I . Honorable William M. King Opinion lo. C-630 Securities Commissioner of Texas Sam Houston State Office Building Re: Payment of dividends Austin, Texas from earned surplus. Dear Mr. King: In your opinion request you have submitted the fbllowing questionsI “1. May a domestic corporation lawfully pay dividends In cash, property, or shares out of its earned surplus to any persons other than Its ahareholdere? "2. May a life lneumnce corporation, chartered and authorized to do business in the State of Texas, lawfully pay dividends In cash, property or shires out if-its earned surplus to policy holders?” The peyment of dividends by.a domestic corporation organized under the Texas Business Corporation Act Is controlled by Article 2.38 of such Act. Article 2.38, Texas Business Co-oration Act, pro- vides 8s follows: “A. The board of directors of a corporation may, from time to time, declare, and the corpora- tion may pay, dividend0 on Its outstandlnu sharea .r&;;;;si;d;zy;‘ty, or In its own shares. . . .” The above quotation clearly limits a corpor8tlon coming within the terms thereof to pay dividends only to Its outstanding shareholders. Therefore, the answer to your first~qucstion muet be answered in the negative. -3056-. Hon. Willie5 W. King, Page 2 (C-630) :’ Your second question relates to whether 8 life insurance corporation msy pay dividends out of Its earned surplus to policyholders. The.'TexasBusiness Corporation Act,'Artlcle 2.01, Sec. B(J+)(d).sndArticle 9.14, Sec. A, excludes insurance companies of every type and character that operate under the insurance laws of this State, except to the extent that the insurance laws of this State Contain no ProViSion in regard to some of the matters provided In the Texas Business Corporation Act. Those portions of the Texas Insurance Code controlling payment of dividends by'lnsurance companies are 8s follows: Article 3 .ll provides; "IV0life insurance com~sn~ ah811 declare or pay dividends to Its policy hoiders, except from the expense loading and profits made by such com- however, any such company not 5F s owing provlded~ a profit may pay dividends on Its participa- ting policies from the expense loading on such pollclcs. * . .No such company shall dtcl8rC or pay any dividendsto its stockholders, except from the earned surplus of said 88 U4%3Xly, defined in. and in the manner auz:orized or provided by the Texas Business Corporation Act. . . ." (Emphasis added.) Article 3.01, Sec. 11, provides: "The 'profits' of 8 company are that portion of its fund6 not required for the payment of losses and expenses, nor set apart for any other purpose required by 18W. " -~a , .; .;‘ Article 21.31 provides: "It shall not be lawful for any insurance company organized under the lawa of this State to make 8nv dividend, except from surplus profits arising ?%z Its business1 In estimating such orofits, there shall be reserved therefrom the lawful reserve on all unexpired riske and also the amount of unpaid lossea, whether adjusted or -3057- , - Hon. wllllam H. King, page 3 (c-630) .unadjusted, 8nd all other debt8 due and payable, or toWbecome due and ps able, by the company. '. . . (Emphaele added.T Article 21.32 provides: "Ho life, health, fire, marine, or inland lnlrurance cospp``y, organized under the laws of thin State, shall make an dividend lxcc t from the surplur Droflts arls +b from itrr um cm. -dir- E crtilnatingsuch profite, then hhallbc rc- rcrved therefrom the lawful rebervc on all un- expired rirks computed in the manner a8 provided elrewhcrc In thle Code, and also there ahall be reserved the amount of the unpaid lo86cr, whether adjusted or unadjuctcd; all mum due the compang on bondr, mortgages, stocks and book accounta, of which no part of the prlncip&l or lnterert thereon ha8 been paid during the year preceding ruch eetfrmateOS profltm, and upon which wit for fonclorurca or collections has not been commenced, or which aft& judgment har been obtained thereon shall have remained more than two yearm unratlsfled, and upon which intcrcct shall not have been paid. In case of any mch judgment, the interest due or accrued thereon and remaining unpaid ehall also be reserved. . . . (Emphasis added.) It is obrervcd from the foregoing Article8 of the Insurance Code that pollcyholdere of an lneumnce company ccn be paid dividends from two sources, to-wit: (1) cxpcnre loading, and 2) proSIts made by such company. lke term "profits" is 6efincd in the above quoted articlae. An in8urance company can pay dl~ldends to 8tockhold~rs only from the earned surplus of the company as defined in the Texas Bualnenr Corporation Act, Article 1.02, See. A(u) which State8 aa followe: "(13) yearned Surpluo~ meant that portion of the surplua of a corporation remaining after -deducting from its net profits, income and realized 'gains and lomaea from the date of Incorporation or from the latest date when a deficit wan clihinated by an application of itm capital eurplw or rtated -3058- xon. w``licuaw. xing, page 4 (c-630) capital, or othcnvl8c, all lubrcqucnt dlatributiona to lharcholdcra and trrmafcrn to stated capital and capita,1aurplua to the extent such dlatrlbu- Mona and transfers are made out of tamed aurplu~." Prior to 1963, lnaurancc compsalta were allowed to pcy dividends to their stockholders only from the~proflta made E; aaaccmpcalcr not including aurplua arlalag from the sale. In 1963, the 58th Lcgialcturc cmcndtd Article 3011, Texrr &ranoc Code, a8 the aase is above quoted. Pro8 a review of Article 1.02, Sec. A(U), Texas Xualneaa Oorporatlon Act, It la obvloua thct "Earned Surplus" u thcrcfn defined would include "proffta" cud "aurplua profita' ca defined In Article 3.01, Sec. 11; Article 21.313 and Article 2i.32, %xU bW&UXC Code. This conclualon is l tnngthencd by the lcat l en~cncc of the first full parrgraph on P8gc 15, Volume 3A, V.A.T.S., which says “Ewncd surplus, at ray time, includes current profits and la not ntccaaarlly a year end rigu=.n Alao, in Unlted Barth md South Developmeat Co-x v. Heath, 78 s.w.2d b50 TG cl A 1935 r the Co-ted with approdl r;omyidi%da v .‘D?%arc2$ U 8. 205, k8 S.Ct. 85,
70 L. Ed. 23srtocficc * “CUA aurplua" ia derived wholly from undistributed prcfita. It would appear that there la a conflict between the provision6 of the Inau~amc Code allowing dividend6 from the profits of the oompany to be paid to pollcyholdcra, and the provialona of the Tc~a Buaiacaa Corporation Act allowing on3.y shareholder6 tc be paid dividends out of caned aurplua. It is the opinion o$ this office that the apcclflc prwlrfona of the Insurance Code allewbg dlvldcnda to pollcyholdcra muat control over the general provlaiona of the Tcxu Buainc86 Corporation Act that restrict earned aurplua to the pcymnt of dlvldenda only to ah6reholdcrr. Thlr orflcc on previous occulona has concluded that lnat.uancccolllpraiea cm pay dlvldcnda to profits of the co any. Atty. Ocn. Op. 3) Ho. 5052. Opinion Atty. Ocn. Op. (1;ft that cn inaur8ncc aonqany conducting life, health and lccldcnt bualnc66 in dlf?crent departments must.show a &w&It from the tot81 operation of the comri8`` bcforc divldtnda could be mrticl~at3.m ~0iic~. Opinion lo. 5052 atbtad Et ion in a putieipating polioy providing for the pIyarnt -8059- Ron, William W. Xlng, page 5 (C-630) of dlvldenda from the aurplua camlnga of the company, and further providing that such dividends would never be leas than the dlvldend paid on a apcclflcd number of co-n aharca of tha company, was in compllancc with the law. The State Board of Incurancc has for many years approved in~urancc policy form6 providing for the payakcntof dividends to policy holders out of the profits of the company. In YICW of the fact that the Iaaumncc Cede unquestionably allow8 the p&ymcat of policy holder dlvidcnda upon the profit6 made by the coa~#any,the llmltatlonr placed upon the pyacnt of dlvldcnda only to ah8reholdcra from earned 8urplau by a doacatlc corporation organlaed under the Texas Business Corporation Act can not apply to lift laaurancc corporations because lproflta” would of acccaalty be a part ot “caned surplus” as that tam la defined by the Texas Bualncra Corporation Act. It la our oplnlon that a domeatlc Insurance company can pry dlvldeada to pollcyholdcra from aumlua ftmds arising from profits aade by such company, but such lnaurancc company may not pnda from that portion of surplus funds dealgnated by Its board of mctora as earned aurplua to be available for diatributlon to Its atockholdcra. To hold contrary to this oplnlon would be contrary to a long-standing departmental construction OS the State Board OS Insurance. We arc not willing to overrUle such a long-atmding departmental construction In the absence of authority to rhow such coaltnictlon to be wrong. A domestic corporation msy not lawfully pay dlvldcnda out of its earned surplus to amy person other thrn its shareholders. A life ineurancc corporation, chartered and authorltcd to do bualneaa in the Sktc of Texas may Iswfully pay dlvldcnda to pollcyholdera from surplus funds arising from profits made by such company, but such Insurance company may not pay such -3060- Ron. wiuiam Y. xtag, page 6 (c-630) policyholder dlvldcnda from th8t portion of aurplua funds dcalgnated bs lta board of directors as earned aurplua to be available for distribution to Its atockholdera. aal8tmt Attorney-General TBWraj ‘P APPROVED: OPINION ComuTTEE W. v. deppert, Chairman Pat Bailey Wade Aaderaoa Kcrna Taylor Robert Flowers APPI@VEDEWtTHFLATToRNEp CENERAL By: Eawtho~e Phllllpa First Assistant Attorney Gcncti -3061-
Document Info
Docket Number: C-630
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1966
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017