OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN SROVERSELLERS ~,tTORNLI GLNLRAL Ronorqbla myne satterrield, commI8eIoner tIromm’r pma1on colAlrrIon P. 0* .aof..lose Auatia, hxnr mar sir: m hare reoelr oommunlortlon, quoted a8 iollo*r; 0, Vernon~a Revised provides that be- anted to a par- slier end Retlre- t hare a oertlficete y~l~lm”, duly nota- it nit then ruoh I o*rtIiI- looted by the Bond. Your s the above Interpretation. IL" a5 definedIn the Act. Most or our et are called *City Health Offlcersw ere to look after the general health f the cities acid whose duties do not to examine city employees nor to attend such employeee when sick or Injured. ie 2x enc.los- ing a section of a city chsiter which creates the office cf “$lty Eealth P”9sl~,~a``u``d,‘``‘,b~:,‘t~f”,‘,E”,d to ea City Aealth Officer. ‘hiring us your opinion as to whether such physician would be ocnsidared the 'City Physician” as is pro- vided in Section 9 of the Act. 50 Hcmorabla Bayno satterriald - page 2 *Va 8180 Hera a lltuatlon whara the Health Offioar or City Phpioian is and bsr baan Sor 88vSrSl nwntha, alok and unable to parform his datlea IS luoh and no *aotIng olty phyalolan or health orrioar~ ha8 beon appointed to aarva dur ing luoh oitloar’a Illnaaa. would It ba wlth- in tha power of tha Board to lrauma that, under auoh oondltlona, thara was no 8uoh oiiloer and prooaad to looapt Suoh a oartIiIoata Srom a phyal- elan whloh thay Amayohooaa?’ Arti 4424, V. A. 0. S., prorldaa 88 fo~owa: *w OtiiOS Of Oitl php8iOiaS IS SbOiiShSd, and in8taad thr oiiloa OS olty bralth offloor is cnrtod. aa offloa OS olty haalth offloar shall ba filled by @ oompatant phyaiolan, 186811y qualiriad to praotloa madIaIna within, this Stats, of raputabla profaaaIonal standing.. 1d.l Artlola 4425, V.A. 0. S., prorida8 as Sollowa: “Tha governing body of aaoh Inoorporatad olty and town within this Stats ah811 alrot a ~ualIfIad parron r0r the 0rri00 0r oity health orrioar by a mjorlty of the rotas of tha goreming body, 8rOapt in oitiaa which may be OpSrStad undar a charter pro- viding for a diiiarant method or selecting city phyalclans, in which event the orriO 0r city imalth officer shall be filled as Is noti filled by the city phyaiofan, but in no instance shall the office of oity health officer bs abolished. The olty health ofrioer, after appointment, shall t&e end subscribe to the ofricial oath, and shall rile 0 oopy 0r suoh oath and a copy of his appointment with the Texas state Board 0r H:elth, end shall not be deemed to be legally .;zalifi.ed until said copies shall have been a0 filed.* 50 Honorable Bayna SattarfIald - peea S ArtIolS 4430, V. A. OeS., prorldaa as iollowar Tc~oh oltr haalth ofilorr shall perform luih dutlor as nrr bo nqoirod of him bt aSnSra1 law lSd oltf ordinaoooa with rogord to tb uonoral hO8lth and ranltatIon Of tOWnO and OItIO8, and porforn 8UOh other duties as Oh811 bo 18~811~ ra- culrod of him by th, YJOT, gotomLn& body or the ordIaan0oa Of his Oltf or WJWI. HO 8hSll dlaoharga and perform luoh duties a8 ma7 be praaorlbrd for hIa under the dIraotIon8, rula8, rr~ulatlonr and raquirSmSnt8 of the Btata Board of Realth and the prorldent tharoof. Ra rhSl1 h rSq0lr.l to old and 88818) the Stato Ward oi Bsalth in SlJ. mttorrr of qaarrntlna, rlt~l and mortaary rktlrtloar, io- lp eo tlodiaaaaan, pralentlon rad luppraa8Ion and 8anItatlon wlthln his jurladIotionr ES 8hSll at all times report to tha atata Board of lkalth in auoh manor and form as 8Sld board err prororI k, thr praaanoo 0s all oontaglour, lnfeotlour and daagaroua lpldotio d~aaaara within his ~urIadIotIon, and shall make luoh other and turthor reports In auoh manner and form and St luoh thS8 as raid stat. board shall d&sot, tOughIn 811 8uoh matters as may br proper for arid bolt6 to dkoot, and ha shall old asld stats board at 011 tiva in the an- roroam8nt of proper rules, ra~ulatIona and raqulra- manta in th alnioroamant of all aanItary laws, war- antlna ragulatIona and ,+Ital ltatlatlo8 oolleotion, and perform such other duties as 8sid State board shall dIraot.W of YoNaeea v. state, In the 0888 180 s. ‘8. (2) 164, the Court of Criminal Appeal8 of Taxss held, inter alla, that in View Of Art. 4425, Ve A. C. S., all incorporated cities and towns must have a health officer whose duties era prasorlbed by law. Seotlona 9 and 15 of Art. 6243a, V. A. 0. S., pro- vide as iollorr 8 veo. 9. No per8on rhall be retired either for total or teaporery di8ability, except a8 hereln provided, nor receive any allo-mnce from ssid Fund, unless and until there shall have been filed ?.Ith 50 Ronorabla Bayne SattarfIold - paas 4 the Board 0s Truataea, oartlf ioataa 0s his dlr- ability or llegibility signed and sworn to by .raid parson Snd/Or by the olty or town phyaIoIan, If there ba one, or If none, than by any phyaIcIan aalaotad by the Board of Truataaa. said Board of Tru8tea8, In Its dlsimtlon, mar require other or addItIonal lrldanoa of dlaabilIty bafora ordering auoh ratlramant or payment lfo r a a a ld.* n*+ * * Wac. 15. The Board of Truataaa, In Ifs dia- oration, at any time, mry Oauaa any parson retired for dIaabIlIty, under the prorIaIona of this Aot to appear and undergo a madloal examInatIon by the olty phy8IoIan or any other phyaIoIan appointed or 8alaotad by the Bosrd of Tru8taaa for the purpose, and the result of luoh eunbatlop and report tharaor by raid phJaIoIan shall ba oonaIdorad by said Board of ~uataaa In determining whather the relief in raid 0888 shall be oontlnuad inorrarad (if 1888 than the maxImum provided haraln~, daOfaa8ad, or dI8oontInoad. Should any parson racaIrIng ralIaf under the pro- rIaIona 0s this Aot, after duo notice from 8aId Board of Truatoaa, to appear and be ro-•xamInad, unless ax- ouasd by said Board, fall to appear or refuse to aub- mit to ra-examination, said Board of Truetaos Is author- ized In It8 dIaoratlcn, to reduce or antiral~ diroon- tinua such ralIaf. It has been deoldod that a statute or protlaion should not be given a COn8truOtiOn rendsring it futile, or useless, rrhen the language csn be otherwise eonstrued. The reason of the rule is that the Legislature is not to be credited with doing or In- tendine a useless or rain thing, nor with reculrlng a futile, Impossible or uselesa thin8 to be done. 39 Tex. Jur. pp. 222, 223. Also ace of the prlmsry and eettled rules of oonstructlon is that words in common use, when oontelned ln a eta tute, will be read acoordlne to their natural, ordinary and popular zean- Ing, unless a contrary intention is clearly apparent from the oontext ( or cnlese there is aoxe neCaa8ity, in a psrtiCu1.W oaae, for adopting a different construotlon. 39 Tex. Jur. pp. 197, 198. Honorable Bayno ~ttarflald - page 5 As there Is now no 8-h otfIaar as thtt of *City ph~aloian * and t&era wa8 no luo h0rri08r when tha protl- giOB8 oontalmd in SSOtiOaS 0 aad lb oi Art. W%So, V.A.C.S., wars anaotod to hold tl8t tha Logialatura &the $%‘~f tha ton *Qity ~hyaIoimW In add aotlona’O l and 15 of Art. bL4So V.A.O&, lup r a maaat an otfioar no longer in lxiatanoa h this stats muid ba lreditla the La 18latura g4a~do``~ a uaalaaa thing and raquIrIn,g an fr poaalb 9 a thin& . ‘dla ballan the tam *City PhyaIoIana was used la him by (Ianaral law and the gorrrnlng body or the ordinanoea af his olty or town. In th8 lltuatlon praaantad by you, 1.4.) whan auoh offIoar Is unable to parform hIa duties & of’fI88, It would be without t&m power oi the Board of Tru8taaa to aalaot m- other phy8iOit~h to oortiiy to t&a8applIoant*a dlaablllty or lllgl blllty . Our Opinion Yo. O-5514, rafarrad to br you, holds, In lubatanoa that If the airy ha a olty phyalolen the aaoompaayIng l fhda lu vltr btaa a m y h im, but If lu a i oltp has no olty phyaioIan then aril doctor lal~otad by tha Board my naka the lffldar~t, VI do not balfevo the taot that 8~2 olt p aloian is sick and unable to arfoan this duty has the 1ag3 effect of plaoIn& such olty Pn the atetus no city hysiclan or oity health officer 88 oon- %$G% In Sac. B 0s Art. 62438, supra. Furtl%3rrmora, It IS the opinion of this department thiit the off ioer referred io In the secti.,n of a c:ty charter enclosed with your in lulr{ Cityas 6 ,;gr; ````~,~,“g;i~ip``;1,‘8,ii, la; a4cijact 0 f+aLutory J+.i.-4, su>ra, hnd, a~ .SI.C~A,ia the orfioer ee;\nt in :ectI A3 u umi 15 0s dt, 6ii43e, supra. Honorable &ayne Sattarfield - pg8 6 Yours very truly ATI’ORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS BY Rob8rt L. Irttlmore, Jr. Assirtant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6715
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017