- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROYER SELLERS 11 ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable B. Y. Cunnlnghsa county Aucltor Mavarro County Conlcana, Texas estlng the oplnlon ereh, is ln pnrt as followmr fee bar18 and In him aIm.ml claims that he 18 entitled to I am OS the to ~1,800.00 annufll lng the $2,100.00. $2,1ooroC and came varro county had mom I bssec on the 1930 CeJleW. lie ld remain the mutut, We litustlon tim g',Fti3srtz3 Countr 18 a little I em taking the ua uroppei b?3lou60,000 into the lover bracket 800.00 per par. "Pleaee advise vhlch bnroket this coastable nom OcQeS uncer. .In thle conetsble'eannual mport he ret8 in3 OPL a8 an expenseitemmoneypaid for lnforustloa cases. ShoulC that be anauthoritsd expense item? %uld it bs l-1 ior 0~1 CountyCle*, Dlrtrlot Clarkand Tu As8e**or enQ Collector to hey s&m- Baaeatnoorar pad ror out of our Pwm8a4a e mea t P a Q? %a a r et& la gth elttltuQoth a tthey am yeeen~pu i o?&vameCountyanQwmlQbelrg8l id for out of ths Pomaaeat xBpromBeat BOMf. csa tea be 4oae?m kvame Couatr had (L populatlan of 60,507 Lababltanta locorQlng to tha 1930 hdenl Cairur. S+l County bad 4 09ul4- tlon of 51,308 lahabltaatr aoeoadiag to the 1940FeQenl LUS. ArtloleSW, Voraoa~a CivilStatute* AmaotateQ la, la part, a* ~ollcnfr: / .., "sxoept as otborul88 9mwi&4 ln th islot tha urnual refe tbbtata~bsretalaed by pnoinot, ommty, ant3dirtriot 0rri08n mntionsd in thla Art1010 8hnll be as fo11ov81'. . . 3. In eouptlu ooatalalaga* may A8 Thlrtp&vea mousaae Plv0 fhnrdnd oao (f'l,Wl) aad not ooro than Slxtr ThowaaQ (60 000) iababltuitr, or ooatainlag a oltrof ov0r 9Wat&vv TbouaaaQ (25,000) lnhebitaatr, . . . urtloo of the po800 aaQ :’ oomtable, W.&teen lfunQwQ ~1800.00) Dollar8 mch: Artlalr yJg1, VenioaG Ana0tat.Q Civil sfiatutesl8, fa part, l8 roiiwr: '3aohoffloo?ameQla thirohpterohall first out of the ourreatteesof his officepiator bs paid ra -0w ail0w hia -0, th0 9mir10ar or hti0ie ~88),tt3gothorvith tha 8ala?loa oshla urlrtaat Qoputles, aM wthorlsedoxpease uaderhrtlole38p9, rrd the ummtneoe8u~to ooverawtof yllez:t- we, surety bead IIS~ be nqulml by fav. P fees of ruoh off100 0olleotmQ in my tsar be moziza theamountaee&dtopr~ theaacmntrabwer same aballbe QoeaeQexoooefees, enQ lballr Qlr9o:eQ of la the usme? hereinrites9rovlQeQ. l .Ia o o ua tler o o a tda l.a g y a *shlrtp l*ma Sevea +&84aQ Ilve HuaQreQ Ocu (37,501)mb not mora thna slxtrFboueube (6o,ooo), or 0oataialrJg a cltrof over hrenty-Plve 12houurnd(25,000) iahabitantr, Qlo- trletaad oouaty offloen aaaeQ her&n *ball retain oae-third of muoh lxoesa feer until lueh one-thlN, togothsr vlth the 8mouat rpeoifl.eQ la Artlole 3883 amtnmtr to PortpTvo HuaQraQ PlStp ($4250.00)Dollarr. Preoinot offioen ah11 retala one-third until ruoh PIanoreble1. I. Cuunlngbm, page 3 one-third, together vlth tbr amount 8pecIfleQ ln Artlole 3863, amounts to Tveatpfio HuatlracYDollan (@OO.OO).” The foregoing provleloar of hrtlole 3883 urd 3891, Vomoak% brhOt4ted civil 8tatut.8, lm th 8DI’OVi8iOM l lleablo to th. oonrt8ble vho Is aompema ted QIIl fee baalr la %a van-0 County a s add County has b population of 51,3Q8 Iababitantraocoldlng to the1940 Federal Cewor. Flume provlrla18 of the foregoing rtst- uter *hioh am lppliMble to oountlor ounta 60 001 md not more thaa 100,000 l.nbabltantr am Do longer-7app ladle to Savarro The mxlmum oompenmatloaof the oonsbable l.nqul~dabout 23*axceed hreatpTv0 Hundred Dollam ($2200.00)per m. In determining the lraxtaupooapeasatloa of the aomtable, t&o *ppllcable statutes horetofom quoted 8uat b8 canplle6 vlth. We cmaot oategorleal aasver our 8econd questicm, as ve do not MAYO 8uSfloloat Y a upon d luh to time an opinion. fao If you still desire our epIa.Im re@wQ this quertlan, please stat. laQet8l.l theaatum of aasu lava 9 veclrrpdthe lafomfitlon *eoureQ. Upon the Ileoelptof this Infomratloo,ve vi11 be glad to give this questha our furthor oaouibsratlan. Ue aov oomlder your third pwrtloa. 8eatloCL9 of Article 8 of thr ~8~'Cormtltution pwsarlber the wdmun wits of taxes for geaerel purposeaD for ro~4s and brldfpa, for judea, awl for the erectlen of pub110 b~llQ&ags~ streets, sewrs, vater vorks and other penmaeat lnproveuaeat8.The lxeaedlate purpose of 8dd 9~0~181~1n0r the cfnwitution i8 to imt the atwmt of taxes that might be mired for the several pumosesj but it I8 also QorlgaateQ to lahibit uae88lvr rxpsrd1tum* for say rwh purpose, ud to mq uln th a u t y sa dlll moa4ws raised for tax8tIoo *ball ti applleQ to that 9wtloular purpose 8ml a0 other. (Ault v* &la Couat~, 116 8. Y. X9) The aase of Ml v. YlllIaas, 202 9. V. Ed& holds, among otbep things, that the Cen8tltutlm aoateqZits8 that, as a matter of amoa hoa;wir$ fair 4-l , tJLxBcaeytalceafmal tho people eateaslb be exjmded for that purpose alone, as veLT1 as the mm, for that plrtloulm ola88, shall not lxomQ the pr6rcrlbeQ Nnwlmm. The a.A*eof HenQeMar countyv* Burke, 262 s. v. 94, holOs,emng other thing8, that the rtrtuk requires Wletw and lll mang ~aisodby taxatlaa ior- muoh9urpwo rherllbe applied, fatthlbl4 to that partleular purpose, aa needed there- for, WUS aot to roJ other purpose or we vhateoever. (Artlcle 2352, ~W~I~X*S Anootatad civil statutes) w e&l1 OUP lttea tlea to the r011ovla# lay&OS 8eotloa 9 or Artloi l 8 of t&a Camtltutlon, to vlt, lmtlae 0fpub110 buIld&q ltrots, 80ver8,~tewo~ ud othrr.puQumIt lmproveBeat* . Uatler tba fealllarrule ofooa8trwtIcmlmwaa* 'eju8Uea eaerlsm, reootrdbooks er parmaeat reoorQ8 of the ootmt7 olork hatriot afork rrtdp arrerror-4011eoEoreorildnot bo reaaowb& aoMtmaa to be ul other pelmaeat lsplwewat.= of uMoh I8 eaalored for mood books for tha oould not M piid for xa vlev or tbo rowgo r uth o r itk r p,o u lu r emp o et- fill7 uJvlse6 that it 7 05 or thla tiepebat i* the opia that the permaeat reoord8 for tb8 0-t olerk, dlstrlot ole* rod tax &**o*sor-oolleotor urknotbe paIQ for out 0r the Pexaaamt xm- wwanaat FwIof the oouatp
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6531
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017