- 935 OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aonombl. f2OW(l@x. shoppera corptrolkt or mbrio A0oouatr Almlrr, TatM 8th Legirlmturr. to tbo ambndmea~t~rer*rrrato la your letter Artlola 6221, v. A. c. a., rm4t-.~arsollowr~ “09 the 18t Qay of eaoh oabndnr raonth the ComptrOllOr fhil p0;lt0 e+Oh IMrTiOd veteran who ir living with him wlfi8,1 pea- don of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per ntonthfor 936 . ma. taorge x. sbwpera, pagoa (LBlong as the botltmep live, ena after the death of 01 ther perty, than tha raid veteran or his dam at111 living am11 only drew aa amount @qua1 to otho? vetorema or their wia0wa. To leoh veteren now un- married or l. widoweror widow who 18 drawing a pension or whose eppllcetlon mey be horo- eitrr rpprovod, shell be paid the sum of honty-fir0 (38.OO) Dollerr par aanth for &oh' L;8rl, nQ tho nmeinder of raid ~nrloa runa Iaftor rolmburUng tho,Gonorel flo*onud Fund tar an7 ldvmoembnt theretoforezmdr, to tho Ponrioa'PunQ rhell be oquelly proreted mong ell of ui d ponafonere w!kosooleinr to poarlonr hero boon rrtabllrhed and riled. An Ponrioar~rhell bogin oa the tire &Y or the belrnaer month roilowingthe appovai OS the epplloetlon.~ Tbo relevant portion of Senate Bill tpo.24 provlderr "On the first day of leoh aelonder .month _ the Cooptroller Nmll pay to eson married tot- lruI who 18 livingwith hi8 wire, a pensionof Zlehty (480.00) Collars ‘per aoath ror es long may live, and aftor the Qoath of es they .both~ oitlwr prty then the said vetemn, or Us wiaop 138111iiving ehell only be* aa mount equal to other vmwm3 or their viama. To oeoh votoren nols~unmerried or a wlQover, who la dlXvin6 l gx4nalon,or whose epplloetlon may here&tar be approved ehall be petd the ma or Plrty (:ao.OO) Doliers pr month ror oeoh ;’ per. To oeoh widor who la now drawing a pen- SiGEi,Or who86 lFpliOation nay horaeftor bo a rroved ahell bo~pid the WI!J& Of Thirty (igJO.OO)‘Daller~par aonth for eeoh year! pro- vided that any person rho bee bo6n grentod e enslzn, end *ho ir thereafter edaitted a1 en 8 -to of the COnfodorato Snne of thitiStat0 &all thsroartor be entitled t0 ~8081V0 3enSiQn .- - ,. 937 Iron. Ooorgo H. Shocpard, pago 3 paymont.8of tho a?aountof one-half (f) oi the pension that ruoh pamon rould bo on- titled to raerive If not an irmato or cuoh hcaa. (All poneiooe rhell brgln on the rimt day or tho oalondar month following the lp?rovel at tho appllaatlon.)* xt 15 a)pweat from the trnu of both of theaa AOtr the0 t-9 ooaptrol~rr ir authoriraQ to mea vanrion peyaeat8only on tha rirrt day 0s reeh mnth, end that tbo mount 0s luoh paymota and the pmaoar oatitlea to maeire them are to bs bay of eaoh mont& detemlnrd on tbs first It la cm undoratendfng that uhan you mention paymate “Ior the month of Au&&&t- la your latter you refer to tha paymenta to bo -do an 8optanber 1 ainoe your departmat Era lon(l Ooartrurd .krtlcilo 6221 nob b related Artlolae to provide that psymnaatefor a gfvon month be me&a i7nthe flrrt day or t&a auoosedlng moth. on tba 1st day of ~Ssgtambar, smf4ta Bl:l Ho, 24 rrillbo la ria for00 an4 la an4 u&o? Ite term you are euthorlzod enQ ordered to e&a ~pemantr in eooordenoe with the gw3vi~lonr or thir Aot. alnor.3eotlon 51 0s krtiola IIf 0s our con~tltutlon rpo- oifioally authorizaa the leglalaturo to grant pendons of thl8 type widar such rcgulatlons end li~ltetlonr ac may be dO0100d by th4 legi#lK!tWO Ra 8fp~41&,w a* rind 110 inhibitiona a~elaat giving a literal interpretstloa to tha language of tNa hot. Consequsntly, It le our oplaim and you are raspeotfully edvfabd that the ponrloa peynontr to ba mede on the flret day of Saptrmbor ohould bo In tha ezounta euthorlzad by Ssneta Dill SO. 24. Trusting that the r0r0661:4fully enawora your v*ry truly yourr 8. rmaa bioorhaql Arairtaat RDMtf0
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5383
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017