Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                                    R-739
    YXE    .A-rro~m~            GENERAL
    OF     TEXAS
    September 1.8, 1947
    Hon. C. D. Wright               Opinion No. V-382
    County Attorney
    Brlsooe County                  Re:   Appointment of an as-
    Silverton,  Texas                     slstant to an Ex-of-
    flolo  County Superln-
    tendent under Articles
    2701 and 3888, V.C.S.
    a8 amended by S. B.
    252, 50th Legislature.
    Dear Sir:
    We refer to your letter of recent date where-
    in you request an opinion from this office    on whether
    under 9. B. 252, Acts 1947, 50th Legislature,    Regular
    Session, amending Articles   2701 and 3888, it Is manda-
    tory or permissive for a County School Board to name or
    appoint an,asslstant   to the County Judge - Ex-offlolo
    County Superintendent.
    Article  2701, as amended by s. B. 252, pro-
    vides     in part as follows:
    "In each county having no School Super-
    intendent,    the County Judge shall be Ex-
    officio    County Superintendent and shall
    perform all the duties required of the
    County Superintendent      . . . The County
    Board shall name or appoint an assistant
    to the Ex-offlolo     County Superintendent
    . 0 . the salary of the assistant      Ex-of-
    flolo    Superintendent of Public Instruo-
    tlon . . . shall be from and after Sep-
    tember 1, 1947, paid from the State and
    County Available     School Fund."
    Article  3888, as amended by S. B. 252, pro-
    vides     in part as follows:
    !I. . . The Ex-offlolo    Assistant   Super-
    intendent of Public Instruction       shall re-
    ceive for his services      such salary not to
    exceed Fifteen Hundred ($1500) Dollars a
    , _-
    Hon. C. D. Wright          -   Page 2                          V-382
    year as the County Board of School Trustees
    of the respective County may provide,”
    Seotion   5,       the emergency clause    In S, B. 252
    provides   in part:
    “The faot that there Is no definite
    ppovlslon at present for the appointment
    and PemunePatlon of an assistant    to the Ex-
    offlclo    County Superintendent e 0 9 creates
    an emergency e . o ”
    In the oonstructlon of statutes,             the wopd
    “mapn may be used to mean “shall” or the              word “shall”
    may be construed to mean ‘may” according              to the lnten-
    tfon expressed fn the statute;  they must             be glven the
    meanihg which will b8st express leglsltitive             Intent.
    National Sure&g Corporation vs. Ladd, 115              9. W. (26)
    600, 602; Schlemmer vs. Board of Trustees              of Limestone
    County, 59 S. W. (26) 264; Hess & Skfnner              Engineering
    Co. vao Turney, 203 9. W. 593, 595.
    Artiole   2701, as amended, provides that a
    County Judge - Ex-offiolo     County Superintsndent shall
    perform s       the duties required of a Oountg School Su-
    There is no legislative  intent evidenced in
    the statute amended to oreate the office       of an Asslst-
    ant Ex-offloio     County Superintendent of Public Instruo-
    tion, nor to vest such an assistant       with an presoribed
    powera    or dut 18s * Indeed, under,Artlole   38 fi8, aa amend-
    ed, the salary of suoh a named or appointed assl.stant
    may vary anywhere from one dollar or less up to fifteen
    hundred dollara a year, whatever tne county sohool board
    w      provide,
    Said statutes aa amendad olrerly          authorlee    ?,kb
    County School BoarCl to came or appoint an aeslstant
    derlgnatbd th8r8ln aa “Ex-off1010 Assistant             Superlntend-
    ent of Publia Instruction”      and to provide for his serv-
    leer 8 salary not to 8xo88d Fifteen Hundred Dollars a
    year.    08rtainly,    the Oountg Sohool Board in the exer-
    air8 of Its dlrorstlonary      authority     In providing a sal-
    ary for such an e8slatant      oould 8ffeotlvdly        thwart an
    attempt to force It to appoint such an assistant.               In
    short, we do not find an lntsndmant wfthln Uald stst-
    utee   to Impose upon the oountiee      thereby    affected    an
    assistant   Ex-offloio    Oounty Superintendent,        if the Coun-
    ty   Sob001 Board acting In oooperstloa         with the County
    Han, C. D. Wrfght     -   Page 3                             v-382
    Judge shall   determine   that    such an assistant     Is not
    needed 0
    Furth8IQlOr8, this construction      of the said
    amended statutes     is consonant with the authorftg of
    the County Sohool Board to name or appofnt an aesfat-
    ant or assistants      to all other elective     or appointfve
    county superintendents       In this State``i Article    flQ0
    a8 amended by Aots'1947,       50th Leglblature,    R. S.,~R. B.
    375,  and Alitlole 2688, V,C.S.       It would seem ~%nreason-
    able to give a mandatory Interpretation          to the statute
    authorlzfllg   the naming of an assistant      to aa ex-of-
    f lcfo county superintendent,       absent of a clear intend-
    ment fn the statute to that effect,         when the authority
    to name or appofnt an assistant         to all other electfve
    OP appofntlve     county 8Up8rintend8nta In this State Is
    It Is our opinion,   therefore,  that under Ar-
    ticles 2702 and 3888,~V.c.Si    as ambhded by S. B.'252,
    Aots 1947, 50th Legislature,    Regular Session,  Chapter
    305;lt   1s p8Flplsslve rather than mandatory ?or a Coun-
    ty Sohool Board to name or appoint ad Assistant     to the
    County Judge - Ex-oif’iolo   County Superfntendent 0
    -‘~ .’ -Under Artltiles 2702 and.3888,  V.C.S.,
    ae ameiidda by S.'B'.'252,   Acts 1947, 50th
    Legislature,    Regular Session,   It Is per-
    ml~slve rather than mandatory for a Coun-
    ty Sohool Board to name or appoint an As-
    sistant   to the County Judge - Ex-offloio
    County Superintendent 0
    very tray       youm
    :                         ‘ATTORREYQRNERALOF TEMS
    GRRERAL                          Chester E. Ollleon

Document Info

Docket Number: V-382

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017