- ,496 OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .I AUSTIN Honorable Sidney Latham Secretary of State Austin, Texas e oharter which olauae froaithe IIundertakes to. tions is shown in many para- t la formed is to or laprove-ant and to said purpose and to to carry out the purpose or thfs corporation aa above set forth, it is the intention of the incorporators herein to proaeed ae follows: axendob, and aa auah to acquire, repair, aaintaln and operate a hourfng projeat in or within two files of the llmlt8 of Dalla8, DalIa County, Texa8. e(g) When the indebtedness ot thl8 aorporatlon on the note to be exeouted and delivered by it to the Badera Housing Admini8tration, a8 part of the purchase priae for the ropertier h8reinabOve re- i8XT8d t0 ha8 been palg and the prererred stoak provided $or In thi8 ah&ter ha8 be8n xetlred, th8n the PUCDO~O olauee Of thl8 corporation Shall auto- matioally be llsited to th8 lMSUag8 now 88t ro b th8 tiret parauraph Of thf8 88otiOElof thi8 ohar- Paragraph ~I``s8ctiOlX 0, (1). Mad8 in part: v * * * the aor oration without prior or other approval or author P 8atiOn may rrnt or lea80 (a) dwelling acoomdatlon8 to tenant8 8ololy ror ~‘~:~Os``~?``‘8``````~8’```` aooomop~1~fl8 ror a peribd not to 8x098 par8 5 The lnoorporatars!have quoted lubdirlrlon 48, Artiale 1308, V.A.C.B., and we a8aum8 arguendo that th8y ham undertaken to conrlne th8lr pOWer8 thereto. In numerous paragraph8 in the oharter8 aomlng thereafter thry hare attempted to interpret the80 power8 under Subdlvlslon 47 d to have the Searetar or State Pa88 UPOn and aPPrOve the s(Mb. (D" hen the purpose clause fIIa charter 18 in the language of a sub- dirisfon of Axtlale 1SOS and the charter go88 further and lnter- PrOt8 that subdivision of the 8tatute in many Waj8, the &oretary or stste has the right to haV8 8uoh intfmpr8tatlO19r8#EoV8da8 BUT- PlUS88. Whether a partlt)~ular traneaation or manner Of doing busi- u.88 18 within the purpose OlaUS8 18 a question for the UOUrt8 and not ror the Searetarg or State to determine. Johnston f. Tcwn8end, 103 Tet. lBt, 184 6. $1.411, wa8 an RDo1iOatlOu to the SUPr8m Court r0r 6 wet 0r mnnda- pu# roquiiiis the S8aretary 6i State to fli8 the ohhrter ot ~corporatlon offered by the relirtorr. In reruelng the ,imnda- am, Juetice William8 8aidr = * * * A Charter UU8t 8p8ciiJ the p~pOe8ibT which the corporation 18 to b8 created. Thi8 8hould b8 don8 with 8UfilCient alearne88 t0 enable the S8Or8- t8Xy Or stRt8 t0 844 that th4IpUrp084 8pMiried 18 one provided ror br the statute and to define with 80lR4certainty the 8OOp8 Of t&8 bU8in488 Or under- takl t6 be pUT898d. The ohartor tender.6 in this Oa88Y 8 80 g4n8rRl and ind8finitO in it8 lem&uage that, while it mieht Rp 1 to 0118bU8in488 8uoh 68 W8 hare nentioned OOn8'pt 8 ing Or both manutaoturiag end mlnin with th8 purohare end 8a18 Of good8, 8tO., U88d ior Pt, it might 4180 be taken to authorlz8 th8 tran8ROtiOn Of tW0 bU8ine8888, On8 Of llWlUfaatUriU& and another ior nlnln uxoha88 and 8al8 lnof e0 b4 the pUr 084 Of the r41atOr8 t0 US8 the c ror the carryPng on or what we regard a8 tw0 distinct bu8lneese8. We mey look to thl8 a8 illUStratiV8 Of W8n a8 tho8e 8p4Cie11~ inter88t8d in cOrporRtiOn8, are to xoteated,a b4 b&St th4 688UmptiOll Of pOW4r8 not grant8ii. * * * Alr 48 th8 oharter 0rr4r.d oan b8 lnterar8ted a8 f84anfnRand 18 intend8d to m8aQ that Some state8 require corporation ahartere to set out th8 power8 Or th8 CorDoration, but ia Texas, &tic14 1904, V.A.O. S., requires th& the purpose be etatad in the abarter. When thi8 18 Honorable Sidney Lathnm, page 4 do- the aorporatlon ha8 all powera neoesaary to aarry out th8 porpose and the 8xtent thereor is a queetion of law ror the Q&xte. YOU are reepeatfully advised that yaa have the power w dieapprove tie proposed ohorter@. liavlngglvsn this anatarar to your prinoipal question, we deem it unnecessary to anmr ycaarother quuestion8. Tours rexy truly ATrOmm tlxJ:mizRAz OF T%xAs 4gmL-4 LJ2.m BY David k. Heath Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5498
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017