- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dear 6lr: Ye h8ve reaelved OUW*loln 1 18ke prohibitinga 0 the park or orrrled o lr te yo uldvlr lano gb r o p ln- r th eouetakrr or F’arkr Board ln or upon r&id lab, together 8 vlolntica of 8Uah prohibi- Your rttentiao ir dlreoted to Boaso Bill 683, Aiats oi the 47th bgi8&tUl’O, Be U~F *88%000, chpte? 454, at p8ge 726 of the Ckmer81 8nd SW0 f. 1 bV8 Of 98x88 l*l, not 8pperr to hare been inaluded la the ruppiement Penal Code. &&ion 1 Of bh18 Bill re8d8 88 tOllOV$a vhloh doe8 to Vernon’8 732 Eoooaable X80 L. Imnett, Jr., p8ge 0 "It 8h11 be nd8Vfti for lny mF8m to kill, VOUEhd,8hOOt at, hUllt Q Mh8t rly Vild -18, vlld blrdr or vlld fovl found vlthln the border8 of any pubfle park uader the oontrol ot .theTour 8tOt. ?Ork8 &Wd, 8t 8ii78W8oP Of the you. An7 Per8olrViOlAti~ 8&J &WOViOiOrPOf thI8 AOt 8h11 be deoud guilt7 of 8 tildeme~nor, and upon oonvir- tlon rbll be fined In 84 mm not lerr t&a ten Roll8~8 (410) nor moro tkun One Hundred Dollar8 ($100). Any peror oiflaer 18 authoriced to 8rrert vlthout Vmr8M rnr prlon fOurid0OUlttln.g 8 *IO- &tiM Ot My PNViriOn Of thi8 liOt.' Tha abore quoted 8t8tute 18 plain and, ve believe, ConteIM the infoPm8tiOn ~00 derin. Your8 v8ry truly
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5343
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017