Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1951 )

  • I
    October    17,   1951
    Hon. C. J. Hollingsworth,   Chairman
    Committee on Board Procedures
    Board of Vocational   Nurse Examiners
    Lubbock, Texas                 Opinion          No. V-1321
    Re:    Necessity    that the
    Board of Vocational
    Nurse Examiners hold
    meetings when exami-
    nations   are to be
    Dear Sir:                                    given.
    You have requested   the opinion    of this
    office   concerning  the interpretation     of various   pro-
    visions    of House Bil.1 47, Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 1951.,
    ch. 11.8, p. 197, which provides       for the licensing    of
    vocational    nurses by the Board of Vocational       Nurse
    Your first    question    relates    to the number
    of meetings which the Board must hold each year.                 You
    state    that your committee's      interpretation      of Section
    4 of the act is that since there will have to be sixty
    days' notice      before  an examination       can be given,   the
    Board will have to maet twice to give examinations
    and will. have to have two additional            meetings   in which
    licenses    wi1.l. be issued,   in addition      to any meetings
    for special     purposes   other than those already         men-
    tioned.     You ask whether this interpretation           is cor-
    You also ask whether a quorum of six mem-
    bers of the Board must be present       to give an examina-
    tion.   You state that it would be desirable          for two
    members to hold examinations      in several     parts of the
    State at the same time, since this would he more con-
    venient   for the people taking the examination          and
    woul.d require   less expense on their     part.     However,
    since the statute     states that the examination        must be
    given by the Board, your committee has interpreted            it
    as requiring    the presence   of at least   six members at
    each examination.
    Hon.   C. J.    Hollingsworth,      page .2, ;:(V-1321)
    In your third question,    you refer   to the re-
    quirement in Section’5   that an applicant   for examina-
    tion must have had “at least    two years of high school
    education or its equivalent”,    and you ask if we. can
    give you any yardstick   to determine what would be con-
    strued as equivalent   to two years of high school    edu-
    Section   4 of Rouse Bill       47,   sunra,   provides
    in part:
    “(b)  At the first     meeting after    appoint-
    ment of members, the Board shall, elect         a Dresi-
    dent, Vice-president,      and Secretary-treasurer,
    and thereafter     shall. elect  such officers      yearly
    at an annual meeting.        The Board may make such
    rul.es and regulations     as may be necessary       to
    govern its proceedings       and to carry in effect
    the purposes    of this law.     The Secretary-treasurer
    shall be required      to keep minutes of each meet-
    ing of said Board, a register        of the names of
    all nurses licensed      under this I.aw, and books
    of account    of fees received     and disbursements;      . .       -.
    1(. . .
    “(a,)    Regular meetings        of the Board shall
    be held at least twice a year,              one of whllch
    shall. be designated         as an Annual Meeting for
    election     of officers      and the reading        of auditors’
    reports,     and at, both regular        meetings licenses
    shall    be issued to those qualified.              At least
    twice each year the Board shall hold examina-
    tions for qualified          applicants     for licensure     .
    Not less than sixty          (60) days notice        of the hn?d-
    ing of examinations          shall be given by publication
    in at least       three (3) dai1.y newspapers          of general.
    circulation,       to ‘be selected      by the Board; special.
    meetings     shall be held upon request            of four (4)
    members of the Board or upon the call of the
    Presid.ent ; six (6) members of the Board shall
    const?tute      a quorum for the transaction            of busi-
    ness,    and  should     a quorum    not  be   present   on the
    day appointed        for a~ny meeting,      those persons
    present may adjourn from day to day until                 a
    quorum sha1.1 ?Je present,          providing     that such
    period    shall. not ‘be longer than three (3) SUC-
    cessive     days:     . . .”
    Hon.   C. J.    Hollingsworth,      page 3      (V-1.321)
    We believe   the Board has broad discretion
    in determining     when and where the meetings shall           be
    heId.   The Board is required         to hold two examinations
    each year for qualified        applicants     for licensure.
    These examinations      may ,be given during the annual meet-
    ing held for electing       officers      and reading   the auditor’s
    reports   or during’ the other regular          meeting of the
    Board.    If the Board chooses,         it msy elect    to hold
    examinations    at other times.        We agree with you that
    before  at examination     may be held e quorum of six
    board members must be present.
    Section   5 of    the Bill.   provides:
    “Every person desiring     to’ be licensed.    es
    a Licensed     Vocational   nurse, or use the abbre-
    viatlon    L.V.N. in the State of Texas,        shall    be
    required    to pass the examination      given by the
    Board of’ Vocational      Nurse Examiners;    the appli-
    cant shall     make application    by presenting      to
    the Secretary      of the Board, on forms furnished
    by the Boarci, satisfactory       sworn evidence      that
    the applicant     has had at least     two (2) years of
    high school     education   or its equivalent,      . . .”
    We have been unab1.e to find where the courts
    of this State have construed          the word “equivalent”       in e
    comparable    situation.      It has ‘been construed       by other
    courts   as meaning “equal in worth or value,            force,
    power, effect,      Import and the like”.        Knox v. O’Brien,
    7 I’Z.J. Super. 608, 
    72 A.2d 389
    (1950).            In that case,
    which Involved     a provision      of the Compulsory Education
    Law requiring     children    to sttend. public     school. “or to
    receive   equlvelent     instruction    elsewhere    then at school”,
    the court treated       the question     of equivalency     es one of
    The prere uisite    ‘that   the applicant     has
    had at least     two 12 7 years of high school. education
    or its equivalent       before  taking an examination         in-
    volves    e fact finding    by the board in the light         of the
    above definition      of the term “equivalent”.         Since each
    eppl.lcatlon    might present   a different    factual     situation,
    we cannot lay down any rule to govern the action                of
    the Board in all situations.          However, the board has
    the d~iscretion    to make such re:!sonable     requirements
    as it deems proper relative         to the proof necessary         to
    P       convince     the board that the applicant      has en equivalent
    Hon.    C. J.   Hollingsworth,        page   4   (V-1321)
    of two years      of high    school     education.
    Under the provisions   of House Bill     47,
    Acts 52nd Leg.,    R.S. 1951, ch. 118, p. 197,
    the Board of Vocational     Rurse Examiners may
    determine   when and where meetings shall       be
    held for examining applicants      for licenses.
    These examinations     may be given at the same
    time as the two regular     meetings required      by
    Section   4 or at different   times if the Board
    elects   and a quorum of six members is present.
    The Board may make reasonable      requirements
    relative   to the proof necessary     to convince
    the Board that the applicant      has an equivalent
    of two years of high school      education.
    APPROVED:                                Yours   very   truly,
    J. C. Davis, Jr.                            PRICE DARIEL
    County Affairs  Division                 Attorney  General
    Everett   Hutchinson
    Executive   Assistant
    Charles D. Mathews                         4Buc%gL
    First  Assistant                              Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1321

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1951

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017