- OFFICE OF THE Al-i-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i 826 8%7 828 ReUroad Cotieeion of Taxme, pa&e & ?ubeectlcn9 of tba eeme ertlclo recde se falbwe; %aka enb aatabllsh rsre~nrblo rates for the+traneportetloaof poeeengere ova2 eachrell- red eubJeot beret$, ~sbhloh rrtas et.al$ not oxeoed Article &l6, lup r e,prc~fdee that *t&e peeseam fare upon811 rellroede In %‘exe#ehell be three aeats per mile*, rhloh lnolud*e us4rlloeence not to oxooed on* hundred pounds of bewge. The queetioa to ba doteymlnd is uhotbrr It use latutdrd thet this saxiaun paeaengsr fera should rpply to era4 passenger trena- ported on tkm paea*~o~ trelno, or rhethsr ha ba rogardfeee trmwporfedoa rogulrrly ~ohoduld traina or ipeolal oars or epooiel tmdne. l!bo tlrrrt part of euberotlon 9 of Article 6146, 8 re, groli~e the8 8be Reiloaed Ccmmheioa ebrll %akm #rd. wtob).7 sh nemmabl~ ntee for the trenegortetlc-8 af pureage~e wer anoh rdlrod aubfeot hmato, wbleb rat*8 &all sot exceed the retas fixed by law", end the 1rtt.r pmt of es16 lubeeoticm prorld~ t&t “the ~omiwloa #till &eve power to grreorlk roeecneblo Yetom, tells of ah0rp8 la+ rfl.other #uploom p@?fomd by 8ny rellroad 8ubJeot herot@.* A oarefal rttdy of rutmortion 9 OS irtidlb 6&8 re- reele that tt Ie mat 01-r and defialtrr,ead tbanfolr we will hero to leak to ttm dopammuit81 ooaatruotload Oh* eeaa. : ?or mar twenty-fira yoerr your dapartllurt ha8 cOruOrU*d th abOle StStUtO SS @Stl&6 tb0 RSilFS86 CCOdBSlCPvower to fix ohr a8 (in ~0~86 af nulwm terms .roridedfar in Article 6bl8 I ttmt may bm obrrgad by the ra Elrwde of tble atato of Tezae, page 6 R&lroed Cmeiiel.oo. Stete for the traaepottetionof peeeeqgere on racial pe8eenger care aad epaclal passeager trains. We th inkluoh lp wla l e r aae egscul peuees3~er p a r esingcwa tralae era ulthlrr.the meoaiag al tbs term other eervlc~8” a8 the saw 18 uwd in lubwction 9,at &tic16 6418, eupre. Poara very truly Ae8ietant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6587
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017