- 678 . OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN xou &biro that relative to the intapre a11 mea6yB) both Ret ttad to the Bane, er aepesit in the MI are mrease4 red by the bbove meatloaod eat or the net Siaee (not ia- t) be remitted to the oaae, onazbrioa for deposit in the u'aao, Fi8h h qrter Coad84ioa - page P The law to mhlab you refer ia earrled la Vernon*8 Rerired Citil matuter as Artlole 9340* The seuond para- graph or secfioa 8 of such law providem@ be rmlttml to the Oaae, Wsh L Oyster Com&m- ml011at it8 0SSioe la Auetia, teus, aot later than the lmbdq of themath tollmingthair oolleotioa and shall be depotdtedby raid Game, Fish 6iOyster QoPPdesioa to the State trearut7 to tho 4redlt oi the rldr and Opter FUNI.* (Biuphab3 our*r) . Thie language Is repeated in Section 0 of the am AOt, firat PaPagraph. Artiole950 of the Code oi Crladnal Prooedurs pro- rldosI 'The Dietriot or County Attoraiq mhall be sntitled to tea per oeat of all iines, iorfeit- urea or moneys oollec.te(lfor tho State or oouaty, upon judgaeatr ~OOOT``~ v tit and the 01e~k of the 00~1% in whioh said Wgmmit8 or4 reader- ed shall be eatitled to five per 44nt of the amOunt Of mid jUd@l@JltS, t0 be paid Out Of th0 aaount Then oolleoted.' Art4010 061, Code of GrirrfaalFroo4dure1 vhe sheriff or other offioer mbo oolleote money tar the State or oounty, under aw prods- ion UP this oode, uoopt jury fees, 6hall be en- titled to retain fire per cent thereof when ool- leGfed Artiolo 44X26of the Revised Oivll Statutes provides in p-t1 '01 all fine8 colleated for iafractions of the fish and oyster laws, ten per cent ohs11 go to the prosecuting attorney, ami the realdue I i Game, Fish & ester Gomisaion - page 9 thereof shall go to the General Tund o? this State.a The language oi Seotioa 9 of Article 934a requires the remiesioa of l``poll# l ee $ %lsu wsmp fm& g QP g P a $ ma 5.m This language doea not require the raoisaioa of costs of court leseoeed and oolleoted as mob. It does, how- ever, require all Piaes to be remitted in full to the awe, Fish 0 Oyoter Coaudseion. *gLL~COlle~fed* e l be- cause ot fines paid a l ll does not admit of any interpretn- tion safe that the intent of the Legf6l&xWe was to reqiiire the whole SUD collected as a tine tok violation of the pro- visions of the oommrcial fishing la0 to be rec;fttedto the Game, Fish dcOyster Oowdssion. Sinoe this is a opeoial pro- vialon oontrolliug the disgositlonof a particular fine, aml rime the lav ot vhioh this language forms a part VW euaot- ed by the Legislature, and became efPec.tiveafter Artiola,oM) and osl of the code of GriEiW.%lFroosQure and Axtiole 402s of the geviaed Girl1 Statutom, it controls the disposition ai 811 moseys oollected a9 fines for violation of the oar@orf&al iieibinglaw. Xour Eirot question, therefore, is answered es fol- lows: Court oosts, asaeesed and oolleoted a6 suah, are not to be remitted to tile Owe, Fish & Oyster Comi8eioa, under the provltions ef &tlole 03401 In reply to your second question, you arc advised that the eutire line a88essai and oolleotcd for violatioa of &tiole 99&a mast be rolnittaito the Game, Tish S emtcr Gem- miraion for deposit in the state treaeury to the credit of the Fish and Oyeter Fund. sow' third question requireo no ansm3r, in viev of the amvem made to the first two questions. Very truly yours BY R. 1. Fairohild Ilw-M .2:-:.-,-C .JLiL 23. 1943 Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5334
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017