Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                            OFFICE   OF   THE   ATTORNEY     GENERAL   OF    TEXAS
    -                                                      ll
    Honorable     Homer Garrison,     Jr.,   Di&-ePtor
    Department of Public Smfety
    iaustin, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    Your request for                                   0Pe matter reads
    ea ro11oQrs:
    prosecuting or
    .._,.. : ':~:.,:.,:.
    h~:,'.         ..'..&u&#p~tPngY                                      peolaarr.
    lnformetlon for thalr use when
    aeourlq~ handwriting erldono~.
    -. . . ."
    Although the moundnrma of the rule hea beon question-
    ed by legnl mholaM,    it oeemm well settled in Texig that where
    tha aoouasd io In custody and ma&es    or hi8 handwriting em
    Honoreble Eomer Carrieon; Jr., page 2     .
    sea ;lr M io r ltuidards of aomp``rfmm, that the mane p r er eq uisites
    exletlry in th& ordinary cmfeeslon sltua:lon must be met be-
    fore they will be received 15 erldtnoe. Kentison Y+ Stete, 260
    9. W. 17b;.CUok Y. Stats, 46 tl.II. (26) 992; ran3Beacham Y.
    Steto, 162 $. V. (2a) 706. For orltioi8m of the rule see Texas
    Law Or ?%lQence, lBlaCoxmieIi end Ray, Seotlon 527, page 676; ~4
    3 TaxM IAW nerlew f&5.      '
    In the leading Tcxes oaai on thl8 point, ~8ri5iso5 v.
    State, supra
    , the oourt Lo interpreting what la now krtlcle 727,
    V. A. C. C. Pi of Taxaa, quoted with approve1 thlq len&uege
    rrop Brenoh*a AnrtotatedPe5el Code, page 32, 8sotlon 59:
    nphs statute relating to eoof8sslons 1s not con-
    rix#d stxlstly to a tea!mlcal oorrisealonbut oovers
    ray it in 'theMtUr8 Of E aonf&810n, atatsmmt or
    ofroumsteao8 dens or aude by dereuamt    while ln aoa-
    rlnem+tt 0s ouatod;l,and not
    _  h+vlng   Fen  pxope+y
    waxnod, whioh may be hued By tha State oo a orlmUu~-
    tive rO0t tb&.Mt him.'
    .::             Sin08 ths aour& ham held that han8wrItlug seeureb
    SXOR %h&*o&n.ssU wblle'fn ou#tody 1s a otieseion ox statement '
    wltbln t;hrm?anlng of Artlo   727, C. C. Pi, all th8~rule8
    govemiug ths rot-m, exeoutlon and eflmholon In 8~ldeuocbor
    oonf8uilo58 apply with eqwl rorcs to writ%    aeoursd 88 6
    standard or oomp8r~aon* f~oeeautore ara raatllar nlth the88
    rules ana wo think any elsboretloa would bfiuairulbtur.
    You hey6 88keu that me suggest a suitable form)pf oon-
    readon to ba u88d In IAhrndwrltlng au8 and though tha&ii@eel
    form generelly 1% uuo by proaeoutora in other oases wotiKbrob-
    eblg be,&-:8i.Grlolentto ret the statutory  requlremcmts, out OS
    ~'ebwmtoe    of aaut$oa we vwuld 8uggest thet the at&tdant form
    8ot out in Xlll~on'8 l'execr
    Crlmlnel Form, fifth Edition, Sea-
    tlon Lo57 paee.690, be uae4 wlth the intsrpalatloaclberein-
    efter in&at&    by underllnlng.
    ING OIrspYcsMENs OF ORIGIEAL HmmI*s      OF AC-
    I, A. B., B8ing 15 custody 0r k. I)?,BhsriZf a?
    ~County,Texas, heviz& been rlrrst
    Honorable fiomes Garrison, Jr., page 3
    -8d         by Ii.   P.,   coukaty   Attorney       0r
    county, Texas (or other person to oham the state-
    m%nt 1s made) the person to whom the harolnatttr
    88% OUt &&t8I#nt ia mad& 8Ildto whoa the rOllOW-
    iu samples of my hamiwrltks are given, that I
    do nOt,have-to make any stetermnt- at all and that
    1 a0 ncithave to write br Riyt sLxsolmeM zEf--
    evldeace ab?ainntBB on !m trla3 ior the offense
    odnosming whfch this &tsm&~     1s aade and ooh-
    osrnlnn which this handwrltl~ is done, do
    aak8 the r0u0wfn8 voluntarY Stet8w8Sltin WritiJlg
    and 40 here ~olux&rlly wrlk rcZth my awn hand t&e
    roli0winR isag&   and~srmiaens 0r uritini2 ana this
    stUt%laentand this writing ia ~Wds and RiVeti to
    the aal R. F.
    (%?rCr88t Out lStatOQ8lltS ii lUl# till6haV*
    at&iwsd      write desired e98~iaana   in hia own Lund.1
    A.   B.
    iVecriaaerelphope that our anmar fully oovera your
    lnqulry and that lt,will prove to b8 of IKUUZhelpin your oaew
    involving queatlonod doauaentrr.
    ?oursivery truly
    \.                                  ATYQR?lRY GRNRRAL OF 5%2&S
    BY (8)
    mgelm Alvin
    APPROYZD:, '
    AFFitWfD AUG. 16, 1941                                                Opinion C~omlttes
    R. $. lralrahlld                                                      By Ri Vi,F., Qhninaan'
    Aotlny     ATTOBBnrr WNERAL           OF Tl?.X.AS        -

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5501

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017