Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • ., . ; . . ... -. -S.:..- :. OFFICE OF-WE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN C.RO"ER S'ELIERS ..,~pz.RNEY GENERAL . 'ihe chll&?en in Titusr&a attmded tha Bovine school .K&ost lOO$ in'the yea? 1943-44. Iwfact, th0 ~Bovina:achool.ran itg bus in this 8m+ tin-the1943-44 toma.~ ‘. ' "For'&he&k-45 tern, ~I~e‘chl.ld~eu lUw?ise. ~$tenfi&?ovix.& end we&e likeylse hauled in the. i -DooJllabus. ... f *For the futgre.,t&s tax ix&ter is of eours8" settled,becauce this land is Included'in~$kMma Imlapende~t.School District '&uUer.the~consol.ida- tion electionflaskyear, and the 1945 end follow-. :. lng yearts tax *ol.lsvEl1 Igclude same in this district,but the $1356.X7 collected,lastyear, plus the mount o? approxkately $49.00 tI33tvaa on deposit, plus'dclinquonttax pag;n,entsthat nay bwkmde over futura years, presents a raal problexn to us here, and vu would sipcerely,a~preclate your advfse on,same. "Various suggestionshave been made:' ' I (A)that the funds Ln,the.bank, plus future delinquent.tax pements, olemly belong to thm 6~vtia distrlct;,clldthat the :- him: sh&Ld h'ithoutfu&+er authority turn such eds over.to the &wina dis'+ot. (3)~Mat this' Courity'~Sudgo :(?&-OfficfoSchool' .’ : ., . . .’ %he Dew Mexico diatrlct, dfnnppointed ti the x&thdraval ofthe Texas sohool from the or3.gi.ns.l Consolidation,will not co-operate and m&e a ..~vritten.release on the funds8 but apparently is. not 'ass&tlng any cl&m thereto. . .: - : : -Opkloh~Do.'0-``18 of this Departmsnt,.dated'A&il . 20, 1945, is pertinent to your inquiry. The request for. - .opinionwas made by IIon.A. D. Wth, Couutp Attornsy of Pamer County, Farvell, Texas. EL3 r6qtiestwas as follovst . ', i:. '!'"3 seek yixaropinion reg&dZng tipprox- : .' imately $1800.00 do&lam of school funds be- I longing ta the Former State LIne'Common i School Distrfct. ., i 'lfliis school,District was ori@.nallyCommon .SchoolDistrict IJo.6.of this Comty. Under i Article 29133 D.C.S. th%s s&o01 district vas . .~ I bonsolidatedvlth a school distriat inhew 4 f~extcoand was knovn asTexas-DevXexico School 7 District PO. 1. This consolidateddistrict oparzted for several years aa such. "In'lg43‘the subject district disregatied - its pact vftn the SZE&e of STcG~ IXextcoand was consol'idatscl vlth DWIIIA I``EFi?XEq~ SCEOOL DI3EWX. In ck-k3co 129 Pi3K-m XstSct Court or"pal-acli? co-@iy3.nxai~. IAll``:::ao-~:ov. X~c3XiCO School District :,3filed.stit to onjoin this : purported comolidntlon. Our District Court held . th;ha Ori$nel Pact, Ar$Pcle 2313.Iu~constitu``~. e.udupheld the coqnol.i?atioawith 23XEA. 'case vas &pge&l.edto the &?arillo Court of Civ$l . I . lion. * as fo~.~owst "Astmdng tk&&ti& 2913a"ls u&onstl-. .. . tutionalaa held by the Court ofO%vLl~Appaels,,~ ‘. the taxes levied by said.districtwould be un* conntitutloml,.sZn6e they wexi not.levledby. '. a valid authority. It is our opiniQil:that olily auch'km as have been auth6rizedby-t&s Bovixa. DlstrLot stico thg oa?solgdstio?J of the teruii- tory fomorlg a part of .theTexas-13%~Matico Dlst~lot aud collected fron the tazqxiyers of' .ssidte&itory, and.torritoi$of thsorQ$nal -" 1 Bovlna DiatTict,would belong to the Bovine Disti%ct. The taxeo in the ban?cwere leviod by' the Tcxcx-XovWcclc~ Distpict md &pcmited in the bauk In the nam of'said diatriot. The.benlr, no doubt, has mde a bond in favor of said dintrlct, cozlitfouedon the @'e-X&pin3 of. saia fula, c.ncl in alI.pmb~?bilitywould rcfkitio t0 pk?y tb3 EiOilOg tO t?i3 DoYina DlStSiCt UiiLOSS authtwizodto do SO by the Texas-ilev Ife%100 Mstribt, or by a judgrmzit of a'court of competent jurisdiction. ;. '. "Tim Attorucy .Genoml is wltthmt authority ``I.. , . ;;, .~.,._ 33

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6811

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017