOt& Uld: . it aov appears to bo the settledlav of this s~a~a*tht oae lcourod of a felony less than capitalmay, undsr his pka of guilty, valve a trial by Jury aad his pualebaent my be fixed w tb trial judgr,provltlodr(a) the Stat0 latroduooo ovidmoo su??la ientto a h 0 1 1lc o wo dguilty th8 0s the 0rr~a80 o&rpd) latl (b) no faots are reoelved in ovldeaoo rklng lvldeat the inn00 snoo o? t& loowed, or vhlch reasonably an& ?airly present such as an ls- SW 0sfact. Unless the facts brlug t& oase vlth- ¶a the rule stated, the trlal judge 18 withoutau- thority to render a dud&meat finding the aoanwd guilty,beoatue, if the btatr ?alls to shov the guilt 0s tb loouled, no ooavlotlon can r0110v3 and, if 1 lvldeaoebe reoolved shoving the loouced to be ln- aoooat 0s th8 orrense charged, then the plea 0s guil- ty is supplanted by the entry or a plea of not guilty, in vhloh event the trlsl judge 1s vlthout authority to deterdam the guilt? of th8 8oOwody" Yours wry truly cz DIvld Wuatoh A8slstsat
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5886
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017