672 OFFICE OF THE A’IT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN !’ :--I= Eoanorable C. FL Carne& State Auditor Austin, Texas D0ar Sir: wo ham *aoe1o requesting the opfoion of th tfoncd subject, whloh lett f the booka, aria aooount6 Offfoe, we ffnd that thrr, that e rather large umber of euoh aooounte hare not been pald in to the General Land Mfioc-in taot, Boa. 0. R. Caraesi Pam 2 these aooounta whloh are aatually peist due, aoim ror eereral pears, amount to seyeral thousand dollare, part of this haying boon iron the adsinistration limedlately prior to that of the present Land Comala- slonsr. *Ie it legal for these lGntt.ers to ba handled in this rammer? Vlhether or not it lr legal upon whom dooa the re~ponelbllltf rest ror the 0~0lieotlon or the66 oooounta for mnel due the State? Pleaae lnolnde also JOUY Opinion as to how far moh reeponaibllity lesllg extenda- ia the oolleotlon of these runds chargeable personally to the one who authorized tha credit, to Wm extent that he or his bondaaen oould ba held &&ally liable if the xzmye lnyolyed are not oolleated without delay?” eeotion 29 or Article z 0r the conet1tution or the State of~Texas proride that ill fees that map be payable bl law ior any oeroios perrormad by the ComnI8eloner or the General Land Ofriee, or in his Offloe, shall be paid, when Yeoelmd, into the State ~TreaeurP. &tiole 9913 Revised 01~11 Statkw~or the State of Tsras requlr+ the Land~Coamirsioner to keep a fee book in hia ofiios in whioh he shall ,enter all the fser ior any serrioe mme.d in’ Art$ole 391& of said itatutes snd to quarterly file with the aomptroller a Yerlfled aooouut or all reso 60 reaciood by him, and at the end of each qoartar to pay oyar to the State Treasurer all monem~.reoelted under the proyislons of the rtaf;utcs. Artiale .3918%eyis:cd Ciil,l $tatutao authorlzcs and requlrea the Land Oommlsslonec to oharga ior tha use of the stats as riling fee8 , ror oertifled ooplee and Patent fees the amount or Paes in eald Artiole 3918 enumerated. iSrtior0 5250 Revised Ciyil Sta%Utes or Tams rf4uirea the Comlseioner to &PC bond with three or more suretier ror rirty bhouaand dollars, payable to an& to bc approved by the Governor, oonditlonad for the falkhful Uieoharge of his oificial duties. Hon. C. H. Carnero Rag' 3 ft lr the oplnlon of thlr Department that the Laod Commissioner la without authorit to extend aredlt in reapeat to the feea required bt eat& artiale 3918, Revised Civil Statutes, to be ahargad by the Land Com- mlaalonar, on the aontrary the Commira~onrr is to reoeire the requirti free at the tin0 of or before flline or dellterlng the doaumsnta or prrformlng the aerrlaea in said statute set out and in the went the State auatalna any lose bj reamon of the Omralaalcaar extending orsdft ln reapeot to auah statutory fees), thr) Colaaziaaionot and the sureties on his offiolal bond would be liable to the Stat0 for the.amount oi auah 1088, It In the oaas of Thurston County ?a. Chmelka 294 New. 857,
132 A.L.R. 1083, it la mid by the aourtt Y’%s rule for the Intarpratatlon of bonds aees`` to be that, whsn a pub110 ofilaer gives a bond for the ialthful dlaaharge of his duties, the word ‘faithful’ is held to imply that ha has assumed that meaaurs of reaponslbllity laid on him by law, had no bond been @tent that tha objeat of a bond ao oonditloned i8 to get ,auretlea for tha performmoe of t&e duties of the oiilae aaaordlng to law, and that anything la unfalthfulneaa whloh the I&w does not exouae. In four latter you lnqulre upon whoar rests tha rsapoaalbllltp to oollaot aooounta for the lervioea of the Commlaalonar in flllng doaumenta and to? aeFtliled ooplsa ato. undn aafd Artlale 3918 Revised Civil Statute& Slaoa there is no authority on the part ot the otilalal to oreate auoh aooounta theor la no dtatutory provision with rerpsot to the oolleotlon thereof. Thr offiolal bond of the otflolal protsotr the rights of the Stat6 to rsasive the fee8 protlded for ln said Artiale 3918, Pew truly 7oura, ATTORRFT 0-L O? TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5332
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017