Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • _:
    Al-rORNcv GLHLIII.
    Bon. kao         bterut - paso 4
    8t4te boardof 8duabticu               vu      not     mu0     th4t
    ?OaOldOd 8puPIahuo~iraa                    aouldbr          olurifud
    aa tutboorr.   8lna8 tha              eonrtitutlawl             pro-
    ~idm          eipat0r            trut rme tutbook w t43
    k     r up p llo d
    u          lt
    forth ia bratlon 3 of mialo    7
    or    tbB            in thoro
    Ooa8tLtutian     vordbl, ‘rqa 1t Bhall
    k t& drrtt of tb 8tet.o baud of 1DduaGloa to
    rot uido l mfilaient -t        out of rtid tu to
    provide free tutbookr   foe tb, we OS ahlldra
    4ttm       tb pai0    rm0   ~0120018 0f tbh bt0t0',
    tha 8tHio #oard doriaur        irrtorprrtu1a       of
    tho lav vltb rwpootto     tr r$?oblaa        tlmbw
    lupplf 08 rith a rulio( om tk                       follaeng         quoationrc
    a 2) I``OPIPIY~C``      r080g04ia
    the 4tSfma Iiv*, tlnn  Ir tin Bow4 of 8duartlau
    U&ted    to tba pumhur   of roaordbrd 8mn.bh u-
    WailOl, Ob Bq it purahwr other ?ocozdlngs
    and torobing aidrt
    "tboro portionr of the Btatutw dul-
    4   vlth t&    puahua Qd dirtrikrtian   of froo
    trxtbookr   mtlalor  2W2-28761) &TO bun u-
    -@&     aa& ln no inrtaaoobtr n tous& tho
    uao of uj toma otbu than     tlwu  ot book.,
    tutr,         am3 tutbook@’ brtlrq boa llmtd u                          aam-
    wditior to k                ruppl1.dand paid ro?             out     of the
    foxtbook I\ud. NaluOTU, 0 8 roifio lirt im
    rupplhd IJIArtiole8 280, 28p4, 2#4a 4M 2$nlI
    ot thou   wubjootr for rhloh t.xtDoakaam to
    k nanbbod,      mroanr, utlak W6j ~gUrr
    that   t& plan la to b o oomldued u l eaplrtr
    plaa for tb  doptiaa, purchase, dirtributioa
    ua 010 or fur toxtbwkI to be mpplld                                  to   tba
    publlo Srro nbo1.r of th, 8tM-o. '
    ma.    moo      8tevut             - ?a@      3
    utfole 7, 8ootion 3,          Goa8titrtion              of mxas,
    n&lo    la put           *a tallovo,
    .        . aad it  ohall bo thm dut7 of tbo
    State bomd*oi                   Ilduartloa to sot aoldo l oolflolont
    -t           0th 0f th0 8dd tu                  LO p0ade            rp88 tsxt-
    book8 for chs US. of oU1dr.a ltto                            ndfa
    the g
    free oohools ot Wo   Stat.1 . , ,'
    Artiole 4911+ yemOago  Aamt4ted                      Nuo    civil
    at*tutes      (katiw             2 of vhLeh mO late* aad&                       W 8. 8. 328,
    49th   usi8iatu0                  or   ~0x48, m)         nd0      u        ibii0~8t
    ‘8OQ. 1. The 8a?tl oi Trustuo    of Inn-
    dependent uhd Cowan mhool Diotriats in cnis
    btato sU1   bsre the povrr to beslgnoto aort&i.n
    @mdeo of the rl.muGa~    sohools in their ra-
    opeotire dintriots uxS to dooign4t* csrtaln gruleo
    OF    a8ctim8              or   gd08       4b0r0 th0 o~cond grad8 ti
    suuh lchools la vhioh tha temh.l.ng of the Spaa.bb
    1-o       may be a pm% of tha awrZaulum,
    The 8Ute BOW2.    of ltduartioa
    1s hereby authorisd. aad aqwvored     sn4 directed
    to puohaae text booka rOr the tarch@       Of 3-m
    Spaaloh lurguqa   in ouoh gr8d.s o? ssotions    or
    grdeo   80 dss1gnec.d by ortd 80~4 or Trustees,
    oxad to discributo sooh book8 vltbout   ooat 60 tha
    %a, 3. lothing in thio Aat ohall bo
    aonrtxu8d to restriotLn m       Vi80 the tero~
    or ths 8``ilrborotb??W?&~lrrUPye             l8tha
    mblio  high ooboolo of thim 8tato 01 tlw of&pplria(
    of fno   text   book, t&rotor,  u Dof wthmiud        b7
    18V. The m?         a& OoaditiU     oi SelOOtlq, per-
    chAsf.ag aMI 4lotrfbutla$    Lb tut    boako utbrlud
    b7    t.hl8~ct8knl.l                  botbs ums unou9rovlao4vlth
    rupoct    to tree text book8 (~uuuall      br title 49,
    Chapter 16 of tha 1925 Rrtlod       Citl I 8tbtot.e of t&
    sta t* o f T e x a s, lo sauaod to the effo*tlrr  d4t.o
    o? tills  Arot, Aoto 1341, 47th l&g. 9. l25 *       98,'
    . ..
    maat.               all     328,, 49th I,ogiol&we                 of Tuw,
    rub    a8 tollovrl
    ‘8.    .8, to.    328
    ‘At   ACT
    or Art1010 29114 (Acts                    1911,
    tho?lsln(lt& 8tbto 8ou'd
    hue text    books an& IY-
    i808 to2 tu8u8g     th
    l iBnohgm4orwrootlauai
    & ml08lS r y k do sig r uto b7
    d mud     of Trwtooo
    la   xndopardant          a     omn         mob001 9istrlots                OS
    the stats1         aad doolarln& u            omorpna7.
    “BBIT~TBDBTTBBLWS-                                         o?T58TATBwTmA8I
    ” lotioa 1. 8OOtlOa 2 of Art1010 2911r
    (Ado        19&b        LyiSl~tUPO) bO UMdOd    SO U t0
    honeftor           red    88 follovoI
    "@&Doatlon  2
    wtM;is~h4141tatooto~       o&tgul*-
    tian is hswn
    rooted   to pt8rOharstut    bOOk8 Mad ~Ooxdod ``8h
    uoroisro      fo? tho t.baM    of tho 8pulrh luu\ue;r
    la suah pdoo       01 seations o? g.mdoo 80 doslgaatrd
    b7 srld JJOUd Or TrUOt8.8,     Uhd to distribats       SB6h
    books vitbout     ooot to tho pupllo.'
    Tb fa8tt&tolaent~8&m.lsh
    text book8       are not oatlnl xaltxblo for gIrla
    lnstruatlaar ln Ipmlsh la tIw 0f uoatu7      ~ul.8,
    aadkoMoo    IthubonfovAd       thAt oml a3wooslem
    o? tb 8mUb             8 i8 uw ro8t  Omotivo     m8th0d
    of toubia#  it         duu,udb o o ma      llruty
    pupllr obul4 be ta u g h totlp-k ap@nlBh lfhot1v.1~
    sadrutual4~    rdb~uso      ol tbs furtb~iaot     t&t
    lultdlo noor&d    8paalsh uorolsoo hvo roooatl7
    boar dovolopod to? Texas                    88bool8        d        a?. w
    WtilBblOJ           l?OGO      O8   --NW              ti       48     h9O?@tiVO
    puuio aoo~slt~t&tt&                          C6nstltutladnalo                     z1-
    qui?4          blllr      to bs nd          on thrso  UTUal   dys                 la
    uah        tnoo      bo   nspoadod,         ud  th   SW   La bon
    mupmad,mlthlrAstoblltako                                        lfrmtaa6 90            h
    fo?u fmm au atto, its pumgo,                                   d   it Is Do
    toa, llreo 8tovut     - ?ya       5
    Opinion to.         O-2400 of tMs              doputwat           do?iaer
    tb ,
    ta mlto x tb o ek
    u8 q mr
    n0t0r r 0m 0a                         .d
    0p b .m l8 f0u~01
    "ib Loglsl~tum hu                  not dofiao4 ths
    vord ‘tut-books’ in this otatuto,                          ud    tbrn-
    for0 vo bouovo it vu latonded la tin    Ioa8.
    it  is orsinuil7 UN&   Ia tb, o~so o? T. Ir?.
    ty. Co vr Ilrilroo40'oslm      of Toxao, 105
    Tax, $6, 19 8.Y. 8?8,tbr     brrgruw Cart of
    Tex a s
    “woFdo in oraE   080 VhoB wad b7
    ta Leglrlatun  in a Btatuto are to
    b o lmluo to o d l           iatoadsd       to       lx p r o o s
    the ooaoo lavhlohthof lm oM.nwil7
    Lovlr, Oaast. 8-t. Vol..2 9.
    ‘The ~0x4 ‘tutbook’                bar 8 veil
    It Is 4otinod la Yebotor'o
    $%o%%            Dlatlon8~, 2nd XA. Uaw
    bridged, as ?011ov#l
    an7    m~a~d     of    inOt?UOtiIX&J            S   book OW-
    a preseQt*tlcraof ths prlaol-
    ~joot  lntu8hd   to be
    um pa;11 aad uoul lo l bmlm
    of    in8tPUOtiW          b7 tb8       tWOb?.'
    ?ouwItbmtQmls   vlth the
    ‘tuthooks’ lo tbr ouo                                     Pi8ttiiat      0r
    hlu&lo we. 8ohool Diotrlot                     of conoM*
    Tomobl9,      36 ?a. 141, 
    191 A. 611r
    vhieb &ooo
    ?wt&rtlmuvo        uogo4     fnthls opl"     Ma
    bald@  t&t   ‘textbook8   iruhd@ ti    bOOk8 VhfOb
    aLst  be st8dlo& to omploto    kxt-book w*.'
    Cloul7, b noorbod 89ml8h lxvrelw is not b ‘toxt-
    Tb     omstltrtlmal             onthorlutlm               for tbm purb8.0          oaQ
    tan.taoo   bknrt   - ?a&. 6
    ??a# dirttibutlaa of kxtbooko SO? the use o? the oohool
    oXlAron of this 8tato rifs not atbor4iu tb -so        rad
    fno diot?f~ti~    of thfags ot&r thsa tutbooko.
    uo thon?on   owv.? 7oar?lrrtqu*rtlan   Intln
    nyatlr*.    lhring 00 &lmvuod~ it booaoo uaa.0.88``   to
    Uuvo P
    y o ulo o mdq uo sum.
    Yo r y
    tnAl7p ur e
    Awo tttY0tmuLo 9 T x A8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6657

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017