Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, Chairman
    Board of Insurance Commissioners
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    requesting   the opin-
    d question reads as
    ty National Life In-
    rance Company, Dallas,
    City of Dallas which is owned by
    another Texas corporation chartered through the of-
    fice of the Secretary of State and known as Texas
    Discount Company of Dallas, Texas.
    "The Texas Discount Compang has a capital stock
    of $lOO,OOO.OO divided into 10,COO sharss whose
    owners are as follows:
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, Page 2
    YE. A. Strange - - - - - 10   shares
    Leo Johann- - - - - - - - 5   shares
    Jack Austin Titus - - - -10   shares
    Robt. Elton Titus - - - -10   shares
    E. W. Titus - - - - - 9965    shares
    "The directors of the Texas Discount Company
    "E. A. Strange
    Leo Johann
    E. W. Titus
    "The officers of Texas Discount Company are:
    "E. W. Titus, President
    Leo Johann, Vice President
    Pauline Michael, Secretary and Treasurer
    "The City National Life Insurance Company has
    a capital stock of qb25,OOO.OOdivided into 2500
    shares, The stockholders of this company are as
    "D. L. Uayar - - - - - -100 shares
    Bob Titus - - - - - - -  25 shares
    Jack Titus - - - - - - - 25 shares
    Jack Andrews - - - - - -100 shares
    Fred Sheppard - - - - - 50 shares
    Andrew Allison - - - - -100 shares
    Nrrs.Wright Titus - - - -30 shares
    K. P. Gifford - - - - - 100 shares
    Vernon Singleton - - - - 1 share
    Bill Weidler - - - - - - 10 shares
    Wright Titus - - - - - - 10 shares
    Texas Discount Company-1796 shares
    A. H. Knepper - - - - - 2; ;",;;i;
    J. H. Hickerson - - - -
    Frank Cain - - - - - - - 10 shares
    Albert Couchman - - - - -35 shares
    J. P. Levigne - - - - - -10 shares
    J. M. Cumby - - - - - - -21 shares
    Tom Beckett - - - - - - -50 shares
    H0noreble 0. P. Lockhart, Page 3
    "The directors of City National Life Insur-
    ance Company are as follows:
    "Wright Titus
    David L. Mayer
    Albert Couchman
    Frank Cain
    Lt. A. V. Allison
    Fred Sheppard
    K. P. Gifford
    James H. Hickerson
    Thomas Beckett
    "The officers of City National Life Insurance
    Company are as follows:
    "Wright Titus, Presidept
    David L. Mayer, Vice Yresident 8~Treasurer
    Frank Cain, Vice President
    James H. Hickerson, Secretary
    A. H. Knepper, Assistant Secretary
    tiion end Cain, General Counsel
    Dr. Ben R. Buford, Medical Director
    M. B. Gammill, Actuary
    *The City National Life Insurance Company
    does not now own any reel estate of any kind, end
    the properties sought to be acquired will be e
    building site, and office building for its eccom-
    modation in the transaction of its business end
    for lease end rental.
    "In view of the fact that PI.W. Titus (who
    is the seme person es Wright Titus) is en officer
    end a director of both the insurance company and
    the other corporation; and in view of-the fact
    that I&s, Wright Titus is the wife, end Jack Austin
    Titus end Robert Elton (Bob) Titus are the minor
    sons, of E. W. (Wright) Titus, and all re stock-
    holders in one or both corporations, we would appre:
    ciate having your opinion as to whether or not any
    violation of Article 4727 of the Oivil Statutes or
    Article 577 of the Penal Code, or of any other pro-
    visions of the civil or criminal laws of Texas ap-
    plicable to such transection, would necessarily be
    involved in anv acquisition, and more especially
    the outright purchase, by City National Life Insur-
    ance Company from Texas Discount Company of the
    honorable 0. F. Lockhart, Page 4
    above mentioned Dallas reel estate for the purposes
    end in the circumstances mentioned; end.if so,
    wherein such violations would consist, end upon
    whose pert they would be violations; and whether
    such violations, if env, would make it unlawful for
    us to approve the acquisition of such reel estate
    by the insurance company for the ourposes end in
    the circumstances above mentioned.*
    Article 4727, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes
    reeds es follows:
    "No director or officer of any insurance
    company transacting business in or organized un-
    derthe laws of this State, shall receive any
    money or valuable thing for negotiattng, procuring,
    recommending or aiding in any purchase or sale
    by such company of any property, or any loan from
    such company, nor be pecuniarily interested, either
    es principal, coprincipel, agent or beneficiary
    in any such purchase, sale or loan. Nothing in
    this article shell prevent a life insurance cor-
    poration from making a loan upon e policy held
    therein, by the borrower, not in excess of the
    reeerve value thereor.**
    Article 577, Vernon's Annotated Penal Code provides:
    "IGodirector or officer of any insurance
    company transacting business in this State, or
    organized under the lews of this State, shell
    receive any money or valuable thing for negotiat-
    iw, procuring, reconunendingor aiding in any
    purchase or sale by such company of any property
    or any loan from such company, nor be pecuniarily
    interested either as principal, co-principal,
    agent or beneficiary, in any such purchase, sale
    or loan. Nothihg contained in this article shell'
    prevent a life insurance corporation from making
    a loan upon e policy held therein, by the borrower
    not in excess of the reserve value thereof. Any
    person violating any provision of this article
    shall be fined not less then three hundred nor
    more than one thousand dollars."
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, Page 5
    In construing the foregoing articles this depert-
    ment said in opinion No. O-1889:
    "Article 4727 end Article 577, Penal Code,
    1925, have as their combined objective the pro-
    hibition end penalizing of a director end offi-
    cer or directors and officers of corporations
    in respect to certain personal acts. Both the
    prohibition and the penalty apply to individuels.
    They do not embrace the corporation itself as an
    entity. The language is clear, unambiguous end
    not subject to construction;
    n . . . ."
    It is further stated in said opinion (No. O-1889)
    "The fact that e part or all of the directors
    of one contracting corporation are directors of
    the other contracting corporation affords a ground
    for subjecting the contract into which they enter
    to the strictest scrutiny by courts of equity.
    The true rule in this State with respect to oon-
    tracts between corporations having interlocking directors
    or officers in common generally may be found enunciated in
    the case of City National Bank v. Merchants and Farmers
    National Rank, 
    105 S.W. 338
    , to the effect that:
    "It is not inherently wrong for two corpore-
    tions, having all or a part of their controlling
    officers in common, to contract with each other.
    Even where a majority or all of the contracting
    officers of two corporations are common to both,
    that fact alone does not make e contract between
    the two corporations, entered into by such contrect-
    ing officers, absolutely void end incapable of
    ratification. The current of modern authority
    holds that the most that cen.be said against such
    contracts is that thay will be subjected to cbse
    judicial scrutiny when questioned et the proper
    time, and will be set aside upon the appearance
    of unfairness. But if it should appear, upon in-
    vestigatioa, that the contract is fair and there
    Honorable 0. F. Lockhart, Page 6
    has been no abuse of the trust relation, the con-
    tract will be pernitted to stand. . . . The sx-
    tent to which the courts will go in refusing to
    enforce contracts of this kind, es sho\;nby the
    adjudicated cases, depends in a great measure upon
    the facts of each particular case. No inftaxible
    rule has been established."
    It is stated in the case of Gaddes v. Anaconda
    Copper Mining Company, 
    254 U.S. 590
    , 599, 
    41 S. Ct. 209
    45 L. Ed. /25;
    "The relation of directors to corporations
    is of such e fiduciary nature that transections
    between boards having common members are regarded
    as jealously by the law es are personal dealings
    between a director and his corporation, and where
    the fairness of such transections is challenged
    the burden is upon those who would mainM.n them
    to show their entire fairness end where a sale is
    involved the full adequacy Of the consideration.
    Ebpecially is this true where e common director
    is dominating in influence Or in character. This
    court has been consistently emphatic in the eppli-
    cation of this rule, which, it has declared, is
    founded in soundest morality, and we now add in
    the soundest business policy."
    This department held in OPiniOn No. O-1586   (Con-
    ference Opinion No. 3097) that:
    "Article 4727, Revised civil Statutes of Texas,
    1925, end Article 577, Penal Code Or Texas, 1925,'
    do not prohibit a life insurance C0mpen.vfrom mek-
    ing e loan to another corporation if a director or
    or officer of the borrowing corporation, where the
    officer or director of the insurance company has
    no personal interest in the loan end recaives no
    money or valuable thing for negotiating, procuring,
    recommending, or aiding in the furtherance of the
    loan, either as principal, co-principal, agent or
    beneficiary in such loan."
    Honorable G. P. Lockhart, Page 7
    What was said in the foregoing opinion with refer-
    ence to a life insurance company making a loan to another
    corporation where the same person was a director or officer
    of both corporations Is equally applicable regarding the pur-
    chase of real estate from one corporation by a life insurance
    company where the same person is a director ordricer in
    both corporations.
    It is our opinion that Article 4727, Vernon’s Anno-
    tated Civil Statutes, and Article 577, Vernon’s Annotated
    Penal Code, do not prohibit a life Insurance company from
    purchasing real estate rrom another corporation if a director
    or officer of the Insurance company is also a dire&or or
    off’icerof the corporation selling the real estate, where
    the officer or director of the insurance company, who is also
    an officer or director of the corporation selling the real
    estate, has no personal interest in such transaation and re-
    ceives no money or valuable thing for pegotiating, procuring,
    recommending, or aiding in the furtherance of the transaation,
    either as principal, co-prlnoipal, agent or beneficiary therein.
    Article 4726, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes sets
    forth the purposes for which a life insurance oompnay may hold
    real estate.
    With reference to the first paragraph in your let-
    ter as quoted above It is not clear whether or nbt the real
    estate in question oonstltutes a part of the capital stock of
    the City National Life Insuranae Company or is to be used for
    the purpose of paying such stock increase. If it is the pur-
    pose of the city National Life Insurance Company to use the
    real estate for the purpose of paying its capital stock in-
    crease your attention is directed to our opinion No. 0-4556
    addressed to you wherein it is stated:
    11   .by express statutory declaration, the
    Commissioners must rind, as a condition precedent
    to the issuance of a certificate of authority to
    do business, that all of the capital stock of the
    company has been fully paid up and is in the cus-
    tody 0r the officers, ‘either in cash or securities
    of the class in which such companies are authorized
    by this chapter to Invest or loan their funds’.
    “Article I+725lists the ‘securities’ in which
    a life insuranoe company organized under the laws
    Honorable 0. F. Lockhart, Fag8 8
    of this State may invest or upon which it may loan
    its funds.
    1’. . .
    “Of course, real estate acquired by the company
    under the circumstances and for the purpose pro-
    vided by Artiole 4726, is property which the oom-
    pany is authorized to own, just as it my own per-
    sonal property, such as furniture and fixtures and
    office equipment and supplies, necessary to the
    transaction of its business. But 'securities1 Is
    a term of more restricted meaning than ‘property’,
    and Article 4.720 expressly provides that the oer-
    tifioate of authority shall be issued only if it
    is round that the capital of the company is on hand
    in the form or cash or ‘ssourities* in which it is
    authorized to invest or loan its runds.
    N~Seourltlesl are evidenoes of obligation for
    the payment of money. See Words and Fhrases, Perm.
    Ed., Vol. 38, ‘Securities*. In no proper sense
    can real property, encumbered or unencumbered, owned
    by the corporation be classed as a ‘security’ under
    Artlole 4720.”
    It is noted in your letter, as above mentioned,
    that the wife and children of Mr. Titus may be stockholders
    of one or both of the corporations. Neither of the statutes
    (Article 4727, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, or Article
    577, Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code) refers to stockholders,
    consequently, the fact that the wife and ohildren of Mr.
    Titus are stockholders of one or both corporations Is imms-
    As all of the above mentioned opinions referred to
    in this opinion have been addressed to the Chairman of the
    Board of Insurance Commissioners we do not deem it necessary
    to enclose copies of’ such opinions herewith.
    Yours very truly
    Opinion                          ATTORNEY GENEBAL OF TEUS
    By (Signed)
    Ardell Williams

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5250

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017