- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionornbls C. 5. Mide County Audl6or Hueom Gotinty corpus wrlati, Texas Dear Slm Ilowr8ble a. J. %il&O, Pqge 2 mid thoreon, and @oW blu ehorlff te take @aa defead4nB aa4 pl4whlmlB jal1osttttk0 4wuBt duo upm anoh judgwat en4 bbr fnmler owte uf oollootiog t&toaaao are paid, or until the dofenaant 14 otherwlae le@l9 diaabergod. (0. c. 700.1" "Artlelo 793. (878) (856) 9%~ dlcmhaq@ when 4 defend4e i* 60Iwi00~4 of 8 mla4c murmr ~4 hl6 pualoh4w~ km awewe 4t 8 jto- walery flno lf he la oarblo to paj ths flsm end 40&r adjudged e@imb hlrg ho nay for emh time a4 r&l1 4ati4f9 th4 judgnmat bo put 64 mrlc dieaharge She full amouatof floo md 448te ad- judged a@~& hlmg ratlqg 4uoh labor or Sspr%m wt 4% Thrw Dollar* (C3&0) fw 44&k 4a9 thereof, Lsg., l.rt0. 8. me 4%'d La&, 206 C. S., r rArL 7% To go4mnmllanbop Wmro th4 punlsbaen~ amo4red in 4 ooavio- 8len far mlrdewanor fe eonflaeaent in jail fm I aore than one day, or w&or4 in gPoh wnvlotien th4 purtlsmt 10 4aeo8retlonly a$ a pwunla~ry flne end thr p4rt9 #) oamiotod io umblo b p9 I tho fin4 and o(D4t4edJ&@d asainst.tiir,thoa 40 atnviotaed4lmll bo roqu%md tn do wue%18b+Dr ta ~ooo~denoe with the prwlrioos of tb%r arktol4 un- Qor oha l'ollowlngawl08 and ragulatlon8t court m9 pmvibo for Wl. ba0h k~0laaLissionors the ereotiaaof ewerkhouso end t&444tabNWont of 4 runty ierrs tn eona*otlon tihemlth fer Me of utlllaing tim labor of oald pardlo4 44 purpcttto of3n+iotedr *a. 3uah f4.x-mand rmrk#iouro44h4llbe wdor the cmntrel and manegom+at ai the oom&44i4aor4 wurt, and said outart aey adopt such rulea an4 regulatlon4 not lnwB8istMt WitIt the l4Wd a4 they deem neoemary for the 8uweorful manago- merit and opsrotloa of ml& lnatltutione an& for effeotively utilisiafleaill labor. “3. :3mb warmm and Gumrae ma be tm- ployecl under the authorit of ~JUJoo!amfseloners odrt QS may be n40444ary to prevent eaoepss and to onforao such Labor, end they shall be paid out of+ the oounty tm44ury such wntpon~- tion a8 ~1~. court imy preeorlbe. “4. Thotm 80 tsonvioted ahell bs so igmx4ed rhllo at wcmk 8% to prevent iwoape. “5. Thry rhall bs put to labor upon tho pub- 110 roads, brld&w Or other publio work8 of the oounty when tholr labor oennot be utillscrdln tho countynarkhouw or 8ounty Iarm. “6. They shell bo requirad to labor not loss SWAB&g&t nor tDOrothan tea houre eeuh 4ey, 8un- days oxaepte4. Eo pawn *hell wer be rertaite6 to work for more then tmo year. “7. One who rofuaos to labor or 18 othoiriss Nfraotory or ineuberdlnabs may be p\slehed by solitary oonilnauont un bxwea WKI waterctrin web other -61 eit th8 00ddmra OOUH my dlsw6. “8. Uaon not 4t labw th4y nuy be wmflrud in jail OP the uarkhoum, aa me9 be roost oenvaslwHi, or 4s the teg,ulatloae of th4 omtmle~iouers oourt nay proaoribs. “9” A fmelr she21 in na aase be require4 to do mrtusl labor exwpt In the rw%house. OlO. One who dxoln age, dtswse, or other physi- oab or nantal disnblllty is unable to 40 manuel labor &all not bpt roquuirsd to work but shall re- taaia in jail until his terns of bqir~sonmentis on4- 04, ox until the flae and coot@ adJu4g;ed agalnet him am dlwharge4 aoaording to law. 5%~ inabll~ty to 40 mnual labor ma9 be drtexmbml by a physioian appointed for that purgoet, by the oounty Judge or the ooarjlnsionera couxt, wh~ aim11 be pai for eush servloe such wr,pwas~tion 0a1 caid aourt may allaw. erinprtirs.m&+rl#pr aat uh J~ZL aup moza pamal labor by pyund into the oouat3 trewory of oao dollar r0r laoh asp or the term or his iwrirowat, and tha ro- oefpt Of ths oounty trbwwrbr to thnt bffbO6 ml be ffufrloientauthorit r6r tw 8hdrr to dwkia hia in jail without laL r.* “Art. 79s. (879) (857) Authority for impriboaaont vhon, by the $ldgwnt 0r the oourt 8 doi.&- ant is to be in~prleoaed in Jail, a rortdld oop)r of buoh j\rQlpswntaball be maHiolrat aothmltr for thb clbdrf k, phe0 6wh defwduat in jbil.* wArC. 797. (Sari (es91 Moehwgo or 40r~4wt "A dbfomdwt rho ham rwalw4 in jtil tba loagth o? blmo requlrsd br t& jpdgmat ahall be 4lsohbr ed. Thb rhorirr ah31 rettm t&o o or th0 '1 udgmm, a th0 0~4~ w4a whloh zfz 40f0ndantwa8 lapri8bw4 to the propbr aotut, diatiag hew it ww oxeoucod." *Art. 920. (1015) (980) Diobhr& from jdl "A d0r0adantplaoo4 in j&l on wbount of rbnm3 to w tbb nnb ~4 00860 ow b0 di~bhwged on habew sorpua by ahming: '1. That he 20 too pear to pay tho fho urb w&l, aa *2. T&the hw rowin in jtila 00fri0iat mgth 0r tin0 60 8~ti8ry th0 mk0 ~4 008ta, at the rate or three dollara, for uoh 4~. 93ut the der0fiimt 8haU, In no ,oam under this artlole be dis8hrged until &OMS besn im- prt``n~d fit iemi tea day68 rad 6 jwb0 0r the pbiIO0%&T&y di6Oh?Ar@et&O 4OfdIWt UPOIIhiS dUJd43 the mame oeud, by appliaatfon to W~gh justlooi and whba !kueh.applioation is gmntisd, the justieo shall note the 6?3meon MS 4ooket.* TM6 dopartaont Lea roprtedly &ml4 that rhmn l r ia a i judgatutt or 00mlotlon la rondorod ~JIa mira0b08~ oaso against a dofentlant it Ls tho duty o? the 3herlff or other ornoer to immdletelp eoLlaot tbo flno an4 otmtr or to plaoo the dafeadent In Jill. fa other words, the stat- ute means what;It saya),* Yo haro likewioore- peatedly he&3 t&t an of 850% a oonviotod ml..@ decabsn*nt prior to the iuir4bao*nwt~s sbatieraotion or the ju4gment of oonrfotlolr agrina6 Urn b waent or br jail or other suthorized rerviae would be &aI ltp of ellowlng a pri- 6onor to oaea~o~ In npini0n 1~0. o-4924 or thir dOpuh0nt, ~0 h014, werig other things that tho ju&hbnt of aonrlotlon in l i&a- domanor 6(11&owould euthorlu t&o Subrlff (or other orriioer) to proorod la the statute 63,thoQo or rolloetlon OS tho flno a0d 008~8 ad that no rurb% r ardor rr0i4 the Jwtloe 0rth0 Pew00 wax neoo*aary, 19e lnoloao herowith l oopy of mid oplDi~n whlah dlw dlaeusreo other mattora whlzh nay bo of Rr8lotmoo to you. The awwer to your quo&Ion till dopond upon who* or or not tho miebumewwt h8r ntilliirbdthe flno and etmtr alju4g.d agalnet hiin. u tho 4orsndant pep bl* rim an4 ooeto la rull 09: lays the ses6 Out ia jail or 80``08 the ww out on thb oeunty fwm or other wthorlrcod oountr pro- jaot ra0 thb th ropubwd to ittiffa.Srekmtgolw8; tho8 16 beoomw the dotyof the Sheriff to ~wlrara the pAotsnbr. The ~BW 4000 not requiru th@ @&riii 60 Ootlfy wpb &WiOr 6~ wah relmm. Boa6mr, 15 the riftb ai 6ostsare uautibri0d, eitherin who10 or in part, the ahbrifl ham no euthorlty to rulea the prlsmar. The prlwner must k he14 imtll t& judmnr; ill sully sPtisrlsd. I
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5005
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017