Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    Honorable L. A. Vsn Sly40
    cocnty Attorney, Fort Bend County
    mohmood, Texas
    Your letter     of
    Y this      de>d3xzent     on the
    Section   11,   zlrticls   1 of the State   Constitution,   pro-
    "~11 prisoners        shall be bailable    by sufiicient
    Sureties,   unless for       capital   offenses,  when the proof
    io evident;   but this       provision    shall not ba 30 con-
    struzd aS to prevent         bUi1 arter indictment found upon
    licmor4ble t.   A. Vim Slylce, pae   2
    examination of the evidedoe,       in such MM&C as may
    .         be presoribed by law.”
    Article 5, Vernon’s Annotated Codeof Crlfminal Prooed
    u,re, contains exactly the S;M~ prOYlsiOn as set forthrin. the ror
    going 0onatltutionaZ   provision.                      .I
    ReferFlng.tO the fOregOing PrOVit3iOna it    1: stated   in
    Texas Jurlsprudenoe, Vol. 5, page 811:
    “Under these provisions  bail is a matter of
    right to all person8 aooused of any orime, except
    where there is proof evident or conimisslon of a
    oapital offense which renders probable the InfliO-
    tion of the death penalty.      The yule is that aiL-’
    prisoners are bailable ; the exoeption is where
    rro&; is evident of the oommisslon of a capital
    “Although the term *all persons’ is used in
    the constitution,   it is evident that the provision
    aaa meant, not to require all prisoners     in all air-
    oumsttioea   to be bailed,  but to refer to a class
    oi prisoners,   eaOh and all of whom shall. be bailed
    tioept as provided in the oonstltution.       3ut it has
    been said that there are several aonsiderations
    leading pertinently to the OonOlusion that prisonera
    betore trial and oonvlct Ion are those who were de-
    signed to be scoured this absolutely     right to bail.”
    (See Ex Porte Ezell, 
    40 Tex. 451
    Chapter 1, Title 5, Vernon’s Annotated Code of Crimin
    Procedure,    pertains to arrest without warrant in the c3ses enume:
    4ted. in this chapter.    Article 217 or said Chapter, provides:
    “In each case enumerated in this ohapter, the
    person making the arrest shall lm~ediately take the
    person arrested before the magistrate who may have
    ordered the arrest, or before the nearest magistrate
    where the arrest waa made without an order.”
    Chapter 2 of ~said Title 5, Vernon’s Annotated Code of
    blninal Procedure, pertains to arrests under vfarrant, and Arti-
    Cle 233 of said ohapter, provides:
    “The officer,   or other person executing ~1
    warrant o,f urrcst,   shull take the perom :rhon he
    is directed  to ;Irrest forthwith  before the m~gis-
    trate who issuks the wurrrtnt, or before the mIgis-
    trate named in the warrant.”
    hrticles234,  235, 230, 237 and 238, Vernon’s         .;nnotated
    nte of Criminal Procedure,  read as follows:
    q*rirtiale 254. One arrested in one county for
    feiony committed in snother shall in nil ceses be
    ttlken before    some msgistrnte  of the county where it
    v;ss alleged    the offense wr1s co::i;sitted.**
    ..rt icle 239. !‘(;ne -arresta+ for 3 r;Ladewa.lor
    shall be taker, tmfore J mgistrste       of the county
    where the arrest takes place who shall take bzil and
    transmit imnedistely     the bsnd so tcken to the court
    having jurisdiction    ol’ the offense.”
    ,‘,rticle 236. *If the accused roils     or refuses
    to give bA1, us provided in the preceding           article,
    he shall be cornmftted to jsil     of the county where
    he was xrested;      end the magistr::te  cozczittlng     him
    3~111 f’orthwith notify     the sheriff  of the county ln
    which the offense     is alleged to have been ccxmittcd
    of the arrest and commitxent, which notice nay be
    given by telegraph,     by rail or by other written
    llrt icle 237. “The sheriff receiving   the notice
    s&l1 fsrthwich    go or send for the prisoner   and hive
    him Sroup,ht before the proper court or sag:strate,”
    article    238. “If the proper officer    of the county
    where the offexsc      is alleged to hzve been coxiited
    does not dexnd the prisoner rnd toke charge oT him
    within thirty     days fron the day he is cc.“1:3itted, suck
    grisoncr    sfxll  tie discharged from custody.”
    Articles   450, 451, 453,     454, 455,    456, 457,   45.5 2nd 459,
    rnon’s AMotated   Code of Criminnl     Procedure,    provide:
    nor ,ble   L. .i,Vd   s.lyke,   2 .EO 4
    Article 450. *In cases 0r crrest for felony
    . in the wunty  whore the prosecation   is pending, dur-
    ing a term of court,  the oFricer asking the arrest
    may take bail as provided in article    287.”
    irrticle 451. *In cases 0r arrest for relony
    less than aapital,   mede during vacation,   or msde in
    another county than the one in which the prosecution
    is pending, the sherirf   may take bail.    In euah cases,
    the amount of the bai 1 ehsll be the exee as is in-
    dorsed u.?on the capiae; and, if no amount be indorsed
    upon the cepias,   the sheriff  shall require a reascnible
    amount 0r bail.”
    rgrticle 453. Wn capics may be executed by any
    constable or other peace officer.     In felony cases,
    the defendant must be delivered   forthwith to the sher-
    iff of the county where the .arrest is made, together
    with the urit under which he was taken.”
    ,.rticle 454. “Any officer naklng an arrest un-
    der a capisa in a misdemeanor may in term time or
    vscction tzke bull of the defendant.”
    Article   455. ‘Yhere an crreet is made under
    a capiae in a capital    case, the sherlrr  shall conrine
    the defendant in jail,     and the capiae shall,  for thst
    purpose, be a sufficient     aommitment. This article    is
    applicable    when the arrest is made in the county where
    the prosecution    is pending.
    .,rticle 456. “In each capitsl    case where a defen-
    dant is arrested under a capiae in a county other than
    Chat in which the case is pending, the sherirr      who ar-
    rests, or to whom the defendant is delivered,      shall aon-
    vey hti forthvilth   to the county from which the capias
    issued and deliver    him to the sheriff   of such couCty.fl
    Article  457. “Cohen an arrest has been szde and a
    bail bond taken, such bond, together with the cupiss,
    shall be returned forthrwith to the proper court.”
    irticlc 155.   “If a Cefezdnnt be placed in jell
    out  of the county of the prosecution,     on R Cclony, he
    shall be dlschsrced  fro3  CU8tOtiy if Ilot 3pFliCd   for
    and token by the sheriff   uf the proper county b&ore
    the end of sixty days fron the d?y Of bls coxiticnt.
    Ii the chsrCe is 3 misdescenor,    30 s:!sll be disch3rCcd
    fro? custody 1f not nyrlicd    for and tekon by the sherlfr
    of the proper county bcforc    the end oi’ t?n days from tho
    dqy ot his coxmitmcnt.”
    !,rticle    459. Time preceding  article shall not ‘IP-
    ply   Ii   t!ic   defsdnnt  has been placed ir jail out CC *Jl?
    county     f-r    the wnnt of B ssfe jail  in the proper GountY.”
    Your sttcnti:n   is directed  to Ch3pt*:r 48 Title  5, Ver-
    non’s ¬ jtcd Code of Crimin31 Frocedurir,     r’ert?ining  tz bei1
    and rccoCnizance.     :re do not deer. it necrHeary to quote the
    articles  c.oht?.ined in this chnptcr.
    In vie:4 of the fore@@          statutory 9 ~rovlslons,
    provisions,      you
    arc respectiully     advised thst    We   Sheriri’s
    r-6   depa?tment
    depa-tment     hsa
    hsa  no
    authority to hold a person 0       ,&Eed   xlth
    .LUI  a  felony   or   G riede-
    aecinor 13 jnil for 7ny le* &h of thete for the purLlose or :nsking
    &her reasons
    easons whowhstsoevcr
    tsoevcr xithout
    .:i thou t Giving
    m isvestigstion       Or ‘??jtY to .m3%C
    a%~  bsil as
    bsil   as provided
    provided by  by the
    the accused an oFnor*” -
    foregoing   statutes.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6136

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017