Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •        OFFICE    OF   THE   ATTORNEY     GENERAL    OF   TEXAS
    on of this depart;-
    metit an the above subject
    rd hfm laterpret-
    etanoe pqments my be
    t thei applicants for aasist-
    udgud lrm8ne and thRt the Court
    spouse Coimanity swvmr       of
    the insane spouse, as prowlBed l.n
    Chrough 3683, of the Revised Civil
    “Although It 1s recognized by the Depart-
    ment that Old Age Assistance la not a wrt of
    the comminity estate, the &‘epRx’tnenthss made
    aesiatance vsrraute payable to the Cwaunitg Z&W-
    vivor rather tb%a to require the a.ppointmentof
    8 g~a~u~Pn to ~~dl6 thy Old ABu Asef~te~?e ~~~
    rant vhma tim-0 va3 PlPcRdy 8 coz.tGlunity
    or galiflted to bmdlo tha estate.   Thla action
    wau hoad o:%Artfclo 56&5 of tfic Revised Civil
    seat ucoa .
    u~ks&m CdViSO  us whothec or not the Stat-
    utes eouet3~~lace tlx eppatintmat of 63gLlmvJia.an
    to hR*rndle,
    t:aO FLC3y;l%‘aW.XtCe
    ~te    of the tico?&pot&nt
    whan cti:pe 1238 qmlii’ied l%x?mmltgauFv1v0r. If
    your answer to th3 PfkSC gufsst%oniu in the n0@-
    t%vuo,is the Cf~~~itity Ywvivoi- Qui%ifiod undo~
    llk?maa3t8tutoo to Ltct cm l>ehalf of the fnaampot-
    ant upowe in mtters ~er’taiting to 038 @       As-
    aisternae. . . .”
    In our opiaion it Vi.11 be neacssrrrg to appoirtt Q
    g~8rdFsn to receive tb Old Ago Asaintaaas w&&rranta. While
    Gisapter 27, Title 54, of the Revised Cfvtl Statutes, 8tgled,
    AGmministration  of Cwii~ty   Pro~Rspcy, provides for the ap-
    poisatmentof tha srucvivfn3 spiwse to.ediiiinister the cm-
    munity estate on the death or inwaltg of the husbmd or
    Wife, it doos Ilot &ve the 8UPPlVOX’ the ~Watl’ol   of tha 8tQ3-
    8Mtd       e8ttSte.
    It   18   U811   8i3ttld   etrat   the   I'i@&t8,&XWePS, iUX?
    ll~biU$ies   of t&a c#illfied comity                       s~awlv~or are fIxt?d
    and detw~iasd by pertliMit @tatUtes.                       Bldelitg Union IIS.
    Co. v. fiutahlns, 133 S. W. (26) 105.
    A cursory esrir&sstlon of the many ca8ef1 vheroin
    the86 statutan bavc been csa8tX’Ued   bld8   Eir@O  sug;port    to
    thf8 CWtt3fltiOLl. In the  CEiae of &%'8t  raati0na1 iSmk    of   2ik?w
    BGston Y. E‘Em~l, et sl.,   172 3. W. 7@7, the court af Civil
    A-18    heldr
    “The survivor of 8 mrri6ige who Qunllfles
    4s euch is not the repressntativa of the deceas-
    ed 8p3um’8   Wt8tC9, but ia tile regre8eIlt~tiVcP
    of only that psrt thereof held by stch decemmd
    spouse in commonwith ths eurvivor.
    rmer, the c~mi~~iou   of Appeals, ln an winion                          :
    &dopted by ow Supi%~ CoWt,    ClWk v- Pir8t i@4tiolL@l&Wk                         :.~
    cas NW Boston, alo 3. w. 677, holdt
    ‘7nd0r    an admPn&utratfon        l-y olIrtu0         of this
    chapter (CSptsr  27) the sumivor has a3 con-
    trol OF power Go dia~poa~ of Cho sepwatc~ p~og-
    ortg Of the docwneed 5gouse.H
    In the fRCte-pra8~ntsd by you, l.t apwa~s                         that
    (z ~u%lifLed         arrrvivor     3.n cowmun%ty I.8 rece%vira             Old Age Arr-
    Slotam    v%mRnts which you m3?ogsatrato be the fitcparate
    property of th6 recipeont.   Stnca, 8s poointc5 out above,
    thS 8WViQOX'  $0 UGt QW%lifiCd t-0 2?63CGiVOthOS@ WlSX'RQtS, 8
    qSr5iua shoul5 be~ap~oI.msd In accoMa,nce v&th th;hrovi-
    slots of A.rtic10 43x‘ oti SCF,., of 0'33 Ytatutes.
    gwrd5an, duPg appoluteb, wouZd then bs coqmxmt to PB-
    ce+m the OM Age kssletance imwmts a8 welk as msnsg@and
    control the cow.mlty promrtg.      Dmmson v. Dickmxmn,
    167 3. W. (25) 238.
    Your l&t&@ StRtOS that your de+rtnlsnt h*8 made
    Old Age Asslstarme varrenta @igable to the camunity 8w-
    vivor and that th9a action ws Used 0;1,Article XL33 of the
    &N;i8’%.3 Gfvfl fh%tUtX8. This QPtfc14t reads 88 folloirs:
    ‘Persons now aotlrxg as gwrdlanr, of tb.e es-
    tste of persong of uu.aomd mind -11     turn ovw
    the sststoa of their waPds, WhWs t&a uards s+%ll
    be cmrrled pm=sons, u@xa the qrrrlifdcation of the
    Stall0    805u96,    8tf   &W?Vid0d   fn   th&3   ~hRp2~.”
    91hls 82%2c16i8 found ie Chapter 27 of the Ratvirsad
    Civil Statuttm, styled, Adnltistratfon  of CmunS.ty hop-
    arty, aa5 must be eaantrued to man that the gumdlaa musrt
    turn over only the coanruMty eotats upon'the ~guallficatlon
    or the! tmie sgouas. It h8s bsen acoo~~Unglg held by tbo
    Court of Civil Appeals in Read w. Read@ 122 S. oi. (2d) 1110.
    %%urustingt&t        the Soregoing       fully      tm8ver8        yaw
    *nguiry,         ve im3            e---e..
    Vmg          truly     yours
    Iil’BDidb                                                          If.           Bob Domhue

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5850

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017