- 0 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS L Honorable L. A. Woods State Superintendentof Public Instruotlon Austin, !l‘eXtSE Dear Sir: We have received yo ptember 14, 1942, rerence to the owing from your on about which 8 type Is tne &hanklin h was approved by the the Joint Legislative to transport their taught in Shsnklin to You will note that Seation 2 of BiU 284;Acts of the 47th Lsg- that .wheretwo receiving sohools out of the same sending district, pproval of the Department and the er.developed that Shanklln was a cor?tractto tranafer the entire dia- trict to Belton as provided for in Article 8 of House Bill 284. I should like your opinion on these two questione: "1. Edward Yiilsonlived ln Shanklin and attended school at Salado rather than goiry to Belton. Whioh is the home district of Edward Wlleon--Shanklin,the district in which he aotually resides, or Belton? Ronorable L. A. Woods, page #2 "2. Since the duplicate semlce was approved by the Department and the Comnittee,would the transfer of the district by contract make it ll- legal to pay transportationon children living in Shanklin who continued to attend the Salado Sahool aa originallyplanned and approved7 You will please bear in mind that no sohool was op- erated in the Shanklin Dlstriot, and, therefore, the grades of none of the ohildren were taught in the dlstrlot in uhioh they aotually res1ded.s The approval of the transportationroutes was made under the authority of that pad of Seotion 2, Article V, of the Rural Aid Act (Acts 1941, 47th Leg., R. S., Ch. 549, R.B. 2&M, p. SSO), whioh reads as followsr *seo.2. In no inetanoeamay aid be granted for puplla transportedrho attend a grade In another school whioh grade is taught in suoh pupilfs home district. Ro transportationaid shall be granted for a pupil being transported out of his home school dietriot if tuo (2) or more reoelring sahoola are applying for trsns- portation aid from such pupills home district unless the bus routes through suah district have been approved by the State Department of Education, and suah approval confirmed by the Joint LegislativeAdvisory Committee. Aid shall not be granted under any provisfons or this ar- tiale unless the pupil so tramported actually resides more than two and one-half (2 l/2) miles from the eohool attended and la transportedin an approved bus over an approved route. * * Q " A short time after the routes were approved, the Shank- 'lindistrict contracted to tranefer its entire enrollment to the Belton IndependentSchool Dietriot under the provisions of Artiole VIII of the Rural Aid Bill. You have informed ue that this contraot was for the school year 1941-42. Section 1 of Article VIII reads aa follows: gonomble L, A. Woods, we #S *Section 1. For the eohool year 1941-42, upon the qgPeement of the Board of Trmateea of the dis- trlcta conuerned or on petition aigued by a major- Ity of the quallfled voters of the district and eubjeot to the approval of the County Supsrlntend- ant, State Syperlntendent,and Joint Legislative Advlaory Cammltteo,the tmuteer, Of a dlatriot whlohmaybeunable Co&talna aati8faotory suhool may truufor its sntlre aeholaatS.0 enroll- ment, or any number of grades thereof, to a oon- veuient aohool of higher rank, and in auah event, all of the funds of the diatriot, including the State Aid to nhlah the diatrlot would. otherwise be entitled under the pro~ialona of this Aot. or auuh proportionatepart thereof as may be neobe- aary shall be uaed in carrying out said agreement) provldod that no aid &all be allowed for teachers zb&rnnot aatually employed in the oontraatlng . You rlah to know whether the Belton or the m dirtriet is the hme distriot of EdmaPd Vllaon and whether t&e pagnent of Crmnaportatfonoan legally be mde foP t&e ahildren who attended the salado Sohool after the above mentioned transfer oontPaot was entered into. Transportationaid may not be @antid under the Ruril Aid Bill for pupil8 who attend a grade in a aohool which grcrdela tmght in such pupil*s home dietriot. ArtiiiPle V, Seotlon 2, rupra. The question neoeaaPrilyresolves itself into a deteminntion whether the transfer of the entire en- rollment under Artlale VIII changes the home district of the pupils. WI are of the opinion that for the purpose of pay- Ing transportation aid under the Rural Aid Bill suoh change is erfeoted. The transfer of the e&ire 8uholaati.aenrollment la ,authorlsedwhere the sendb$j~iat is uuable to &kin a aa.tiofaotoryaohool. Manifestly, one of the feotora whio@ are consideredin detenminingwhether a aahool is artiafaatoryor Honorable L. A. Woods, pagefi not Is the number of grades taught. It follows that one of the reasons for passing Artlele VIII, whereby the entire aoholaatloenrolkaeutmay be trauaferred,was to supply the grades whloh were needed and do away with the neoeaaity of trazaaferrlugatudenta lndlvlduallyto other aahoola where their grades are taught. The Peoelrlng dlatriot receiuea the funds of the rending dlatrlot, %noludlng the State Aid to Ihlah the dlatrlotrould otherulae be entitled under the provisionsof this Aot, or auah proportionatepart thereof as may be neceaaary ahaIl be uaod in orrryiug out said agree- ment” . The bllI providea for the trauafer of the eentiree onrol&ent. We belleve that it mama what it aaya. FOP ptwal aid purpoae8, therefore, the reeelving dlrtrlot la the hoam dlatrlot of the students transferredunder Artlob VIII. We do not thin)Fthat the identity of the sending dla- trlot la dbatroyedby tihetraf~ferOf its entim aoho&atio luroI3amntunder Seotion 1 of Artlole VIII. In other words, the ~hankllu IndependautS&o01 Diatriot remalna au independ- ent aahool diatrlat, and Its truateea aontlnue to hold offioe aud perform the duties lnaldsnt thereto. Artlale 2201, Revised Civil Statutes, reads as follows: %very ehlld in this Skte of aaholaatloage shall be pemltted to attend the publlo fY?ee aahoola of the dlatrlat or independentdlatrlot ln which it realdea at ths time It applies for adalaalon,notwlthatandingthat it may have been enumeratedelsewhere, or amy have attended school elsewherepart of the pa&'. It is our opinion that the aohoIaatlasresiding in the oonfiuea of the Shanl~lindiatrlat are residents of such dia- trlct for general purpoaeal but after the entlre saholaatla Onrollmentof auoh dtatrlat has been transferredto the Selton Independentschool Dlatrlot such acholaatlaeare residents of the Belton diatslot insofar as the payamnt of tranaportatfon aid la oonoerned. Xour firet quaatlon la answered In this manner. HonorableL* A. Woods, page #S I~Iview of mhat we have said, it is our opinion that where the entire scholasticenrollment has been trans- ferred under Section 1 of Artlole VIII, transportationaid may not be granted for pupils who attend a grade in another school whloh grade is taught in the reoelvlng diatriot. Your second question la, therefore, answered in the afflrma- five. Very truly your8 ATTORWEX GILRERALOF !lXXAS 5%3/a
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4855
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017