OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SCLLCRS GENERAL ATTGINSV Eonorabla Alfred b. Clyde Criaim~l Dlatrlot Attormy Fort tiorth,Tezaa opinion No. 0-6653 Re: bgmy 0r publfoationr underArt. 65 . A. P. C. Your request for an opinion of this de as r0uor8; opinion, an individualor oor liehor and aells Wo the others o tlon a8 to he odda are certain pub1ioatim.eor ata about rariout~harm moea traok,a,tho atartingtim66 for ea pertloipati~, name OS owner8 Oeition~, bOttin&Jodda, and pasta sotim 0t th6 inromation appars in the s;oh aa would ooamand the attention oi here regardleesof their intereat or laok We would not be so naive as to say thqt some or tha other matter submitted ie not or nia]r not be used In oonneotionwith the laying bets on horse raoes. PtWli?lpfi Iionorable Alrred k. Clyde - page 2 some were even publlehed primarily to aid or assist one in- terested in horse raoa gambling. However, we swat measure our answer In thdr opinion to the feats given without lndulg- lng In speoulatlonor presumption. Art. 65&, V. A. P. C., reade a8 follows: "Seotlon 1. Any person who takes or aooapts or plaoea for another a bet or wager of money or anything of value on a horse raoe, dog raoe, automobile MUJO, motoroyole.raceor any other raoe of any kind whatso- ever, football game, baa&all game, athletic ooutest or sports event of whatsoever kind or oharaoter; or any person who offera to take or aooept or plaoo for ar.otherany such bet or wager; or any pereon who as an agent, aervant or employee or otherwise,aide or encourages another to take or aooept or plaoe any such bet or wager; or any person who direotly or indirectlyauthorizes,aide or enoourages any acent, servant or employee or other person to take or aooept or place or tranamlt any auoh bet olrwager shall be guilty of book making and upon oonvlotlon be punished by oonflneumnt in the State Penltentlaryfor any term 0r year6 not less than one (1.)nor more than flvo (5) or by oonflnement in the oounty all Sor not less than tan (10) days nor more than on0 i 1) year and by a tins or not less than One Bundred ($100.00)Dollare nor more.than One Thousand ($l,OOO,OO)Dollars." Pe:ting on a horse raoe it3the gist or the orrense denounced with referanoe to this pBrtiOular sport. Ylmmons v. State, 12.0S. W. (Zd) 1061. None of the publloatlonssubaltred ln- vite or offer to take or plaoe a horae raoe bat. Ho infor- e.atl;nis contained therein OonOernInga plaoe where, tb manner In whloh, or the person or pamone with whom, suoh a bet may be plaoed. Your request doea not reveal that a partioular bet was ever aotually nude, taken, placed for another, or offered by mans or and through the uae and aid of any of the publication8 submitted. 247 Honorable Alfred b.. Clyde - page 3 The sole question presented is whether the pubiioation of such racing information In itself and standing alone, violates the provisions of Art. 05Za, V. A. E. C. It Is to I;r: noted that bets on footbau and other games and ruces are included within the prohlbltion of the statute inquired about. Are newspapers and sports writers who fill their pm-gaLe oUtions with the na566, numbers and weights of the players, the condition of their health, the new formtions and team strata&e&, to b; pro- seouted because some fana use this inforaation in aid OS’ Lhe illegal enterprise of betting upon the football game? :rre oolumnists and publishers of progralca for sporting events to be placed In fear of legal retribution where they have expertiy analyzed the abilities and reoords of op~osihg teams and mde prognostloatlons based t&oreon - plaoed in fear lest so!;e gunb- ler seize upon and use his data as a predicate for his bet: .de do not think that auoh is the case. The publloatlon and dis- s&s&nation of sporting lnrormatlon, statlstlos, and data is not in itself a violation 0s our statutea. To so hoid, we think, would violate a guaranty that is snored to every tier- ioan - freedom 0s the press. Such wound not he the oase of course if raots were developed showing that a given publioa- tion was made and distributed for the purpose of and in fur- tnerance and aid of a epeoiflo illegal gambling enterprise or transaotioh. iilthout attempting to render hers an opinion on the legality of such publications if oolilblnedwith other fao~s or cir- oumatanoes whloh are not presented in your request, it is our opinion that the bare publication and dlssemlnation of such ln- formation oonstitutes no viol.ation 0s Art. 652a, V. A. r:. C. /J Pugene Alvis Assietaht
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6653
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017