OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVLRSLLLLRS - ll A210”ra.”*s*=“Al. Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., Di&-ePtor Department of Public Smfety iaustin, Texas Dear Sir: Your request for 0Pe matter reads ea ro11oQrs: prosecuting or .._,.. : ':~:.,:.,:. h~:,'. ..'..&up~tPngY peolaarr. ~,, ,.,,.'.,, ~:..A-, lnformetlon for thalr use when aeourlq~ handwriting erldono~. -. . . ." Although the moundnrma of the rule hea beon question- ed by legnl mholaM, it oeemm well settled in Texig that where tha aoouasd io In custody and ma&es or hi8 handwriting em Honoreble Eomer Carrieon; Jr., page 2 . sea ;lr M io r ltuidards of aomp``rfmm, that the mane p r er eq uisites exletlry in th& ordinary cmfeeslon sltua:lon must be met be- fore they will be received 15 erldtnoe. Kentison Y+ Stete, 260 9. W. 17b;.CUok Y. Stats, 46 tl.II. (26) 992; ran3Beacham Y. Steto, 162 $. V. (2a) 706. For orltioi8m of the rule see Texas Law Or ?%lQence, lBlaCoxmieIi end Ray, Seotlon 527, page 676; ~4 3 TaxM IAW nerlew f&5. ' In the leading Tcxes oaai on thl8 point, ~8ri5iso5 v.
State, supra, the oourt Lo interpreting what la now krtlcle 727, V. A. C. C. Pi of Taxaa, quoted with approve1 thlq len&uege rrop Brenoh*a AnrtotatedPe5el Code, page 32, 8sotlon 59: nphs statute relating to eoof8sslons 1s not con- rix#d stxlstly to a tea!mlcal oorrisealonbut oovers ray it in 'theMtUr8 Of E aonf&810n, atatsmmt or ofroumsteao8 dens or aude by dereuamt while ln aoa- rlnem+tt 0s ouatod;l,and not _ h+vlng Fen pxope+y waxnod, whioh may be hued By tha State oo a orlmUu~- tive rO0t tb&.Mt him.' .:: Sin08 ths aour& ham held that han8wrItlug seeureb SXOR %h&*o&n.ssU wblle'fn ou#tody 1s a otieseion ox statement ' wltbln t;hrm?anlng of Artlo 727, C. C. Pi, all th8~rule8 govemiug ths rot-m, exeoutlon and eflmholon In 8~ldeuocbor oonf8uilo58 apply with eqwl rorcs to writ% aeoursd 88 6 standard or oomp8r~aon* f~oeeautore ara raatllar nlth the88 rules ana wo think any elsboretloa would bfiuairulbtur. You hey6 88keu that me suggest a suitable form)pf oon- readon to ba u88d In IAhrndwrltlng au8 and though tha&ii@eel form generelly 1% uuo by proaeoutora in other oases wotiKbrob- eblg be,&-:8i.Grlolentto ret the statutory requlremcmts, out OS ~'ebwmtoe of aaut$oa we vwuld 8uggest thet the at&tdant form 8ot out in Xlll~on'8 l'execr Crlmlnel Form, fifth Edition, Sea- tlon Lo57 paee.690, be uae4 wlth the intsrpalatloaclberein- efter in&at& by underllnlng. BUW~ FORN PO3 VOLUNTARY CONFE&lOAl CGXSIST- ING OIrspYcsMENs OF ORIGIEAL HmmI*s OF AC- C'SXD TUZN WULP 1N CBL%??FODY I, A. B., B8ing 15 custody 0r k. I)?,BhsriZf a? ~County,Texas, heviz& been rlrrst Honorable fiomes Garrison, Jr., page 3 -8d by Ii. P., coukaty Attorney 0r county, Texas (or other person to oham the state- m%nt 1s made) the person to whom the harolnatttr 88% OUt &&t8I#nt ia mad& 8Ildto whoa the rOllOW- iu samples of my hamiwrltks are given, that I do nOt,have-to make any stetermnt- at all and that 1 a0 ncithave to write br Riyt sLxsolmeM zEf-- evldeace ab?ainntBB on !m trla3 ior the offense odnosming whfch this &tsm&~ 1s aade and ooh- osrnlnn which this handwrltl~ is done, do aak8 the r0u0wfn8 voluntarY Stet8w8Sltin WritiJlg and 40 here ~olux&rlly wrlk rcZth my awn hand t&e roli0winR isag& and~srmiaens 0r uritini2 ana this stUt%laentand this writing ia ~Wds and RiVeti to the aal R. F. (%?rCr88t Out lStatOQ8lltS ii lUl# till6haV* at&iwsd write desired e98~iaana in hia own Lund.1 A. B. . UITRRSSES: iVecriaaerelphope that our anmar fully oovera your lnqulry and that lt,will prove to b8 of IKUUZhelpin your oaew involving queatlonod doauaentrr. ?oursivery truly \. ATYQR?lRY GRNRRAL OF 5%2&S BY (8) mgelm Alvin Aaal6tmt i%:db/JCP APPROYZD:, ' AFFitWfD AUG. 16, 1941 Opinion C~omlttes R. $. lralrahlld By Ri Vi,F., Qhninaan' Aotlny ATTOBBnrr WNERAL OF Tl?.X.AS - F.C.C.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5501
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017