Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN foh H. mntarr - hg L upal a ltuluf trial. xr thmra bar bmn l Alma) trial and tha rrolpiantldjad@adlnmm, the Da- prtaont rr~uirms olthor 8 oortirlooto iror rho Clark #howl* the rmrtormtiaa of thm amnlt cb tho rool~imlt or new Lottwr of 0uora1auh 1p. Th8 Dopr?t~ont HOW no t lttwt a0 intluu~.. %ho dooldon u torhloh prooodurrrcmld bo.o~@li~W# IO thio 18 loft lntkol~ to tha diaaretlooof the Court and the part208 inrolrd. i lim. John R. Wlntmra - Pago 3 xx. MurehAaqa’ a wquoat ios oplnlco *a In pwt 00 r0lla.I “Smietr sill 125,A&a-of the 47th . - Lwi~lataro, Rewlar sourfaa,aaxln potz~rm for the type8 o? peraonrior uha a t~?$faa -1 ba appoint@4 .nudar.tI.þ l8 ’ minors swrtun tl4, taara of a 0 or uvos yr- IOMllloigodto bo of unmma4 tf&d or habitual tlYunlmrd0and r00n0~ro~ whc~ w rot rhar0 oakbma itI8 a!Tlpd to be naoaaaasy to hava a suwdlan op ointad to roo*It* iunds from tho stat.Md/w ~odor.lDwor~aa~. . .' C~o.la*ukoo furthor paorialonioz the $roo.d.rr to br Iollrmd in orteblhh~ cha JIao8aaIt ior l ppoln~at ‘91 a gitblaa ia’ .-. ..atIar tbat ti 8 paian My’r.OqIn Itok aIqOY rahwol tuna... : ;:. .._:. 4;:_.._ .._ aait. Bill lx& ,kiWaa CL, al.0 aakaa l ppa ia tr r r61r a la o 6a ~a o Y ant e h a.@ mM ia uaa, a ~.dg ll.,. *The ~q8oB%iaI haul ah i&s. ua in’& iaa. of &a old m@ .ua&atnaoo raoiploat whcbrr ‘. :. 'Jbao 20,19l8lm~d00lmouuJlQlly snoqprtant 'aada 00~Qa1~0ppoInakdTow ha?..Tha gnu&Ian alad Ld;‘montoY,,‘apprbal a.4 uac or alalso;haabr, 0. iu u tha*raaoY6a ahn tha glwuaa ua rrot rka a&q 0*x rapb!Yt to th!, QlarkddIdnotwka fiamlaoiollatly. 'm gurr4Ian Ia de&,, aau ,ous! raaiglaat, rlqh6u& -a tlll lli~lQIna a mp ha. a tmt b o rna n a ~via g la a ia ta `` in har a ualua aJOYth ep a a t th vr a o r r o a rp a Y0.It I..6a%ttad th a t lho>le .UU aot.oar)*boat to take la ?o ot hap w ;Mtdra. “CM th aoaurt lp p o ia a gtta i?dla n iap&l thi oadlflaa~ ai *o hooattiva mro0t.Y or thla W rtmml or hi0 r* laant~tIT0 aa pro- vi&M fo, !i soamtrBill l$ rc ao* l8 thu ' gumalan rabpotulblo for t&o ea%lro ukto of tlio real ant or, jtnt thmtpart'oblw part whiah ah0 to. fran the stat0 Md~aY woe m' j ?oaerlll(krorn- aeat? Xn other worU8, 8000 thq lppolntrmt oilb 125 for the pwpoao 8tato funda IIUM th mth t elutheltt oi a g~bdloa lo a pointad L lLit0d DO th t000Ipt~,0ndup0nai turo Of the fund0 UOOiVOd i'ra @ho 8tatr and/or tad- .r uo o vua a outr io b h o8u.milmn io lppalntod roapcaalblafar tho yatlra ietoto. knoo the paaoa &a not been lotmlly ldju46ad InOwt0at, doom '* guardian hmvo’tho luthorltyto mot in 8ny roq#qat othr than far the &~-DO ef re.oivIa~ aad ~6xpoull11~ thaoo amid tundat' -. Tbladaputaut Sa OpInlan86. 0-4949,wrlttsn ..~ b# Xam. ,Oola Epoa#,, Mal.atamt AtWary WnorU, fn ammr to h Mwdmos*a rbqaoat,.,+Uaad 00 ~oll~ax : .<. rbni Joho & Wlntera - Peg8 5 . g, kr0iueing. 0s oourao, the EZO- antitoDlrootarab tour d&p8rtarat. andor tha iaota ot tour Imodlota au. 1% would not bo ooooanrr to lnatltuta a nom guardlaarhlp linoo a luoeoaaor r o a a r dlnng, say bo 8ppoIntod uni or utIole 4228 rt laq of th Revla~ CIvll Statotoa.~ hrtlalo bl23 Yarati~aAnno8atad Teua 01011 8tdutu,ruda lnpprtaaLlla~ : ;.,.:. .”-.!. .:.,‘5<. .. :.,‘ _ .,.I:*.:s-* ....., ....1.-.:: ,._:. -_- - i’ai-mcm*y dm8 doin1 owam- ..: =Tha icudy hoxoin peovldod Ia oumlatIva d’wmt pwldod in Chagter l2 horoaf, for ltho @baahip of. pro** of unooand al& -a ha~ltual &gokar&a, ana ry bo roawtrd to withut tiV*ine ttar iuoay. ha uandod. Aota 19&l, b7oh a., p* 8t67, oh* sbl, * 2." Eon. John Ii.Untrr8 - pace 6 krtiolr 4l23a,Vernon** Amotatrd Toxoe Civil f%rtutsr,reeds ai follou~r *ata a mtItla0 I* fiird iw th0 OppOintw Qglt OS a guordlanfog 0 mm iff rhap it i0 nraaaaary to hve l guard iill lppOlntad to r*oalv~ fwa or met frblpthr State ma&/e Fabral Gwern- a a t, 0o UtifiOhOi 0th rlaOOutiVahood, m hIa ~oProaentatlvoot the bureau,doportmnt, OT ogm03 tb'OU&hWhfah Mob fundo OF0 to br pold, to th. lfio o that t the oppoiafnant of a gUIWdiM la a oordItti~ prooodent to the payment at MY BOSOM duo auoh permona,ahmll be.prima fool* wIdenm or t&m noRoaalt ?or aaoh a polntaant. Aota 194.l. L7tb Leg. pe 86 1 , oh. Ul, i 6." utsola 4I28 Y*noa*a Annot& Tw Civil St4tutr0,rode In prrtaa &llouC a peraoa o?

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6549

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017