Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVERSELLERS ATTORNEYQLNERAL Bonorabh A. T. Prlbblo County Attorney, Nille Coonty Ooldthwalto, Teua Wo ara In reoaip readin le fo llo wr : th r truatera or a aonmon aahool orrioa rot aoh 8 truateaa of tha va oontraoted with dietriot to teaoh a time 0517 ana la mado J the State Dopartnnnt ar tha Equaliution Law. a the 8800 l na uoo*aaiYa A rohool was main- lot ovary year aim8 the aonrrp land up to 1943-1944. "1. Under oiroumatauoea aa dworibod above door thla land nrmrt baokto grantor8 an4 their aa- llg nrand laaignaoa? "8. At tha praaat time ma7 tha truateaa oi thfa dirtriot logally 8011 the aohs buf16i.q or other bull4lngr on tha tract adjoining the land rhlah waa heroinbefore doeoribad?w Bonorablo A, T. Prlbblo, p-0 1 30 do not hato a oopf of the dordfor lxadnatloa, nor do wa fad that wa bra lufilolont lnforllatlonto paaa upon the quaatlon of abandonmant. Touratatr that th truataoa of tha common am&o1 dlatrlot hare ooatraoted 4th a nelghborlly lndepondent lshool 6latrlti to toaah ohll4rra raaldln(l within their biatrlot, an6 lom atato further that tM oeatraot la mndo for on0 roar oa4. NO Aoubt if tU8 taet ia rufilrlont to ahou that the lehool pm ~IBthe- aahool diatrlot &a boon lb a ndo aror d *a hr0 p0up o wa . It 1 8 lotlrel~ po8alblo th@ the aentraot wlth the lndrpmd8nt 4latrlot aar not k roanwd for anothu par and, ;A that want t& OoIlooLIaohool dlatrlot UoUla haro tha ohlld- roa rodding 1~ that dlatrlot ~tau6ht in tho homa dlatrlot. The iaot that th lar lathorla~a Qontraata tor ona roar only uoula indioato that t& h(la~aturo~did not lAteAd to oauao a diatriat to loae it8 achoolhoUr by rOaIOA of making auoh oontraot. So+ tion 1 of ivtlolo 8 Oi tha Hqtitiiaation Aid Law roe&r am followa: Wpoa the 4gFWmAt of the board of truataoa of the diatriota OOAOOtA8d or 08 PtitiOA llgaod by a ma)orlty OS the quallilOd rotor8 of t.hadlatriot and aubjoot to th e lgproralof tho oountf ruperlatondont, an6 tho biato Yuporintondord, a blatrlot rhloh nay ba tmabla to malntala a latlafaotory lohool may tranafrr it8 ontire roholaatlo larollmant for on0 par to ark aooroditod who01 of hlghor ran&. Ii the recolrl4 aohool rocolraa *tat. aid, tho loholaatIo oonaua roll8 both whlto anb. oolorod ahall bo oomblnod, tho per oa lta lpportlomant ahall bo paid dlreet to tb To- coPtFry lrhsol all looal taxer oi tho lenllng #on- traotlng dlatrlot, lxoept thoao @oily to tbr'latrreot and aioklng fpnd ahall-k ortilted to the reoalrlrw maboo by the tax oollootor am oollootod, and the teaohor-pupil qrrota ahall bo baaod OA tho oomblnod ooaaua total. If t&n rooalvl~ aohool la not a Stat0 a id lohool, th eloholaatlr aeAaua roll8 both white AA~ eelore& ahall bo ooablno4, the par oaplta apportloamont ahall be pal& dlreot to the rooolrlng lohoolt all looal turna or tha manding oontraotlng blatriot except thoao golly to the lntoroat and llAklA6 iand ahall bo orodltod to tho rooal+ln( lohool by the tax oollootor am oollaotsd, and tho aMdi4 OOAtrsOtiA( di8triOt Will bo lii6ibh iOr am maoh aalar aid am Ia nooeaaary to lupplOmaAt the Stat. mailable and Looal tilntonanoo fmla, on the lo&laatioa from tha londln(l dl8trlCt attondlng a lahool in tho raoolrln6 aiatriat, to oovu the lpprovrd ooat of iA8truOtiOA pOr lOhOla8tiO iA the rOOOivin( lohool, pro- . . Hoaorabla A. T. Prlbblo, pt& 8 tldothat d r o ol hpprowd @oat rhall not 8xorod Savon Dollara and lrlft Cant8 ($9.50) par month tor iire 5) mmthm for d @k lohool ltndOEtB or Hto Dollar8 I$5.00) mr mouthfor f Ire (8) month8 ror llomontary ltA6AAto.a TM above gaoteA pro~lalo~ boo& Aot authar,lse the ooiuolidatitm or the diatrlot8, nor door it proda tar tba abandomoat of *rho01 propmty of thr rondlnl:dlatrlot. Undrrthe faotr a8 m a8darotand them to k, the trustoea of the lmndlng dlatrlct wool6 not ba authorlud to roll th a lohool bUll4~8. Your8 ruy truly AT’PORWEI UEWI!3t&LOI TXAS C. I. OibaoA Aaalatant /’ c ‘``TROVEII lY 9 7 OPINION COMYn7U

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6419

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017