R-94 Oplp’ICE OF TRE ATTORNEYGENE- TEXAS AUS'~PIN, UCE DANIEL rmlnlzv GENEW Feb. 25, 1947 Hon. W. E. Lowry;, Executive Director State Bo.ard of Vocational Education, P. .G. Drawer BB, Uapitol Station Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-51 Re: CountyBoard of School Trustees, authority of to sponsor and administer a vosational educational pro- gram in cooperation with the State Board for Voca- tional Education and the Veterans’ Administration. Dear Sir: : ? We refer to your letter of recent date wherein you request an opinion from this Department on the following subject and ques- tfon, from.which’we quote: “The State Board for Vocational Education is now furnishing supervision on a State-wide level to some 186 county units of Vocational Schools set up and oper- ated by the County Sshool Boards in these counties. These schools are for the returning servicemen of World War II. They were established on the presump- tion that the County School Boards have authority to operate them in compliance~ with the powers given these County School Boards in the Public School Laws of Texas,, Article 2683. Each of these county units operates multiple units within the county and, in al! cases, such operation has the assistance and coopera- tion of the ,other school districts within thencounty, “The State Board for Vocational Education entered into this program as a result of the State-wide need for such a service, and as a result of an opinion of the Attorney General’s office written on ,the 13th of May, 1946, and carrying the serial number O-6867. The pro- gram has prospered and grown in size and in quality, and the enrollment at present. represents some 10,000 veterans. Y Opinion N&y+1 Hon. W. E. ,Lowry, Page 3 Opinion No. V-51 Article 2683 provides in part as follows: “The county school trustees of each county shall. constitute a body corporate, by the name of the County School’Trustees of. County, State of Texas, and-in that name may acquire and hold real and per- ,nonal property, sue. and .be .sued, and may receive.be- quests.and donations%r’othhi*monies or funds coming. legally ~‘mtotheir hhads, a&may perform other acts, for the promotion of education in the county. The title i to . . . any school property ,that may be acquired, shall vest fin tlie~‘kountykchool’trustees and their succetisors in officefor,public f&e shhool;purposes.* I !
, affirmed,in 17 .S...W1 (Zd) ,36.,1 ail,.:. zI .: ,.,,, ‘2( 1 ., i( 1; . ~. ,. It is the, opinion:of thfs.&ffict .&at the’ &&Board of School Trustees has,the diecretion.and requisite.autho,rity to spon- ‘sor and administer the schools designed and contemplated for the vocational tducation:of World W.ar.;Vettrans under ,the ,g+anct and directionof the StateBoard .of -Vocational Education acting in assist- ince~d cboperation:with!thelVttersns’:,Admiaist,~ation, which fit nanoes~thiseommendablt +ducational.,plan.~ ;We.be,l.ieve that the ;ci sponsoring’and:‘admmistration of :$his vocational educational pro-: i. grani?ti within .tht leg~;discr.etionary~,powsrs :of :said,Clounty Boa+ tif:S+oblTrusttes~;~ when.itt,is installed or ,orga&ed, for this, lawful j ,dnd .xi+arthy purpose; ‘: :, .: ;: ,.,.:,~ _,~, /~.v_ i is of School Trustees.‘.have theltnal :,’ .discretionary. aui&o.rity;to; ‘sponsor and,admidi&tr ;schgols OrganiZtd by the State Board for Vocational’Education in i cooperation with the Veterans’ Administration for the pur- ::, poseof providing~-~ocational.e.ducstional tr,aiping.for World %WarI veterans.li Arts, ,i$@$, 23.81 .and ,.< 2683 ,.. *.Y,A&S.; ,, :,, Art. -VII~Sec.,l. Conrjitution!ptTexas.r,- _, _~,. ,~,. ,’: .,.,>C~J~ ;, .,‘`` :j,a, I.i~ ‘.. :. d,,,, I .;# jJ,., ,:_y..:.- +; .~ I ., WY trulr ycys * ‘: !
Document Info
Docket Number: V-51
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017