Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • ._’   .
    Honorable E. L, Shelton
    County Auditor
    Johneon County
    Oleburne, Tema,
    Denr Sir;
    Vie recofved   your 1                  ezbor 10, ,1948,
    relating to tha above     nlon~tio
    ter io aelf-e~planotory      and
    who have take
    selling this
    times cd.1 of
    I do not !mo
    velopaents in thi a
    he law providers
    e in developed
    ae advise me whether or
    ghts end royalties   ,ere aubjeot
    , If suoh be taxable I think
    and the variour?l oountios should
    to the dootrine that minemle in plnoe nre PertI;fiihe
    realty and me cnpable of omerahip in place.
    equally true thnt the minornl.s in lnce my be severed
    fron the surface estate by nppropr r ate conveymom,       The
    eevermoe my bo m7de by an exceijtion or rus3rvation       In
    the d00a,   :,Aen mob s.evcrmcc  1 e acoornplinhsd, there
    exista two real property estates,    to-wit:   an estate
    in the minerals in plnco and m e3tr;te in the reminder
    Honorable   E. L, Shelton,’ pass 2
    of the land.    Rumphreys-Moxia Co, ,vs J. L. Ckmmon, 118
    Texes 247.    In diocuooin5 these eztntes in land, the
    Oourt of Civil Appeals at Texarkana, in the very rooont
    oa%e styled County School Trustees of Upshur County
    ~a. l!roe, 154 8. ?i, (26) 935 (‘.:ri~t rafuaed for wnnt of
    merit),  said I
    “The lnw is settled    in this State that
    minerals in plaoe may be severed from the sur-
    face; that l$hen so severed they oonatituta
    separate and dietinot’estatesi      th;?t the nfea
    simple title” to the surfaoe entnto may be in
    one parson and the “fee eimpls, title*       to the
    mineral estate in another pessoni thsy eaoh
    constitute   *real propexty” ana oonveyanoe there-
    of is 0ontrolloU by laws governing conveyanoes
    of renl oatate as dietlnguinhable       froa personal
    property..   Stephens Oounty v,,Mid-Ransaa Oil
    & OH8 CO,, 115 TOX, 160, 254 El. ‘il. 290, 
    29 A.L.R. 506
    ; Humphreya-Zexia 08. v, Gammon,
    115Tex.    247, 254 3. Xt 296; Qriasom v. Andeer-
    eon, 125 Tex, 26, 79 8, :I. 26 619,*
    The Supreme Court of Texas, in the sass of
    Bheffield  va. Iiocjg. 77 5, YJ. (2d) 1021, has held that
    unaaorued royalty,    whether peyable in money or in kind,
    is real property subjeot to taxation In the county wherb
    the property is located.     There are, no doubt, nmtnyral-
    unble mineral eotp.tes in.this    State which have never bssn
    developed.   t?evertholess,  muoh estates are eubjeat to
    tnxation.   Texoe Co. vs. Daubbert , 160 5. W. 129 (affirraed
    by Supreme Court in 176 2. Vi. 7177 .
    Article   8, Seation 1 of the Uonstitution   oi
    Texas provides,    in perti as followsr
    “Taxation ahall be equal and uniform.    All
    property in this State, ,whether owned by natural
    persons or oorporetions,   other than nn~niolpal,
    shall be taxed in proportion    to its valuei whioh
    shall be ascertained   as may be provided by luw.*
    In o&,otininy: the value of the mineral eetatee
    in guestlon for tax purposes, we refer  you to Artlole  7811,
    V. A. 0. S;, which provides,  in part, aa follows:
    *Hereafter when any person, firm or corporation
    renders his, their or it8 prop-rty in this State
    Honorable   lL   L. Shelton,   pase 3
    for taxation to any tax asses&or, and makes oath
    as to the kind, chnrnctor, qualitygand quantfiiy
    of such pro, nrty, and the said oifiber accepting
    f3aiu renait l on front such parson rimi ,or oorpore-
    tion of such property is satist’ied that it is
    correctly and ,proper,lg valued aooordin5 to the
    reaeonable caeh market value of stich property
    on the market at the time of its rendition, hi3
    shall list the ssme accordinglpy but, ii the afmw-
    acr ie satisfied     that th(t value io below the reaBon-
    able oash mr:rkat v.?J,us of ou& pro erty, ha shall at
    oboe pStl,ce on said retidition oppO8s te each place Of -.
    property PO rendered an amount equal to the V3aeon-
    able oe.trhmarket.value of such property at the’t$aM
    or itr rendltlon,     and if much property mhall br
    found to hove no msrlcet value by muoh offloW,      then
    at such mua am said of’fioer shnZl deerp the rml or
    intrinfl$c rnlus of the proparty! , , *
    hit iollowo from what we &ave said that the
    rro-called mineral rights and mpaltiae mentioned Sn g‘O,Wr
    letter are subjoot, to ad Valoren taxes.
    Yours   very trulj,

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4978

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017